#!/usr/bin/env python2.7 """ Forward messages sent to the configured email gateway to Zulip. For zulip.com, messages to that address go to the Inbox of emailgateway@zulip.com. Zulip voyager configurations will differ. Messages meant for Zulip have a special recipient form of +@streams.zulip.com This pattern is configurable via the EMAIL_GATEWAY_PATTERN settings.py variable. This script can be used via two mechanisms: 1) Run this in a cronjob every N minutes if you have configured Zulip to poll an external IMAP mailbox for messages. The script will then connect to your IMAP server and batch-process all messages. We extract and validate the target stream from information in the recipient address and retrieve, forward, and archive the message. 2) Alternatively, configure your MTA to execute this script on message receipt with the contents of the message piped to standard input. The script will queue the message for processing. In this mode of invocation, you should pass the destination email address in the ORIGINAL_RECIPIENT environment variable. In Postfix, you can express that via an /etc/aliases entry like this: |/usr/bin/env python2.7 /home/zulip/deployments/current/manage.py email-mirror """ from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import print_function import email import os from email.header import decode_header import logging import re import sys import posix from django.conf import settings from django.core.management.base import BaseCommand from zerver.lib.actions import decode_email_address from zerver.lib.notifications import convert_html_to_markdown from zerver.lib.upload import upload_message_image from zerver.lib.queue import queue_json_publish from zerver.models import Stream, get_user_profile_by_email, UserProfile from zerver.lib.email_mirror import logger, process_message, \ extract_and_validate, ZulipEmailForwardError, \ mark_missed_message_address_as_used, is_missed_message_address from twisted.internet import protocol, reactor, ssl from twisted.mail import imap4 sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "../../../api")) import zulip ## Setup ## log_format = "%(asctime)s: %(message)s" logging.basicConfig(format=log_format) formatter = logging.Formatter(log_format) file_handler = logging.FileHandler(settings.EMAIL_MIRROR_LOG_PATH) file_handler.setFormatter(formatter) logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) logger.addHandler(file_handler) ## IMAP callbacks ## def logout(result, proto): # Log out. return proto.logout() def delete(result, proto): # Close the connection, which also processes any flags that were # set on messages. return proto.close().addCallback(logout, proto) def fetch(result, proto, mailboxes): if not result: return proto.logout() # Make sure we forward the messages in time-order. message_uids = sorted(result.keys()) for uid in message_uids: message = email.message_from_string(result[uid]["RFC822"]) process_message(message) # Delete the processed messages from the Inbox. message_set = ",".join([result[key]["UID"] for key in message_uids]) d = proto.addFlags(message_set, ["\\Deleted"], uid=True, silent=False) d.addCallback(delete, proto) return d def examine_mailbox(result, proto, mailbox): # Fetch messages from a particular mailbox. return proto.fetchMessage("1:*", uid=True).addCallback(fetch, proto, mailbox) def select_mailbox(result, proto): # Select which mailbox we care about. mbox = filter(lambda x: settings.EMAIL_GATEWAY_IMAP_FOLDER in x[2], result)[0][2] return proto.select(mbox).addCallback(examine_mailbox, proto, result) def list_mailboxes(res, proto): # List all of the mailboxes for this account. return proto.list("", "*").addCallback(select_mailbox, proto) def connected(proto): d = proto.login(settings.EMAIL_GATEWAY_LOGIN, settings.EMAIL_GATEWAY_PASSWORD) d.addCallback(list_mailboxes, proto) d.addErrback(login_failed) return d def login_failed(failure): return failure def done(_): reactor.callLater(0, reactor.stop) def main(): imap_client = protocol.ClientCreator(reactor, imap4.IMAP4Client) d = imap_client.connectSSL(settings.EMAIL_GATEWAY_IMAP_SERVER, settings.EMAIL_GATEWAY_IMAP_PORT, ssl.ClientContextFactory()) d.addCallbacks(connected, login_failed) d.addBoth(done) class Command(BaseCommand): help = __doc__ def add_arguments(self, parser): parser.add_argument('recipient', metavar='', type=str, nargs='?', default=None, help="original recipient") def handle(self, *args, **options): rcpt_to = os.environ.get("ORIGINAL_RECIPIENT", options['recipient']) if rcpt_to is not None: if is_missed_message_address(rcpt_to): try: mark_missed_message_address_as_used(rcpt_to) except ZulipEmailForwardError: print("5.1.1 Bad destination mailbox address: Bad or expired missed message address.") exit(posix.EX_NOUSER) else: try: extract_and_validate(rcpt_to) except ZulipEmailForwardError: print("5.1.1 Bad destination mailbox address: Please use the address specified in your Streams page.") exit(posix.EX_NOUSER) # Read in the message, at most 25MiB. This is the limit enforced by # Gmail, which we use here as a decent metric. message = sys.stdin.read(25*1024*1024) if len(sys.stdin.read(1)) != 0: # We're not at EOF, reject large mail. print("5.3.4 Message too big for system: Max size is 25MiB") exit(posix.EX_DATAERR) queue_json_publish( "email_mirror", { "message": message, "rcpt_to": rcpt_to }, lambda x: None ) else: # We're probably running from cron, try to batch-process mail if (not settings.EMAIL_GATEWAY_BOT or not settings.EMAIL_GATEWAY_LOGIN or not settings.EMAIL_GATEWAY_PASSWORD or not settings.EMAIL_GATEWAY_IMAP_SERVER or not settings.EMAIL_GATEWAY_IMAP_PORT or not settings.EMAIL_GATEWAY_IMAP_FOLDER): print("Please configure the Email Mirror Gateway in your local_settings.py, or specify $ORIGINAL_RECIPIENT if piping a single mail.") exit(1) reactor.callLater(0, main) reactor.run()