/* WARNING: This file is only included when Django's DEBUG = True and your host is in INTERNAL_IPS. Do not commit any code elsewhere which uses these functions. They are for debugging use only. The file may still be accessible under other circumstances, so do not put sensitive information here. */ /* print_elapsed_time("foo", foo) evaluates to foo() and prints the elapsed time to the console along with the name "foo". */ function print_elapsed_time(name, fun) { var t0 = new Date().getTime(); var out = fun(); var t1 = new Date().getTime(); console.log(name + ': ' + (t1 - t0) + ' ms'); return out; } /* An IterationProfiler is used for profiling parts of looping * constructs (like a for loop or _.each). You mark sections of the * iteration body and the IterationProfiler will sum the costs of those * sections over all iterations. * * Example: * * var ip = new IterationProfiler(); * _.each(myarray, function (elem) { * ip.iteration_start(); * * cheap_op(elem); * ip.section("a"); * expensive_op(elem); * ip.section("b"); * another_expensive_op(elem); * * ip.iteration_stop(); * }); * ip.done(); * * The console output will look something like: * _iteration_overhead 0.8950002520577982 * _rest_of_iteration 153.415000159293413 * a 2.361999897402711 * b 132.625999901327305 * * The _rest_of_iteration section is the region of the iteration body * after section b. */ function IterationProfiler() { this.sections = {}; this.last_time = window.performance.now(); } IterationProfiler.prototype = { iteration_start: function () { this.section('_iteration_overhead'); }, iteration_stop: function () { var now = window.performance.now(); var diff = now - this.last_time; if (diff > 1) { if (this.sections._rest_of_iteration === undefined) { this.sections._rest_of_iteration = 0; } this.sections._rest_of_iteration += diff; } this.last_time = now; }, section: function (label) { var now = window.performance.now(); if (this.sections[label] === undefined) { this.sections[label] = 0; } this.sections[label] += (now - this.last_time); this.last_time = now; }, done: function () { this.section('_iteration_overhead'); var prop; for (prop in this.sections) { if (this.sections.hasOwnProperty(prop)) { console.log(prop, this.sections[prop]); } } } };