Rhea Parekh
slack importer: Get user data from a get request to slack users api.
The fresh imported data shows that the users emails are not included
in the data. However, the data received from the older method of slack
(which is using legacy tokens) contains the email data of the users.
2018-02-09 12:17:10 -08:00
Rhea Parekh
slack importer: Suppress logger output from the unit tests.
2018-02-08 16:21:35 -08:00
Rhea Parekh
slack importer: Import primary owner user first.
According to https://get.slack.help/hc/en-us/articles/201912948-Owners-and-Administrators ,
only one Primary owner of a slack organsation exists. This allocates the first id
to the Primary owner and hence makes sure that the primary owner is imported first.
Added tests for the same.
2018-02-06 14:48:30 -08:00
Rhea Parekh
slack importer: Change organization admin mappings.
Map 'Primary owner', 'owner' and 'admin' to 'organization admin'.
Added tests for the same.
2018-02-06 14:48:30 -08:00
Rhea Parekh
slack importer: Always map 'is_staff' to false in user data.
"staff" is only for server administrators, which doesn't exist in Slack.
Hence, this should always be false.
2018-02-06 14:48:29 -08:00
Rhea Parekh
slack importer: Add unit tests.
2018-02-05 14:46:39 -08:00