Following points have been implemented in this commit:
1.) Add search pill on selecting typeahead.
2.) Re-narrow after removing a search pill.
3.) Add quiet optional parameter to removeLastPill.
4.) Pre populate search pills in narrow.activate.
5.) Clear existing search pills on narrow.deactivate.
Description of above points:
1.) I tried out using the description from suggestions.lookup_table
to append a pill using appendValidatedData so that the description
had not to be calculated again. But the description in the suggestions
lookup contains html due to highlighting. This html is escaped when
inputed in a pill. An attempt was also made to remove the higlighting
by replacing the tags. But other espaced characters like < also
popped up, so it was better to use append_search_string.
3.) If one wants to refresh the pill using pill.clear and wants to
repopulate them, evaluating the event_handler associated with the
action of removing the pill may not be desired.
4.) Pill population code is added to narrow.activate. Pills are not
populated if the narrow was triggered by search as search handles the
addition and removal of pill by itself. The reason for not handling
search too in narrow.activate is to avoid clearing the pills and
repopulating them. Example of some of the triggers for narrow.activate
include `restore draft`, `topic change`,`sidebar`.
Also modifies tests for search.js
Also adds the file to the static asset pipeline.
search_pill_widget.js will be used to access the pills object for
the search query box. It will act in a similar way to
compose_pm_pill.js. Why is this needed: Consider you've initiated
a pills object in search.js for the search query box. Now you want to
also access that pills object to pre-populate pills after a reload in
hashchange.js. search_pill_widget.js makes this easy without the use
of events.