mirror of https://github.com/zulip/zulip.git
api: Add new typed_endpoint decorators.
The goal of typed_endpoint is to replicate most features supported by has_request_variables, and to improve on top of it. There are some unresolved issues that we don't plan to work on currently. For example, typed_endpoint does not support ignored_parameters_supported for 400 responses, and it does not run validators on path-only arguments. Unlike has_request_variables, typed_endpoint supports error handling by processing validation errors from Pydantic. Most features supported by has_request_variables are supported by typed_endpoint in various ways. To define a function, use a syntax like this with Annotated if there is any metadata you want to associate with a parameter, do note that parameters that are not keyword-only are ignored from the request: ``` @typed_endpoint def view( request: HttpRequest, user_profile: UserProfile, *, foo: Annotated[int, ApiParamConfig(path_only=True)], bar: Json[int], other: Annotated[ Json[int], ApiParamConfig( whence="lorem", documentation_status=NTENTIONALLY_UNDOCUMENTED ) ] = 10, ) -> HttpResponse: .... ``` There are also some shorthands for the commonly used annotated types, which are encouraged when applicable for better readability and less typing: ``` WebhookPayload = Annotated[Json[T], ApiParamConfig(argument_type_is_body=True)] PathOnly = Annotated[T, ApiParamConfig(path_only=True)] ``` Then the view function above can be rewritten as: ``` @typed_endpoint def view( request: HttpRequest, user_profile: UserProfile, *, foo: PathOnly[int], bar: Json[int], other: Annotated[ Json[int], ApiParamConfig( whence="lorem", documentation_status=INTENTIONALLY_UNDOCUMENTED ) ] = 10, ) -> HttpResponse: .... ``` There are some intentional restrictions: - A single parameter cannot have more than one ApiParamConfig - Path-only parameters cannot have default values - argument_type_is_body is incompatible with whence - Arguments of name "request", "user_profile", "args", and "kwargs" and etc. are ignored by typed_endpoint. - positional-only arguments are not supported by typed_endpoint. Only keyword-only parameters are expected to be parsed from the request. - Pydantic's strict mode is always enabled, because we don't want to coerce input parsed from JSON into other types unnecessarily. - Using strict mode all the time also means that we should always use Json[int] instead of int, because it is only possible for the request to have data of type str, and a type annotation of int will always reject such data. typed_endpoint's handling of ignored_parameters_unsupported is mostly identical to that of has_request_variables.
This commit is contained in:
@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ FILES_WITH_LEGACY_SUBJECT = {
@ -169,3 +169,20 @@ rules:
message: 'A batched migration should not be atomic. Add "atomic = False" to the Migration class'
languages: [python]
severity: ERROR
- id: typed_endpoint_without_keyword_only_param
- pattern: |
def $F(...)-> ...:
- pattern-not-inside: |
def $F(..., *, ...)-> ...:
message: |
@typed_endpoint should not be used without keyword-only parameters.
Make parameters to be parsed from the request as keyword-only,
or use @typed_endpoint_without_parameters instead.
languages: [python]
severity: ERROR
@ -527,3 +527,9 @@ class ReactionDoesNotExistError(JsonableError):
def msg_format() -> str:
return _("Reaction doesn't exist.")
class ApiParamValidationError(JsonableError):
def __init__(self, msg: str, error_type: str) -> None:
self.error_type = error_type
@ -0,0 +1,511 @@
import inspect
import json
from dataclasses import dataclass
from enum import Enum, auto
from functools import wraps
from typing import Callable, Generic, List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Type, TypeVar, Union
from django.http import HttpRequest
from django.utils.translation import gettext as _
from pydantic import Json, StringConstraints, TypeAdapter, ValidationError
from typing_extensions import (
from zerver.lib.exceptions import ApiParamValidationError, JsonableError
from zerver.lib.request import (
from zerver.lib.response import MutableJsonResponse
T = TypeVar("T")
ParamT = ParamSpec("ParamT")
ReturnT = TypeVar("ReturnT")
class DocumentationStatus(Enum):
class ApiParamConfig:
"""The metadata associated with a view function parameter as an annotation
to configure how the typed_endpoint decorator should process it.
It should be used with Annotated as the type annotation of a parameter
in a @typed_endpoint-decorated function:
def view(
request: HttpRequest,
flag_value: Annotated[Json[bool], ApiParamConfig(
) -> HttpResponse:
For a parameter that is not annotated with ApiParamConfig, typed_endpoint
will construct a configuration using the defaults.
