var unread_ui = (function () { var exports = {}; var last_private_message_count = 0; var last_mention_count = 0; function do_new_messages_animation(li) { li.addClass("new_messages"); function mid_animation() { li.removeClass("new_messages"); li.addClass("new_messages_fadeout"); } function end_animation() { li.removeClass("new_messages_fadeout"); } setTimeout(mid_animation, 3000); setTimeout(end_animation, 6000); } exports.animate_private_message_changes = function (li, new_private_message_count) { if (new_private_message_count > last_private_message_count) { do_new_messages_animation(li); } last_private_message_count = new_private_message_count; }; exports.animate_mention_changes = function (li, new_mention_count) { if (new_mention_count > last_mention_count) { do_new_messages_animation(li); } last_mention_count = new_mention_count; }; exports.set_count_toggle_button = function (elem, count) { if (count === 0) { if (':animated')) { return elem.stop(true, true).hide(); } return elem.hide(500); } else if ((count > 0) && (count < 1000)) {; return elem.text(count); }; return elem.text("1k+"); }; exports.update_unread_counts = function () { if (unread.suppress_unread_counts) { return; } // Pure computation: var res = unread.get_counts(); // Side effects from here down: // This updates some DOM elements directly, so try to // avoid excessive calls to this. activity.update_dom_with_unread_counts(res); top_left_corner.update_dom_with_unread_counts(res); stream_list.update_dom_with_unread_counts(res); pm_list.update_dom_with_unread_counts(res); notifications.update_title_count(res.home_unread_messages); notifications.update_pm_count(res.private_message_count); exports.set_count_toggle_button($("#streamlist-toggle-unreadcount"), res.home_unread_messages); }; exports.enable = function enable() { unread.suppress_unread_counts = false; exports.update_unread_counts(); }; function consider_bankruptcy() { // Until we've handled possibly declaring bankruptcy, don't show // unread counts since they only consider messages that are loaded // client side and may be different from the numbers reported by // the server. if (!page_params.furthest_read_time) { // We've never read a message. exports.enable(); return; } var now = new XDate(true).getTime() / 1000; if ((page_params.unread_msgs.count > 500) && (now - page_params.furthest_read_time > 60 * 60 * 24 * 2)) { // 2 days. var rendered_modal = templates.render('bankruptcy_modal', { unread_count: page_params.unread_msgs.count}); $('#bankruptcy-unread-count').html(rendered_modal); $('#bankruptcy').modal('show'); } else { exports.enable(); } } function _initialize() { // No matter how the bankruptcy modal is closed, show unread counts after. $("#bankruptcy").on("hide", function () { unread_ui.enable(); }); $('#yes-bankrupt').click(function () { pointer.fast_forward_pointer(); $("#yes-bankrupt").hide(); $("#no-bankrupt").hide(); $(this).after($("
").addClass("alert alert-info settings_committed") .text(i18n.t("Bringing you to your latest messages…"))); }); consider_bankruptcy(); } exports.initialize = function () { i18n.ensure_i18n(_initialize); }; return exports; }()); if (typeof module !== 'undefined') { module.exports = unread_ui; }