#!/usr/bin/env python3 import argparse import asyncio import errno import logging import os import pwd import signal import subprocess import sys from collections.abc import Awaitable, Callable TOOLS_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(TOOLS_DIR)) # check for the venv from tools.lib import sanity_check sanity_check.check_venv(__file__) import aiohttp from aiohttp import hdrs, web from aiohttp.http_exceptions import BadStatusLine from tools.lib.test_script import add_provision_check_override_param, assert_provisioning_status_ok from zerver.lib.partial import partial if "posix" in os.name and os.geteuid() == 0: raise RuntimeError("run-dev should not be run as root.") DESCRIPTION = """ Starts the app listening on localhost, for local development. This script launches the Django and Tornado servers, then runs a reverse proxy which serves to both of them. After it's all up and running, browse to http://localhost:9991/ Note that, while runserver and runtornado have the usual auto-restarting behavior, the reverse proxy itself does *not* automatically restart on changes to this file. """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=DESCRIPTION, formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter ) parser.add_argument("--test", action="store_true", help="Use the testing database and ports") parser.add_argument("--minify", action="store_true", help="Minifies assets for testing in dev") parser.add_argument("--interface", help="Set the IP or hostname for the proxy to listen on") parser.add_argument( "--no-clear-memcached", action="store_false", dest="clear_memcached", help="Do not clear memcached on startup", ) parser.add_argument("--streamlined", action="store_true", help="Avoid process_queue, etc.") parser.add_argument( "--behind-https-proxy", action="store_true", help="Start app server in HTTPS mode, using reverse proxy", ) parser.add_argument( "--help-center", action="store_true", help="Build and host help center with search" ) parser.add_argument( "--help-center-dev-server", action="store_true", help="Run dev server for help center. Hot reload will work for this mode, but search will not work in the generated website.", ) add_provision_check_override_param(parser) options = parser.parse_args() help_center_dev_server_enabled = options.help_center_dev_server and not options.help_center assert_provisioning_status_ok(options.skip_provision_check) if options.interface is None: user_id = os.getuid() user_name = pwd.getpwuid(user_id).pw_name if user_name in ["vagrant", "zulipdev"]: # In the Vagrant development environment, we need to listen on # all ports, and it's safe to do so, because Vagrant is only # exposing certain guest ports (by default just 9991) to the # host. The same argument applies to the remote development # servers using username "zulipdev". options.interface = None else: # Otherwise, only listen to requests on localhost for security. options.interface = "" elif options.interface == "": options.interface = None runserver_args: list[str] = [] base_port = 9991 if options.test: base_port = 9981 settings_module = "zproject.test_settings" # Don't auto-reload when running Puppeteer tests runserver_args = ["--noreload"] runtornado_command = ["./manage.py", "runtornado"] else: settings_module = "zproject.settings" runtornado_command = [ "-m", "tornado.autoreload", "--until-success", "./manage.py", "runtornado", "--autoreload", "--immediate-reloads", ] manage_args = [f"--settings={settings_module}"] os.environ["DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE"] = settings_module if options.behind_https_proxy: os.environ["BEHIND_HTTPS_PROXY"] = "1" from scripts.lib.zulip_tools import CYAN, ENDC proxy_port = base_port django_port = base_port + 1 tornado_port = base_port + 2 webpack_port = base_port + 3 help_center_port = base_port + 4 os.chdir(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..")) if options.clear_memcached: subprocess.check_call("./scripts/setup/flush-memcached") # Set up a new process group, so that we can later kill run{server,tornado} # and all of the processes they spawn. os.setpgrp() # Save pid of parent process to the pid file. It can be used later by # tools/stop-run-dev to kill the server without having to