This prevents a deadlock between the thumbnailing worker and message
sending, as follows:
1. A user uploads an image, making Attachment and ImageAttachment
rows, as well as enqueuing a job in the thumbnailing queue.
2. Message sending starts a transaction, creates the Message row,
and calls `do_claim_attachments`, which edits the Attachment row
of the upload (implicitly locking it).
3. The thumbnailing worker starts a transaction, locks the
ImageAttachment row for its image, thumbnails it, and then
attempts to `select_for_update()` the message objects (joined to
the Attachments table) to find the ones which link to the
attachment in question. This query blocks, since "a locking
clause without a table list affects all tables used in the
statement"[^1] and the message-send request already has a write
lock on the Attachments row in question.
4. The message-send request attempts to re-fetch the ImageAttachment
row inside the transaction, which tries to pull a lock on it.
5. Deadlock, because the message-send request has the Attachment
lock, and waits for the ImageAttachment lock; the thumbnailing
worker has the ImageAttachment lock, and waits for the Attachment
We break this deadlock by limiting the
`update_message_rendered_content` `select_for_update` to only take
the lock on the Message table, and not also the Attachments table --
no changes will be made to the Attachments, so no lock is necessary
there. This allows the thumbnailing worker to successfully pull the
empty list of messages (since the message-send request has not
commits its transaction, and thus the Message row is not visible
yet), and release its ImageAttachment lock so that the message-send
request can proceed.
Messages are rendered outside of a transaction, for performance
reasons, and then sent inside of one. This opens thumbnailing up to a
race where the thumbnails have not yet been written when the message
is rendered, but the message has not been sent when thumbnailing
completes, causing `rewrite_thumbnailed_images` to be a no-op and the
message being left with a spinner which never resolves.
Explicitly lock and use he ImageAttachment data inside the
message-sending transaction, to rewrite the message content with the
latest information about the existing thumbnails.
Despite the thumbnailing worker taking a lock on Message rows to
update them, this does not lead to deadlocks -- the INSERT of the
Message rows happens in a transaction, ensuring that either the
message rending blocks the thumbnailing until the Message row is
created, or that the `rewrite_thumbnailed_images` and Message INSERT
waits until thumbnailing is complete (and updated no Message rows).
This allows clients to potentially lay out the thumbnails more
intelligently, or to provide a better "progressive-load" experience
when enlarging the thumbnail.
A new table is created to track which path_id attachments are images,
and for those their metadata, and which thumbnails have been created.
Using path_id as the effective primary key lets us ignore if the
attachment is archived or not, saving some foreign key messes.
A new worker is added to observe events when rows are added to this
table, and to generate and store thumbnails for those images in
differing sizes and formats.