var subs = (function () { var exports = {}; var stream_info = {}; // Maps lowercase stream name to stream properties object var removed_streams = {}; // We fetch the stream colors asynchronous while the message feed is // getting constructed, so we may need to go back and color streams // that have already been rendered. var initial_color_fetch = true; var default_color = "#c2c2c2"; var next_sub_id = 0; function render_subscribers() { return domain !== ''; } function case_insensitive_subscription_index(stream_name) { var i; var name = stream_name.toLowerCase(); for (i = 1; i < stream_list.length; i++) { if (name === stream_list[i].toLowerCase()) { return i; } } return -1; } function update_table_stream_color(table, stream_name, color) { $.each(table.find(".stream_label"), function () { if ($(this).text() === stream_name) { var parent_label = $(this).parent("td"); parent_label.css("background-color", color); parent_label.prev("td").css("background-color", color); } }); } function update_historical_message_color(stream_name, color) { update_table_stream_color($(".focused_table"), stream_name, color); if ($(".focused_table").attr("id") !== "#zhome") { update_table_stream_color($("#zhome"), stream_name, color); } } var colorpicker_options = { clickoutFiresChange: true, showPalette: true, palette: [ ['a47462', 'c2726a', 'e4523d', 'e7664d', 'ee7e4a', 'f4ae55'], ['76ce90', '53a063', '94c849', 'bfd56f', 'fae589', 'f5ce6e'], ['a6dcbf', 'addfe5', 'a6c7e5', '4f8de4', '95a5fd', 'b0a5fd'], ['c2c2c2', 'c8bebf', 'c6a8ad', 'e79ab5', 'bd86e5', '9987e1'] ], change: function (color) { // TODO: Kind of a hack. var sub_row = $(this).closest('.subscription_row'); var stream_name = sub_row.find('.subscription_name').text(); var hex_color = color.toHexString(); stream_info[stream_name.toLowerCase()].color = hex_color; sub_row.find('.color_swatch').css('background-color', hex_color); update_historical_message_color(stream_name, hex_color); $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: '/json/subscriptions/property', dataType: 'json', data: { "property": "stream_colors", "stream_name": stream_name, "color": hex_color }, timeout: 10*1000 }); } }; function get_button_for_stream(stream_name) { return $('#subscription_' + stream_info[stream_name.toLowerCase()].id).find('.unsubscribe_button'); } function add_to_stream_list(stream_name) { var stream_sub_row; var sub; if (exports.have(stream_name)) { return; } var lstream_name = stream_name.toLowerCase(); stream_list.push(stream_name); if (removed_streams[lstream_name] !== undefined) { sub = removed_streams[lstream_name]; delete removed_streams[lstream_name]; stream_info[lstream_name] = sub; stream_sub_row = get_button_for_stream(stream_name); stream_sub_row.text("Unsubscribe") .removeClass("btn-primary") .unbind("click") .removeAttr("onclick") .click(function (event) {exports.unsubscribe_button_click(event);}); } else { sub = {name: stream_name, id: next_sub_id++, color: default_color, render_subscribers: render_subscribers()}; stream_info[lstream_name] = sub; $('#subscriptions_table').prepend(templates.subscription({subscriptions: [sub]})); } } function remove_from_stream_list(stream_name) { var lstream_name = stream_name.toLowerCase(); removed_streams[lstream_name] = stream_info[lstream_name]; delete stream_info[lstream_name]; var removal_index = case_insensitive_subscription_index(stream_name); if (removal_index !== -1) { stream_list.splice(removal_index, 1); } } exports.get_color = function (stream_name) { var lstream_name = stream_name.toLowerCase(); if (stream_info[lstream_name] === undefined) { return default_color; } return stream_info[lstream_name].color; }; exports.fetch_colors = function () { $.ajax({ type: 'GET', url: '/json/subscriptions/property', dataType: 'json', data: {"property": "stream_colors"}, timeout: 10*1000, success: function (data) { if (data) { $.each(data.stream_colors, function (index, data) { var stream_name = data[0]; var color = data[1]; stream_info[stream_name.toLowerCase()].color = color; if (initial_color_fetch) { update_historical_message_color(stream_name, color); } }); initial_color_fetch = false; } } }); }; exports.setup_page = function () { // TODO: We really want to show a spinner while we're fetching // the subs $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: '/json/subscriptions/list', dataType: 'json', timeout: 10*1000, success: function (data) { $('#subscriptions_table tr').remove(); removed_streams = {}; if (data) { var subscriptions = []; $.each(data.subscriptions, function (index, data) { var stream_name = data[0]; var sub = {name: stream_name, id: next_sub_id++, color: data[1], render_subscribers: render_subscribers()}; stream_info[stream_name.toLowerCase()] = sub; subscriptions.push(sub); }); $('#subscriptions_table').append(templates.subscription({subscriptions: subscriptions})); } $('#streams').focus().select(); }, error: function (xhr) { ui.report_error("Error listing subscriptions", xhr, $("#subscriptions-status")); } }); }; exports.subscribe_for_send = function (stream, prompt_button) { $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: '/json/subscriptions/add', data: {"subscriptions": JSON.stringify([stream]) }, dataType: 'json', timeout: 10*60*1000, // 10 minutes in ms success: function (response) { add_to_stream_list(stream); compose.finish(); prompt_button.stop(true).fadeOut(500); }, error: function (xhr, error_type, exn) { ui.report_error("Unable to subscribe", xhr, $("#home-error")); } }); }; exports.have = function (stream_name) { return (stream_info[stream_name.toLowerCase()] !== undefined); }; function ajaxSubscribe(stream) { $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "/json/subscriptions/add", dataType: 'json', // This seems to be ignored. We still get back an xhr. data: {"subscriptions": JSON.stringify([stream]) }, success: function (resp, statusText, xhr, form) { if ($("#streams").val() === stream) { $("#streams").val(""); } var name, res = $.parseJSON(xhr.responseText); if (res.subscribed.length === 0) { name = res.already_subscribed[0]; ui.report_success("Already subscribed to " + name, $("#subscriptions-status")); } else { name = res.subscribed[0]; ui.report_success("Successfully added subscription to " + name, $("#subscriptions-status")); } add_to_stream_list(name); }, error: function (xhr) { ui.report_error("Error adding subscription", xhr, $("#subscriptions-status")); $("#streams").focus(); } }); } exports.unsubscribe_button_click = function (e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); var stream = $('.subscription_row').find('.subscription_name').text(); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "/json/subscriptions/remove", dataType: 'json', // This seems to be ignored. We still get back an xhr. data: {"subscriptions": JSON.stringify([stream]) }, success: function (resp, statusText, xhr, form) { var name, res = $.parseJSON(xhr.responseText); if (res.removed.length === 0) { name = res.not_subscribed[0]; ui.report_success("Already not subscribed to " + name, $("#subscriptions-status")); } else { name = res.removed[0]; ui.report_success("Successfully removed subscription to " + name, $("#subscriptions-status")); } get_button_for_stream(name).text("Subscribe") .addClass("btn-primary") .unbind("click") .removeAttr("onclick") .click(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); ajaxSubscribe(name); }); remove_from_stream_list(name); typeahead_helper.update_autocomplete(); }, error: function (xhr) { ui.report_error("Error removing subscription", xhr, $("#subscriptions-status")); $("#streams").focus(); } }); }; $(function () { var i; // Populate stream_info with data handed over to client-side template. for (i = 0; i < stream_list.length; i++) { stream_info[stream_list[i].toLowerCase()] = {color: default_color}; } $("#add_new_subscription").on("submit", function (e) { e.preventDefault(); ajaxSubscribe($("#streams").val()); }); if (! render_subscribers()) { return; } // From here down is only stuff that happens when we're rendering // the subscriber settings $("#subscriptions_table").on("submit", ".subscriber_list_add form", function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var sub_row = $('.subscription_row'); var stream = sub_row.find('.subscription_name').text(); var text_box = sub_row.find('input[name="principal"]'); var principal = $.trim(text_box.val()); // TODO: clean up this error handling var error_elem = sub_row.find('.subscriber_list_container .alert-error'); var warning_elem = sub_row.find('.subscriber_list_container .alert-warning'); var list = sub_row.find('.subscriber_list_container ul'); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "/json/subscriptions/add", dataType: 'json', data: {"subscriptions": JSON.stringify([stream]), "principal": principal}, success: function (data) { text_box.val(''); if (data.subscribed.length) { error_elem.addClass("hide"); warning_elem.addClass("hide"); list.prepend('