The name of the request variable that should be used for this parameter.
If None, it is set to the name of the function parameter.
Used for parameters included in the URL.
When set to true, the value of the parameter will be extracted from the
request body instead of a single query parameter.
The OpenAPI documentation status of this parameter. Unless it is set to
configured to raise an error when its documentation cannot be found.
The names allowed for the request variable other than that specified with
whence: Optional[str] = None
path_only: bool = False
argument_type_is_body: bool = False
documentation_status: DocumentationStatus = DOCUMENTED
aliases: Tuple[str, ...] = ()
# TypeAliases for common Annotated types
# Commonly used for webhook views, where the payload has a content type of
# application/json. It reads the data from request body and parse it from JSON.
WebhookPayload: TypeAlias = Annotated[Json[T], ApiParamConfig(argument_type_is_body=True)]
# A shorthand to declare path only variables that should not be parsed from the
# request by the @typed_endpoint decorator.
PathOnly: TypeAlias = Annotated[T, ApiParamConfig(path_only=True)]
# Reusable annotation metadata for Annotated types
# This disallows strings of length 0 after stripping.
# Example usage: Annotated[T, StringRequiredConstraint()]
RequiredStringConstraint = lambda: StringConstraints(strip_whitespace=True, min_length=1)
# Implementation
class _NotSpecified:
NotSpecified = _NotSpecified()
# For performance reasons, attributes needed from ApiParamConfig are copied to
# FuncParam. We should use slotted dataclass once the entire codebase is
# switched to Python 3.10+
class FuncParam(Generic[T]):
# Default value of the parameter.
default: Union[T, _NotSpecified]
# Name of the function parameter as defined in the original function.
param_name: str
# Inspected the underlying type of the parameter by unwrapping the Annotated
# type if there is one.
param_type: Type[T]
# The Pydantic TypeAdapter used to parse arbitrary input to the desired type.
# We store it on the FuncParam object as soon as the view function is
# decorated because it is expensive to construct.
# See also: https://docs.pydantic.dev/latest/usage/type_adapter/
type_adapter: TypeAdapter[T]
# The following group of attributes are computed from the ApiParamConfig
# annotation associated with this param:
# Name of the corresponding variable in the request data to look
# for. When argument_type_is_body is True, this is set to "request".
aliases: Tuple[str, ...]
argument_type_is_body: bool
documentation_status: DocumentationStatus
path_only: bool
request_var_name: str
class ViewFuncInfo:
view_func_full_name: str
parameters: Sequence[FuncParam[object]]
def is_annotated(type_annotation: Type[object]) -> bool:
origin = get_origin(type_annotation)
return origin is Annotated
def parse_single_parameter(
param_name: str, param_type: Type[T], parameter: inspect.Parameter
) -> FuncParam[T]:
param_default = parameter.default
# inspect._empty is the internal type used by inspect to indicate not
# specified defaults.
if param_default is inspect._empty:
param_default = NotSpecified
# Defaulting a value to None automatically wraps the type annotation with
# Optional. We explicitly unwrap it for the case of Annotated, which
# otherwise causes undesired behaviors that the annotated metadata gets
# lost. This is fixed in Python 3.11:
# https://github.com/python/cpython/issues/90353
if param_default is None:
origin = get_origin(param_type)
type_args = get_args(param_type)
if origin is Union and type(None) in type_args and len(type_args) == 2:
inner_type = type_args[0] if type_args[1] is type(None) else type_args[1]
if is_annotated(inner_type):
param_type = inner_type
param_config: Optional[ApiParamConfig] = None
if is_annotated(param_type):
# The first type is the underlying type of the parameter, the rest are
# metadata attached to Annotated. Note that we do not transform
# param_type to its underlying type because the Annotated metadata might
# still be needed by other parties like Pydantic.
_, *annotations = get_args(param_type)
for annotation in annotations:
if not isinstance(annotation, ApiParamConfig):
assert param_config is None, "ApiParamConfig can only be defined once per parameter"
param_config = annotation
# If param_config is still None at this point, we could not find an instance
# of it in the type annotation of the function parameter. In this case, we
# fallback to the defaults by constructing ApiParamConfig here.
# This is common for simple parameters of type str, Json[int] and etc.
if param_config is None:
param_config = ApiParamConfig()
# Metadata defines a validator making sure that argument_type_is_body is
# incompatible with whence.
if param_config.argument_type_is_body:
request_var_name = "request"
request_var_name = param_config.whence if param_config.whence is not None else param_name
return FuncParam(
def parse_view_func_signature(
view_func: Callable[Concatenate[HttpRequest, ParamT], object]
) -> ViewFuncInfo:
"""This is responsible for inspecting the function signature and getting the
metadata from the parameters. We want to keep this function as pure as
possible not leaking side effects to the global state. Side effects should
be executed separately after the ViewFuncInfo is returned.
