All the steps are same from circleci except two steps:
1. The 'Add permissions ...' step is Actions specific as explained
in comments.
2. The step that used upload-artifacts is Actions verison of
Finally, I should note the duplication in this and zulip-ci
workflow. There are three reason this is not a problem:
1. It will be messy to mush this into zulip-ci workflow only for
benefit of un-duplicating the env and cache restore steps.
2. We needs this on its own workflow if we want to only run it
when production related dependencies are updated.
3. I don't see us updating the duplicated steps between both
workflow. Circle CI config is prefect example for this; nothing
is changed except for adding or updating steps which are not
This change makes it so if focal backend job fails the bionic
backend and frontend jobs keeps running. Previously, it failed both
of the jobs if one failed. This is expected since typically matrix
is used to run sames tests on multiple versions and such but our use
case is bit more than that.
Since we already run this on every push we don't need to run it as a
cron job every week for no reason. While we are touching this code
block, we convert it to on: [push, pull_request] since the previous
format felt weird. It was only written that way because we had the
cron job declared there.
This is a fine solution short-term until github implements the
yaml anchors support. The limitation of this method is that we
cannot re-use most of the steps again for production install test
Thanks, Anders for this solution.
Verifying everything is migrated correctly is a pain. This script
ensures everything is done correctly (previous commit message
contains explainations for the steps being ignored if; in case
of github-actions steps they are ignored because they are actions
This script prints out the ignore steps first. Then
prints out each step of both circle and actions side-by-side.
One step is out of order for bionic but verfying correction is
still easier. Format:
Actions: Install dependencies
Circle CI: install dependencies
import yaml
with open('.circleci/config.yml') as f:
circleci_config = yaml.safe_load(f)
with open('.github/workflows/zulip-ci.yml') as f:
actions_config = yaml.safe_load(f)
circle_bionic_steps = []
circle_focal_steps = []
actions_bionic_steps = []
actions_focal_steps = []
We ignore casper artifact upload, save_cache, and
store_tests_reports steps.
def get_circleci_steps(job, arr):
for step in circleci_config['jobs'][job]['steps']:
if isinstance(step, str):
step_name = step.get('run', {}).get('name', False)
if not step_name:
if step.get('restore_cache'):
key = step['restore_cache']['keys'][0].split('.')[0]
step_name = f'<restore-cache> {key}'
elif step.get('store_artifacts', False):
destination = step['store_artifacts']['destination']
step_name = f'<store-artificats> {destination}'
if destination == 'casper':
\# This is no longer needed
print('Ignoring step:')
We don't care about save_cache; github-actions
does this automatically, and store_tests_reports
is circelci timing specific.
print('Ignoring step:')
if step_name != 'On fail':
get_circleci_steps('bionic-backend-frontend', circle_bionic_steps)
get_circleci_steps('focal-backend', circle_focal_steps)
""" We ignore there steps specific to github-actions"""
for step in actions_config['jobs']['focal_bionic']['steps']:
if_check = step.get('if', BOTH_OS)
step_name = step.get('name')
if step_name is None:
step_name = step['uses']
if (
step_name == 'Upgrade git for bionic' or
step_name == 'Add required permissions' or
step_name == 'Move test reports to var'
print('Ignoring step:')
"""These are github-actions specific; see comments"""
if if_check == BOTH_OS:
elif 'is_bionic' in if_check:
bionic = zip(circle_bionic_steps, actions_bionic_steps)
focal = zip(circle_focal_steps, actions_focal_steps)
print('Bionic steps:')
for (circle_step, actions_step) in bionic:
print(f'CircleCI: {circle_step}')
print(f'Actions: {actions_step}')
print('Focal steps:')
for (circle_step, actions_step) in focal:
print(f'CircleCI: {circle_step}')
print(f'Actions: {actions_step}')
Some noteable diffrence from circleci:
- We upgrade git to newer version (reason explained in comments)
- We set HOME to /home/github (also explained in comments)
- Adjust permissions (... comments)
- Minor changes to step names and cache keys.
- We don't need to port the save_cache steps they are done
automatically in actions. And, we did not port the
store_test_results step which is circleci specific.
- We didn't port the notify_failure step yet (see the TODO).
This file was generated by GitHub's code analysis tutorial; we were
just approved from their waitlist.
I deleted the part to run compilers as it is not relevant for us.