"use strict"; /* eslint-disable arrow-body-style */ /* This file makes use of functional comments in a way that makes the code confusing with the arrow-body-style lint rule applied. Zulip's OpenAPI-based API documentation system is documented at https://zulip.readthedocs.io/en/latest/documentation/api.html This file contains example code fenced off by comments, and is designed to be run as part of Zulip's test-api test suite to verify that the documented examples are all correct, runnable code. */ const ExamplesHandler = function () { const config = { username: process.env.ZULIP_USERNAME, apiKey: process.env.ZULIP_API_KEY, realm: process.env.ZULIP_REALM, }; const examples = {}; const response_data = []; const make_result_object = (example, result, count = false) => { const name = count !== false ? `${example.name}_${count}` : example.name; return { name, endpoint: example.endpoint.split(":")[0], method: example.endpoint.split(":")[1], status_code: example.status_code.toString(), result, }; }; const generate_validation_data = async (client, example) => { const result = await example.func(client); if (Array.isArray(result)) { // Handle special cases where some examples make // more than 1 API requests. result.forEach((r, index) => { response_data.push(make_result_object(example, r, index)); }); } else { response_data.push(make_result_object(example, result)); } }; const main = async () => { const Zulip = require("zulip-js"); const client = await Zulip(config); await generate_validation_data(client, examples.send_message); await generate_validation_data(client, examples.create_user); await generate_validation_data(client, examples.get_custom_emoji); await generate_validation_data(client, examples.delete_queue); await generate_validation_data(client, examples.get_messages); await generate_validation_data(client, examples.get_own_user); await generate_validation_data(client, examples.get_stream_id); await generate_validation_data(client, examples.get_stream_topics); await generate_validation_data(client, examples.get_subscriptions); await generate_validation_data(client, examples.get_users); await generate_validation_data(client, examples.register_queue); await generate_validation_data(client, examples.render_message); await generate_validation_data(client, examples.set_typing_status); await generate_validation_data(client, examples.add_subscriptions); await generate_validation_data(client, examples.remove_subscriptions); await generate_validation_data(client, examples.update_message_flags); await generate_validation_data(client, examples.update_message); await generate_validation_data(client, examples.get_events); await generate_validation_data(client, examples.get_streams); console.log(JSON.stringify(response_data)); return; }; const add_example = (name, endpoint, status_code, func) => { const example = { name, endpoint, status_code, func, }; examples[name] = example; }; return { main, add_example, }; }; const {main, add_example} = ExamplesHandler(); const send_test_message = async (client) => { const params = { to: "Verona", type: "stream", topic: "Castle", // Use some random text for easier debugging if needed. We don't // depend on the content of these messages for the tests. content: `Random test message ${Math.random()}`, }; const result = await client.messages.send(params); // Only return the message id. return result.id; }; // Declare all the examples below. add_example("send_message", "/messages:post", 200, async (client) => { // {code_example|start} // Send a stream message let params = { to: "social", type: "stream", topic: "Castle", content: "I come not, friends, to steal away your hearts.", }; const result_1 = await client.messages.send(params); // {code_example|end} // {code_example|start} // Send a private message const user_id = 9; params = { to: [user_id], type: "private", content: "With mirth and laughter let old wrinkles come.", }; const result_2 = await client.messages.send(params); // {code_example|end} return [result_1, result_2]; }); add_example("create_user", "/users:post", 200, async (client) => { // {code_example|start} const params = { email: "notnewbie@zulip.com", password: "temp", full_name: "New User", }; return await client.users.create(params); // {code_example|end} }); add_example("get_custom_emoji", "/realm/emoji:get", 200, async (client) => { // {code_example|start} return await client.emojis.retrieve(); // {code_example|end} }); add_example("delete_queue", "/events:delete", 200, async (client) => { // {code_example|start} // Register a queue const queueParams = { event_types: ["message"], }; const res = await client.queues.register(queueParams); // Delete a queue const deregisterParams = { queue_id: res.queue_id, }; return await client.queues.deregister(deregisterParams); // {code_example|end} }); add_example("get_messages", "/messages:get", 200, async (client) => { // {code_example|start} const readParams = { anchor: "newest", num_before: 100, num_after: 0, narrow: [ {operator: "sender", operand: "iago@zulip.com"}, {operator: "stream", operand: "Verona"}, ], }; // Get the 100 last messages sent by "iago@zulip.com" to the stream "Verona" return await client.messages.retrieve(readParams); // {code_example|end} }); add_example("get_own_user", "/users/me:get", 200, async (client) => { // {code_example|start} // Get the profile of the user/bot that requests this endpoint, // which is `client` in this case: return await