find the # terminal in question. if options.test: pid_file_path = os.path.join(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "var/puppeteer/run_dev.pid")) else: pid_file_path = os.path.join(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "var/run/run_dev.pid")) # Required for compatibility python versions. if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(pid_file_path)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(pid_file_path)) with open(pid_file_path, "w+") as f: f.write(str(os.getpgrp()) + "\n") def server_processes() -> list[list[str]]: main_cmds = [ [ "./manage.py", "rundjangoserver", *manage_args, *runserver_args, f"{django_port}", ], [ "env", "PYTHONUNBUFFERED=1", "python3", *runtornado_command, *manage_args, f"{tornado_port}", ], ] if options.streamlined: # The streamlined operation allows us to do many # things, but search/etc. features won't work. return main_cmds other_cmds = [ ["./manage.py", "process_queue", "--all", *manage_args], [ "env", "PGHOST=", # Force password authentication using .pgpass "./puppet/zulip/files/postgresql/process_fts_updates", "--quiet", ], ["./manage.py", "deliver_scheduled_messages"], ] # NORMAL (but slower) operation: return main_cmds + other_cmds def do_one_time_webpack_compile() -> None: # We just need to compile webpack assets once at startup, not run a daemon, # in test mode. Additionally, webpack-dev-server doesn't support running 2 # copies on the same system, so this model lets us run the Puppeteer tests # with a running development server. subprocess.check_call(["./tools/webpack", "--quiet", "--test"]) def start_webpack_watcher() -> "subprocess.Popen[bytes]": webpack_cmd = ["./tools/webpack", "--watch", f"--port={webpack_port}"] if options.minify: webpack_cmd.append("--minify") if options.interface is None: # If interface is None and we're listening on all ports, we also need # to disable the webpack host check so that webpack will serve assets. webpack_cmd.append("--disable-host-check") if options.interface: webpack_cmd.append(f"--host={options.interface}") else: webpack_cmd.append("--host=") return subprocess.Popen(webpack_cmd) session: aiohttp.ClientSession # https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc2616#section-13.5.1 HOP_BY_HOP_HEADERS = { hdrs.CONNECTION, hdrs.KEEP_ALIVE, hdrs.PROXY_AUTHENTICATE, hdrs.PROXY_AUTHORIZATION, hdrs.TE, hdrs.TRAILER, hdrs.TRANSFER_ENCODING, hdrs.UPGRADE, } # Headers that aiohttp would otherwise generate by default SKIP_AUTO_HEADERS = { hdrs.ACCEPT, hdrs.ACCEPT_ENCODING, hdrs.CONTENT_TYPE, hdrs.USER_AGENT, } async def forward(upstream_port: int, request: web.Request) -> web.StreamResponse: try: upstream_response = await session.request( request.method, request.url.with_host("").with_port(upstream_port), headers=[ (key, value) for key, value in request.headers.items() if key not in HOP_BY_HOP_HEADERS ], data=request.content.iter_any() if request.body_exists else None, allow_redirects=False, auto_decompress=False, skip_auto_headers=SKIP_AUTO_HEADERS, ) except aiohttp.ClientError as error: logging.error( "Failed to forward %s %s to port %d: %s", request.method, request.url.path, upstream_port, error, ) raise web.HTTPBadGateway from error response = web.StreamResponse(status=upstream_response.status, reason=upstream_response.reason) response.headers.extend( (key, value) for key, value in upstream_response.headers.items() if key not in HOP_BY_HOP_HEADERS ) assert request.remote is not None response.headers["X-Real-IP"] = request.remote response.headers["X-Forwarded-Port"] = str(proxy_port) await response.prepare(request) async for data in upstream_response.content.iter_any(): await response.write(data) await response.write_eof() return response def run_help_center_dev_server() -> "subprocess.Popen[bytes]": return subprocess.Popen( ["/usr/local/bin/corepack", "pnpm", "dev", f"--port={help_center_port}", "--host"], cwd="help-beta", ) @web.middleware async def help_center_middleware( request: web.Request, handler: Callable[[web.Request], Awaitable[web.StreamResponse]] ) -> web.StreamResponse: if request.path.startswith("/help-beta"): try: filename = request.match_info["filename"] name, ext = os.path.splitext(filename) if not ext: filename = os.path.join(filename, "index.html") request.match_info["filename"] = filename except KeyError: pass return await handler(request) middlewares = [] if options.help_center: middlewares.append(help_center_middleware) app = web.Application(middlewares=middlewares) def setup_routes( enable_help_center: bool = False, enable_help_center_dev_server: bool = False ) -> None: if enable_help_center: # Order of adding the rules matters. aiohttp will stop at the first # match, and we want `/help-beta` to be matched before Django URIs. try: app.router.add_static("/help-beta", "help-beta/dist") except ValueError: print("""Please run the build step for the help center before enabling it. The instructions for the build step can be found in the `./devtools` page. `/help-beta` urls will give you an error until you complete the build step and rerun `run-dev`.""") elif enable_help_center_dev_server: app.add_routes( [ web.route( hdrs.METH_ANY, r"/{path:(help-beta).*}", partial(forward, help_center_port) ), ] ) app.add_routes( [ web.route( hdrs.METH_ANY, r"/{path:json/events|api/v1/events}", partial(forward, tornado_port) ), web.route(hdrs.METH_ANY, r"/{path:webpack/.*}", partial(forward, webpack_port)), web.route(hdrs.METH_ANY, r"/{path:.*}", partial(forward, django_port)), ] ) def print_listeners() -> None: # Since we can't import settings from here, we duplicate some # EXTERNAL_HOST logic from dev_settings.py. IS_DEV_DROPLET = pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid()).pw_name == "zulipdev" if IS_DEV_DROPLET: # Technically, the `zulip.` is a subdomain of the server, so # this is kinda misleading, but 99% of development is done on # the default/zulip subdomain. default_hostname = "zulip." + os.uname()[1].lower() else: default_hostname = "localhost" external_host = os.getenv("EXTERNAL_HOST", f"{default_hostname}:{proxy_port}") http_protocol = "https" if options.behind_https_proxy else "http" print( f"\nStarting Zulip on:\n\n\t{CYAN}{http_protocol}://{external_host}/{ENDC}\n\nInternal ports:" ) ports = [ (proxy_port, "Development server proxy (connect here)"), (django_port, "Django"), (tornado_port, "Tornado"), ] if not options.test: ports.append((webpack_port, "webpack")) if help_center_dev_server_enabled: ports.append((help_center_port, "Help center - Astro dev server")) for port, label in ports: print(f" {port}: {label}") print() def https_log_filter(record: logging.LogRecord) -> bool: # aiohttp emits an exception with a traceback when receiving an # https request (https://github.com/aio-libs/aiohttp/issues/8065). # Abbreviate it to a one-line message. if ( record.exc_info is not None and isinstance(error := record.exc_info[1], BadStatusLine) and error.message.startswith( ( "Invalid method encountered:\n\n b'\\x16", 'Invalid method encountered:\n\n b"\\x16', ) ) ): record.msg = "Rejected https request (this development server only supports http)" record.exc_info = None return True logging.getLogger("aiohttp.server").addFilter(https_log_filter) runner: web.AppRunner children: list["subprocess.Popen[bytes]"] = [] async def serve() -> None: global runner, session if options.test: do_one_time_webpack_compile() else: children.append(start_webpack_watcher()) if help_center_dev_server_enabled: children.append(run_help_center_dev_server()) setup_routes(options.help_center, options.help_center_dev_server) children.extend(subprocess.Popen(cmd) for cmd in server_processes()) session = aiohttp.ClientSession() runner = web.AppRunner(app, auto_decompress=False, handler_cancellation=True) await runner.setup() site = web.TCPSite(runner, host=options.interface, port=proxy_port) try: await site.start() except OSError as e: if e.errno == errno.EADDRINUSE: print("\n\nERROR: You probably have another server running!!!\n\n") raise print_listeners() loop = asyncio.new_event_loop() try: loop.run_until_complete(serve()) for s in (signal.SIGINT, signal.SIGTERM): loop.add_signal_handler(s, loop.stop) loop.run_forever() finally: loop.run_until_complete(runner.cleanup()) loop.run_until_complete(session.close()) for child in children: child.terminate() print("Waiting for children to stop...") for child in children: child.wait() # Remove pid file when development server closed correctly. os.remove(pid_file_path)