type_hints = get_type_hints(view_func, include_extras=True)
parameters = inspect.signature(view_func).parameters
view_func_full_name = f"{view_func.__module__}.{view_func.__name__}"
process_parameters: List[FuncParam[object]] = []
for param_name, parameter in parameters.items():
assert param_name in type_hints
if parameter.kind != inspect.Parameter.KEYWORD_ONLY:
param_info = parse_single_parameter(
param_name=param_name, param_type=type_hints[param_name], parameter=parameter
return ViewFuncInfo(
# TODO: To get coverage data, we should switch to match-case syntax when we
# upgrade to Python 3.10.
# This should be sorted alphabetically.
"bool_parsing": _("{var_name} is not a boolean"),
"bool_type": _("{var_name} is not a boolean"),
"datetime_parsing": _("{var_name} is not a date"),
"datetime_type": _("{var_name} is not a date"),
"dict_type": _("{var_name} is not a dict"),
"extra_forbidden": _('Argument "{argument}" at {var_name} is unexpected'),
"float_parsing": _("{var_name} is not a float"),
"float_type": _("{var_name} is not a float"),
"greater_than": _("{var_name} is too small"),
"int_parsing": _("{var_name} is not an integer"),
"int_type": _("{var_name} is not an integer"),
"json_invalid": _("{var_name} is not valid JSON"),
"json_type": _("{var_name} is not valid JSON"),
"less_than": _("{var_name} is too large"),
"list_type": _("{var_name} is not a list"),
"literal_error": _("Invalid {var_name}"),
"string_too_long": _("{var_name} is too long (limit: {max_length} characters)"),
"string_too_short": _("{var_name} is too short."),
"string_type": _("{var_name} is not a string"),
"unexpected_keyword_argument": _('Argument "{argument}" at {var_name} is unexpected'),
def parse_value_for_parameter(parameter: FuncParam[T], value: object) -> T:
return parameter.type_adapter.validate_python(value, strict=True)
except ValidationError as exc:
# If the validation fails, it is possible to get multiple errors from
# Pydantic. We only send the first error back to the client.
# See also on ValidationError:
# https://docs.pydantic.dev/latest/errors/validation_errors/
error = exc.errors()[0]
# We require all Pydantic raised error types that we expect to be
# explicitly handled here. The end result should either be a 400
# error with an translated message or an internal server error.
error_template = ERROR_TEMPLATES.get(error["type"])
var_name = parameter.request_var_name + "".join(
f"[{json.dumps(loc)}]" for loc in error["loc"]
context = {
"var_name": var_name,
**error.get("ctx", {}),
if error["type"] == "json_invalid" and parameter.argument_type_is_body:
# argument_type_is_body is usually used by webhooks that do not
# require a specific var_name for payload JSON decoding error.
# We override it here.
error_template = _("Malformed JSON")
elif error["type"] in ("unexpected_keyword_argument", "extra_forbidden"):
context["argument"] = error["loc"][-1]
# This condition matches our StringRequiredConstraint
elif error["type"] == "string_too_short" and error["ctx"].get("min_length") == 1:
error_template = _("{var_name} cannot be blank")
assert error_template is not None, MISSING_ERROR_TEMPLATE.format(
url=error.get("url", "(documentation unavailable)"),
error=json.dumps(error, indent=4),
raise ApiParamValidationError(error_template.format(**context), error["type"])
Pydantic validation error of type "{{error_type}}" does not have the
corresponding error message template or is not handled explicitly. We expect
that every validation error is formatted into a client-facing error message.
Consider adding this type to {__package__}.ERROR_TEMPLATES with the appropriate
internationalized error message or handle it in {__package__}.{parse_value_for_parameter.__name__}.
Documentation for "{{error_type}}" can be found at {{url}}.
Error information:
Parameters expected to be parsed from the request should be defined as
keyword-only parameters, but there is no keyword-only parameter found in
Example usage:
def view(
request: HttpRequest,
flag_value: Annotated[Json[bool], ApiParamConfig(
whence="flag", documentation_status=INTENTIONALLY_UNDOCUMENTED,
) -> HttpResponse:
This is likely a programming error. See https://peps.python.org/pep-3102/ for details on how
to correctly declare your parameters as keyword-only parameters.
