We are phasing out the following in tests:
add_dependencies - this is just kind of a clunky UI
require - normal JS requires cause test leaks
In order to plug require leaks, we are effectively doing what
we always have done inside of add_dependencies, which is to
keep track of which modules we have done `require` on, and
these get cleared between tests.
Now we just use `zrequire` every time we want to pull in real
code to our global namespace.
This commit adds rules for GCI, turns on rules that do not error
on our codebase, and changes frontend_tests/.eslintrc.json's no-sync
rule to off (as per AirBnB's style guide).
Rules for GCI:
no-restricted-syntax, no-nested-ternary, spaced-comment,
space-infix-ops, newline-per-chained-call, padded-blocks,
no-whitespace-before-property, space-in-parens
Rules that do not error:
no-useless-constructor, no-dupe-class-members, no-duplicate-imports,
no-iterator, no-undef, dot-notation, no-case-declarations, no-unneeded-ternary,
Finally, eqeqeq is changed from 2 to ['error', 'allow-null'], going
from jslint defaults to airbnb's recommendation (there were no errors)