client.users.me.getProfile(); // {code_example|end} }); add_example("get_stream_id", "/get_stream_id:get", 200, async (client) => { // {code_example|start} // Get the ID of a given stream return await client.streams.getStreamId("Denmark"); // {code_example|end} }); add_example("get_stream_topics", "/users/me/{stream_id}/topics:get", 200, async (client) => { // {code_example|start} // Get all the topics in stream with ID 1 return client.streams.topics.retrieve({stream_id: 1}); // {code_example|end} }); add_example("get_subscriptions", "/users/me/subscriptions:get", 200, async (client) => { // {code_example|start} // Get all streams that the user is subscribed to return await client.streams.subscriptions.retrieve(); // {code_example|end} }); add_example("get_users", "/users:get", 200, async (client) => { // {code_example|start} // Get all users in the realm const result_1 = await client.users.retrieve(); // {code_example|end} // {code_example|start} // You may pass the `client_gravatar` query parameter as follows: const result_2 = await client.users.retrieve({client_gravatar: true}); // {code_example|end} return [result_1, result_2]; }); add_example("register_queue", "/register:post", 200, async (client) => { // {code_example|start} // Register a queue const params = { event_types: ["message"], }; return await client.queues.register(params); // {code_example|end} }); add_example("render_message", "/messages/render:post", 200, async (client) => { // {code_example|start} // Render a message const params = { content: "**foo**", }; return await client.messages.render(params); // {code_example|end} }); add_example("set_typing_status", "/typing:post", 200, async (client) => { // {code_example|start} const user_id1 = 9; const user_id2 = 10; const typingParams = { op: "start", to: [user_id1, user_id2], }; // The user has started to type in the group PM with Iago and Polonius return await client.typing.send(typingParams); // {code_example|end} }); add_example("add_subscriptions", "/users/me/subscriptions:post", 200, async (client) => { // {code_example|start} // Subscribe to the streams "Verona" and "Denmark" const meParams = { subscriptions: JSON.stringify([{name: "Verona"}, {name: "Denmark"}]), }; const result_1 = await client.users.me.subscriptions.add(meParams); // {code_example|end} // {code_example|start} // To subscribe another user to a stream, you may pass in // the `principals` parameter, like so: const user_id = 7; const anotherUserParams = { subscriptions: JSON.stringify([{name: "Verona"}, {name: "Denmark"}]), principals: JSON.stringify([user_id]), }; const result_2 = await client.users.me.subscriptions.add(anotherUserParams); // {code_example|end} return [result_1, result_2]; }); add_example("remove_subscriptions", "/users/me/subscriptions:delete", 200, async (client) => { // {code_example|start} // Unsubscribe from the stream "Denmark" const meParams = { subscriptions: JSON.stringify(["Denmark"]), }; const result_1 = await client.users.me.subscriptions.remove(meParams); // {code_example|end} // {code_example|start} const user_id = 7; // Unsubscribe Zoe from the stream "Denmark" const zoeParams = { subscriptions: JSON.stringify(["Denmark"]), principals: JSON.stringify([user_id]), }; const result_2 = await client.users.me.subscriptions.remove(zoeParams); // {code_example|end} return [result_1, result_2]; }); add_example("update_message_flags", "/messages/flags:post", 200, async (client) => { // Send 3 messages to run this example on const message_ids = [...Array(3)]; for (let i = 0; i < message_ids.length; i = i + 1) { message_ids[i] = await send_test_message(client); } // {code_example|start} // Add the "read" flag to the messages with IDs in "message_ids" const addflag = { messages: message_ids, flag: "read", }; const result_1 = await client.messages.flags.add(addflag); // {code_example|end} // {code_example|start} // Remove the "starred" flag from the messages with IDs in "message_ids" const removeflag = { messages: message_ids, flag: "starred", }; const result_2 = await client.messages.flags.remove(removeflag); // {code_example|end} return [result_1, result_2]; }); add_example("update_message", "/messages/{message_id}:patch", 200, async (client) => { const request = { to: "Denmark", type: "stream", topic: "Castle", content: "I come not, friends, to steal away your hearts.", }; const result = await client.messages.send(request); const message_id = result.id; // {code_example|start} // Update a message with the given "message_id" const params = { message_id, content: "New Content", }; return await client.messages.update(params); // {code_example|end} }); add_example("get_events", "/events:get", 200, async (client) => { // Register queue to receive messages for user. const queueParams = { event_types: ["message"], }; const res = await client.queues.register(queueParams); const queue_id = res.queue_id; // For setup, we send a message to ensure there are events in the // queue; this lets the automated tests complete quickly. await send_test_message(client); // {code_example|start} // Retrieve events from a queue with given "queue_id" const eventParams = { queue_id, last_event_id: -1, }; return await client.events.retrieve(eventParams); // {code_example|end} }); add_example("get_streams", "/streams:get", 200, async (client) => { // {code_example|start} // Get all streams that the user has access to return await client.streams.retrieve(); // {code_example|end} }); main();