Endpoints that do not accept parameters should use @typed_endpoint_without_parameters.
Unexpected keyword-only parameters found in {view_func_name}.
keyword-only parameters are treated as parameters to be parsed from the request,
but @typed_endpoint_without_parameters does not expect any.
Use @typed_endpoint instead.
def typed_endpoint_without_parameters(
view_func: Callable[Concatenate[HttpRequest, ParamT], ReturnT],
) -> Callable[Concatenate[HttpRequest, ParamT], ReturnT]:
return typed_endpoint(view_func, expect_no_parameters=True)
def typed_endpoint(
view_func: Callable[Concatenate[HttpRequest, ParamT], ReturnT],
expect_no_parameters: bool = False,
) -> Callable[Concatenate[HttpRequest, ParamT], ReturnT]:
# Extract all the type information from the view function.
endpoint_info = parse_view_func_signature(view_func)
if expect_no_parameters:
assert len(endpoint_info.parameters) == 0, UNEXPECTED_KEYWORD_ONLY_PARAMETERS.format(
assert (
len(endpoint_info.parameters) != 0
for func_param in endpoint_info.parameters:
assert not isinstance(
func_param.default, _REQ
), f"Unexpected REQ for parameter {func_param.param_name}; REQ is incompatible with typed_endpoint"
if func_param.path_only:
assert (
func_param.default is NotSpecified
), f"Path-only parameter {func_param.param_name} should not have a default value"
# Record arguments that should be documented so that our
# automated OpenAPI docs tests can compare these against the code.
if (
func_param.documentation_status is DocumentationStatus.DOCUMENTED
and not func_param.path_only
# TODO: Move arguments_map to here once zerver.lib.request does not
# need it anymore.
def _wrapped_view_func(
request: HttpRequest, /, *args: ParamT.args, **kwargs: ParamT.kwargs
) -> ReturnT:
request_notes = RequestNotes.get_notes(request)
for parameter in endpoint_info.parameters:
if parameter.path_only:
# For path_only parameters, they should already have been passed via
# the URL, so there's no need for us to do anything.
# TODO: Run validators for path_only parameters for NewType.
assert (
parameter.param_name in kwargs
), f"Path-only variable {parameter.param_name} should be passed already"
if parameter.param_name in kwargs:
# Skip parameters that are already supplied by the caller.
# Extract the value to parse from the request body if specified.
if parameter.argument_type_is_body:
kwargs[parameter.param_name] = parse_value_for_parameter(
parameter, request.body.decode(request.encoding or "utf-8")
except UnicodeDecodeError:
raise JsonableError(_("Malformed payload"))
# test_typed_endpoint.TestEndpoint.test_argument_type has
# coverage of this, but coverage.py fails to recognize it for
# some reason.
continue # nocoverage
# Otherwise, try to find the matching request variable in one of the QueryDicts
# This is a view bug, not a user error, and thus should throw a 500.
possible_aliases = [parameter.request_var_name, *parameter.aliases]
alias_used = None
value_to_parse = None
for current_alias in possible_aliases:
if current_alias in request.POST:
value_to_parse = request.POST[current_alias]
elif current_alias in request.GET:
value_to_parse = request.GET[current_alias]
# This is covered by
# test_typed_endpoint.TestEndpoint.test_aliases, but
# coverage.py fails to recognize this for some reason.
continue # nocoverage
if alias_used is not None:
raise RequestConfusingParamsError(alias_used, current_alias)
alias_used = current_alias
if alias_used is None:
alias_used = parameter.request_var_name
if parameter.default is NotSpecified:
raise RequestVariableMissingError(alias_used)
# By skipping here, we leave it to Python to use the default value
# of this parameter, because we cannot find the request variable in
# the request.
# This is tested test_typed_endpoint.TestEndpoint.test_json, but
# coverage.py fails to recognize this for some reason.
continue # nocoverage
# Note that value_to_parse comes from a QueryDict, so it has no chance
# of having a user-provided None value.
assert value_to_parse is not None
kwargs[parameter.param_name] = parse_value_for_parameter(parameter, value_to_parse)
return_value = view_func(request, *args, **kwargs)
if (
isinstance(return_value, MutableJsonResponse)
