Receive notifications in Zulip whenever a new version of an app is pushed to Heroku using the Zulip Heroku plugin! {!!} {!!} Then, log into your account on [Heroku](, and 1. Visit the page for the project for which you'd like to generate Zulip notifications. Click the **Resources** tab, and add the **Deploy Hooks** addon. Choose the **HTTP Post Hook** plan, and click **Provision**. ![](/static/images/integrations/heroku/001.png) 2. Click on the **Deploy Hooks** add-on that you just added. You should be redirected to a page that looks like this: ![](/static/images/integrations/heroku/002.png) 3. Enter the webhook URL created earlier, replacing the bot API key and Zulip stream with the appropriate information. {!!} ![](/static/images/integrations/heroku/003.png) When you deploy to Heroku, the team can see these updates in real time in Zulip.