# TODO: Move is_webhook_view to the decorator
and not request_notes.is_webhook_view
# Implemented only for 200 responses.
# TODO: Implement returning unsupported ignored parameters for 400
# JSON error responses. This is complex because typed_endpoint can be
# called multiple times, so when an error response is raised, there
# may be supported parameters that have not yet been processed,
# which could lead to inaccurate output.
and 200 <= return_value.status_code < 300
ignored_parameters = set(
list(request.POST.keys()) + list(request.GET.keys())
# This will be called each time a function decorated with @typed_endpoint
# returns a MutableJsonResponse with a success status_code. Because
# a shared processed_parameters value is checked each time, the
# value for the ignored_parameters_unsupported key is either
# added/updated to the response data or it is removed in the case
# that all of the request parameters have been processed.
if ignored_parameters:
return_value.get_data()["ignored_parameters_unsupported"] = sorted(
return_value.get_data().pop("ignored_parameters_unsupported", None)
return return_value
# TODO: Remove this once we replace has_request_variables with typed_endpoint.
_wrapped_view_func.use_endpoint = True # type: ignore[attr-defined] # Distinguish functions decorated with @typed_endpoint from those decorated with has_request_variables
return _wrapped_view_func
@ -54,6 +54,8 @@ import orjson
from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
from django.core.validators import URLValidator, validate_email
from django.utils.translation import gettext as _
from pydantic import ValidationInfo, model_validator
from pydantic.functional_validators import ModelWrapValidatorHandler
from zerver.lib.exceptions import InvalidJSONError, JsonableError
from zerver.lib.timezone import canonicalize_timezone
@ -632,6 +634,17 @@ class WildValue:
var_name: str
value: object
@model_validator(mode="wrap") # type: ignore[arg-type] # The upstream's type annotation uses a TypeVar that is incorrectly unbounded.
def to_wild_value(
value: object,
# We bypass the original WildValue handler to customize it
handler: ModelWrapValidatorHandler["WildValue"],
info: ValidationInfo,
) -> "WildValue":
return wrap_wild_value("request", value)
def __bool__(self) -> bool:
return bool(self.value)
@ -0,0 +1,582 @@
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Literal, Optional, TypeVar, Union
import orjson
from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError as DjangoValidationError
from django.http import HttpRequest, HttpResponse
from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Json, ValidationInfo, WrapValidator
from pydantic.dataclasses import dataclass
from pydantic.functional_validators import ModelWrapValidatorHandler
from typing_extensions import Annotated
from zerver.lib.exceptions import ApiParamValidationError, JsonableError
from zerver.lib.request import RequestConfusingParamsError, RequestVariableMissingError
from zerver.lib.response import MutableJsonResponse, json_success
from zerver.lib.test_classes import ZulipTestCase
from zerver.lib.test_helpers import HostRequestMock
from zerver.lib.typed_endpoint import (
from zerver.lib.validator import WildValue, check_bool
from zerver.models import UserProfile
ParamTypes = Literal["none", "json_only", "both"]
T = TypeVar("T")
def call_endpoint(
view: Callable[..., T], request: HttpRequest, *args: object, **kwargs: object
) -> T:
"""A helper to let us ignore the view function's signature"""
return view(request, *args, **kwargs)
class TestEndpoint(ZulipTestCase):
def test_coerce(self) -> None:
def view(request: HttpRequest, *, strict_int: int) -> None:
with self.assertRaisesMessage(JsonableError, "strict_int is not an integer"):
call_endpoint(view, HostRequestMock({"strict_int": orjson.dumps("10").decode()}))
with self.assertRaisesMessage(JsonableError, "strict_int is not an integer"):
self.assertEqual(call_endpoint(view, HostRequestMock({"strict_int": 10})), 20)
def view2(request: HttpRequest, *, strict_int: Json[int]) -> int:
return strict_int * 2
with self.assertRaisesMessage(JsonableError, "strict_int is not an integer"):
call_endpoint(view2, HostRequestMock({"strict_int": orjson.dumps("10").decode()}))
# This is the same as orjson.dumps(10).decode()
self.assertEqual(call_endpoint(view2, HostRequestMock({"strict_int": "10"})), 20)
self.assertEqual(call_endpoint(view2, HostRequestMock({"strict_int": 10})), 20)
def test_json(self) -> None:
class Foo:
num1: int
num2: int
__pydantic_config__ = ConfigDict(extra="forbid")
def view(
request: HttpRequest,
json_int: Json[int],
json_str: Json[str],
json_data: Json[Foo],
json_optional: Optional[Json[Union[int, None]]] = None,
json_default: Json[Foo] = Foo(10, 10),
non_json: str = "ok",
non_json_optional: Optional[str] = None,
) -> HttpResponse:
return MutableJsonResponse(
"result1": json_int * json_data.num1 * json_data.num2,
"result2": json_default.num1 * json_default.num2,
"optional": json_optional,
"str": json_str + non_json,
response = call_endpoint(
"json_int": "2",
"json_str": orjson.dumps("asd").decode(),
"json_data": orjson.dumps({"num1": 5, "num2": 7}).decode(),
{"result1": 70, "result2": 100, "str": "asdok", "optional": None},
data = {
"json_int": "2",
"json_str": orjson.dumps("asd").decode(),
"json_data": orjson.dumps({"num1": 5, "num2": 7}).decode(),
"json_default": orjson.dumps({"num1": 3, "num2": 11}).decode(),
"json_optional": "5",
"non_json": "asd",
response = call_endpoint(
{"result1": 70, "result2": 33, "str": "asdasd", "optional": 5},
request = HostRequestMock()
response = call_endpoint(
{"result1": 70, "result2": 33, "str": "asdasd", "optional": 5},
with self.assertRaisesMessage(JsonableError, "json_int is not valid JSON"):
"json_int": "foo",
"json_str": "asd",
"json_data": orjson.dumps({"num1": 5, "num2": 7}).decode(),
with self.assertRaisesMessage(JsonableError, "json_str is not valid JSON"):
"json_int": 5,
"json_str": "asd",
"json_data": orjson.dumps({"num1": 5, "num2": 7}).decode(),
with self.assertRaisesMessage(RequestVariableMissingError, "Missing 'json_int' argument"):
call_endpoint(view, HostRequestMock())
with self.assertRaisesMessage(JsonableError, "json_int is not an integer"):
"json_int": orjson.dumps(False).decode(),
"json_str": orjson.dumps("10").decode(),
"json_data": orjson.dumps({"num1": "a", "num2": "b"}).decode(),
with self.assertRaisesMessage(JsonableError, 'json_data["num1"] is not an integer'):
"json_int": orjson.dumps(0).decode(),
"json_str": orjson.dumps("test").decode(),
"json_data": orjson.dumps({"num1": "10", "num2": 20}).decode(),
response = call_endpoint(
"json_int": 5,
"json_str": orjson.dumps("asd").decode(),
"json_data": orjson.dumps({"num1": 5, "num2": 7}).decode(),
"json_optional": orjson.dumps(None).decode(),
"non_json_optional": None,
# Note that json_optional is ignored because we have passed it as a kwarg already.
"result1": 175,
"result2": 100,
"str": "asdok",
"optional": "asd",
"ignored_parameters_unsupported": ["json_optional"],
with self.assertRaisesMessage(
JsonableError, 'Argument "unknown" at json_data["unknown"] is unexpected'
"json_int": orjson.dumps(19).decode(),
"json_str": orjson.dumps("10").decode(),
"json_data": orjson.dumps({"num1": 1, "num2": 4, "unknown": "c"}).decode(),
def test_whence(self) -> None:
def whence_view(
request: HttpRequest, *, param: Annotated[str, ApiParamConfig(whence="foo")]
) -> str:
return param
with self.assertRaisesMessage(RequestVariableMissingError, "Missing 'foo' argument"):
call_endpoint(whence_view, HostRequestMock({"param": "hi"}))
result = call_endpoint(whence_view, HostRequestMock({"foo": "hi"}))
self.assertEqual(result, "hi")
def test_argument_type(self) -> None:
def webhook(
request: HttpRequest,
body: WebhookPayload[WildValue],
foo: Json[int],
bar: Json[int] = 0,
) -> Dict[str, object]:
status = body["totame"]["status"].tame(check_bool)
return {"status": status, "foo": foo, "bar": bar}
# Simulate a paylaod that uses JSON encoding. We use the body setter to
# overwrite the request body. The HostRequestMock initializer sets the
# POST QueryDict, which is normally done by Django by parsing the body.
data = {"foo": 15, "totame": {"status": True}}
request = HostRequestMock(data)
request.body = orjson.dumps(data)
result = call_endpoint(webhook, request)
self.assertDictEqual(result, {"status": True, "foo": 15, "bar": 0})
request.body = orjson.dumps([])
with self.assertRaisesRegex(DjangoValidationError, "request is not a dict"):
result = call_endpoint(webhook, request)
request.body = orjson.dumps(10)
with self.assertRaisesRegex(DjangoValidationError, "request is not a dict"):
result = call_endpoint(webhook, request)
request = HostRequestMock()
request.GET.update({"foo": "15", "bar": "10"})
request.body = orjson.dumps(data)
result = call_endpoint(webhook, request)
self.assertDictEqual(result, {"status": True, "foo": 15, "bar": 10})
with self.assertRaisesMessage(JsonableError, "Malformed JSON"):
call_endpoint(webhook, HostRequestMock())
with self.assertRaisesMessage(JsonableError, "Malformed payload"):
request = HostRequestMock()
# This body triggers UnicodeDecodeError
request.body = b"\x81"
call_endpoint(webhook, request)
def test_path_only(self) -> None:
def path_only(
request: HttpRequest,
path_var: PathOnly[int],
other: Json[int],
) -> MutableJsonResponse:
# Return a MutableJsonResponse to see parameters ignored
return json_success(request, data={"val": path_var + other})
response = call_endpoint(path_only, HostRequestMock(post_data={"other": 1}), path_var=20)
self.assertEqual(orjson.loads(response.content)["val"], 21)
with self.assertRaisesMessage(
AssertionError, "Path-only variable path_var should be passed already"
call_endpoint(path_only, HostRequestMock(post_data={"other": 1}))
# Even if the path-only variable is present in the request data, it
# shouldn't be parsed either.
with self.assertRaisesMessage(
AssertionError, "Path-only variable path_var should be passed already"
call_endpoint(path_only, HostRequestMock(post_data={"path_var": 15, "other": 1}))
# path_var in the request body is ignored
response = call_endpoint(
path_only, HostRequestMock(post_data={"path_var": 15, "other": 1}), path_var=10
self.assert_json_success(response, ignored_parameters=["path_var"])
self.assertEqual(orjson.loads(response.content)["val"], 11)
def path_only_default(
request: HttpRequest,
path_var_default: PathOnly[str] = "test",
) -> None:
with self.assertRaisesMessage(
AssertionError, "Path-only parameter path_var_default should not have a default value"
def test_documentation_status(self) -> None:
def documentation(
request: HttpRequest,
foo: Annotated[
bar: Annotated[
str, ApiParamConfig(documentation_status=DocumentationStatus.DOCUMENTATION_PENDING)
baz: Annotated[
str, ApiParamConfig(documentation_status=DocumentationStatus.DOCUMENTED)
paz: PathOnly[int],
other: str,
) -> None:
from zerver.lib.request import arguments_map
view_func_full_name = f"{documentation.__module__}.{documentation.__name__}"
# Path-only and non DOCUMENTED parameters should not be added
self.assertEqual(arguments_map[view_func_full_name], ["baz", "other"])
def test_annotated(self) -> None:
def valid_usage_of_api_param_config(
request: HttpRequest,
foo: Annotated[
) -> None:
def annotated_with_repeated_api_param_config(
request: HttpRequest,
user_profile: UserProfile,
foo: Annotated[Json[int], ApiParamConfig(), ApiParamConfig()],
) -> None:
with self.assertRaisesMessage(
AssertionError, "ApiParamConfig can only be defined once per parameter"
def annotated_with_extra_unrelated_metadata(
request: HttpRequest,
user_profile: UserProfile,
foo: Annotated[Json[bool], str, "unrelated"],
) -> bool:
return foo
hamlet = self.example_user("hamlet")
result = call_endpoint(
HostRequestMock({"foo": orjson.dumps(False).decode()}),
def test_aliases(self) -> None:
def view_with_aliased_parameter(
request: HttpRequest, *, topic: Annotated[str, ApiParamConfig(aliases=["legacy_topic"])]
) -> HttpResponse:
return json_success(request, {"value": topic})
result = call_endpoint(
view_with_aliased_parameter, HostRequestMock({"topic": "topic is topic"})
value = self.assert_json_success(result)["value"]
self.assertEqual(value, "topic is topic")
req = HostRequestMock({"topic": "topic is topic"})
req.GET["legacy_topic"] = "topic is"
with self.assertRaisesMessage(
RequestConfusingParamsError, "Can't decide between 'topic' and 'legacy_topic' arguments"
call_endpoint(view_with_aliased_parameter, req)
with self.assertRaisesMessage(
RequestConfusingParamsError, "Can't decide between 'topic' and 'legacy_topic' arguments"
HostRequestMock({"topic": "test", "legacy_topic": "test2"}),
result = call_endpoint(
view_with_aliased_parameter, HostRequestMock({"legacy_topic": "legacy_topic is topic"})
value = self.assert_json_success(result)["value"]
self.assertEqual(value, "legacy_topic is topic")
result = call_endpoint(
{"legacy_topic": "legacy_topic is topic", "ignored": "extra parameter"}
value = self.assert_json_success(result, ignored_parameters=["ignored"])["value"]
self.assertEqual(value, "legacy_topic is topic")
# aliases should work in combination with whence
def view_with_aliased_and_whenced_parameter(
request: HttpRequest,
topic: Annotated[str, ApiParamConfig(whence="topic_name", aliases=["legacy_topic"])],
) -> HttpResponse:
return json_success(request, {"value": topic})
result = call_endpoint(
HostRequestMock({"legacy_topic": "legacy_topic is topic", "topic": "extra parameter"}),
value = self.assert_json_success(result, ignored_parameters=["topic"])["value"]
self.assertEqual(value, "legacy_topic is topic")
with self.assertRaisesMessage(
"Can't decide between 'topic_name' and 'legacy_topic' arguments",
HostRequestMock({"topic_name": "test", "legacy_topic": "test2"}),
def test_expect_no_parameters(self) -> None:
def no_parameter(request: HttpRequest) -> None:
def has_parameters(request: HttpRequest, *, foo: int, bar: str) -> None:
with self.assertRaisesRegex(AssertionError, "there is no keyword-only parameter found"):
# No assertion errors expected
with self.assertRaisesMessage(AssertionError, "Unexpected keyword-only parameters found"):
# No assertion errors expected
def test_custom_validator(self) -> None:
class CustomType:
val: int
def validate_custom_type(
value: object,
handler: ModelWrapValidatorHandler[CustomType],
info: ValidationInfo,
) -> CustomType:
return CustomType(42)
def test_view(
request: HttpRequest, *, foo: Annotated[CustomType, WrapValidator(validate_custom_type)]
) -> None:
self.assertEqual(foo.val, 42)
call_endpoint(test_view, HostRequestMock({"foo": ""}))
class ValidationErrorHandlingTest(ZulipTestCase):
def test_special_handling_errors(self) -> None:
"""Test for errors that require special handling beyond an ERROR_TEMPLATES lookup.
Not all error types need to be tested here."""
class DataFoo:
__pydantic_config__ = ConfigDict(extra="forbid")
message: str
class DataModel(BaseModel):
model_config = ConfigDict(extra="forbid")
message: str
class SubTest:
"""This describes a parameterized test case
for our handling of Pydantic validation errors"""
# The type of the error, can be found at
# https://docs.pydantic.dev/latest/errors/validation_errors/
error_type: str
# The type of the parameter. We set on a view function decorated
# with @typed_endpoint for a parameter named "input".
param_type: object
# Because QueryDict always converts the data into a str, this
# conversion can be unexpected so we ask the caller to convert
# input_data to str explicitly beforehand. The input data is
# automatically set to POST["input"] in the mock request.
input_data: str
# The exact error message we expect from the ApiValidationError
# raised when the view function is called with the provided input
# data.
error_message: str
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"Pydantic error type: {self.error_type}; Parameter type: {self.param_type}; Expected error message: {self.error_message}"
parameterized_tests: List[SubTest] = [
param_type=Json[List[Annotated[str, RequiredStringConstraint()]]],
error_message="input[0] cannot be blank",
param_type=Json[List[Annotated[str, RequiredStringConstraint()]]],
input_data=orjson.dumps(["g", " "]).decode(),
error_message="input[1] cannot be blank",
input_data=orjson.dumps({"message": "asd", "test": ""}).decode(),
error_message='Argument "test" at input["test"] is unexpected',
input_data=orjson.dumps({"message": "asd", "test": ""}).decode(),
error_message='Argument "test" at input["test"] is unexpected',
for index, subtest in enumerate(parameterized_tests):
subtest_title = f"Subtest #{index + 1}: {subtest!r}"
with self.subTest(subtest_title):
# We use Any here so that we don't perform unnecessary type
# checking.
# Without this, mypy crashes with an internal error:
# INTERNAL ERROR: maximum semantic analysis iteration count reached
input_type: Any = subtest.param_type
def func(request: HttpRequest, *, input: input_type) -> None:
with self.assertRaises(ApiParamValidationError) as m:
call_endpoint(func, HostRequestMock({"input": subtest.input_data}))
self.assertEqual(m.exception.msg, subtest.error_message)
self.assertEqual(m.exception.error_type, subtest.error_type)
Reference in New Issue