mirror of https://github.com/zulip/zulip.git
test-js-with-node: Extract run_tests_via_node_js().
This commit is contained in:
@ -111,57 +111,58 @@ parser.add_argument('--force', dest='force',
default=False, help='Run tests despite possible problems.')
parser.add_argument('args', nargs=argparse.REMAINDER)
options = parser.parse_args()
individual_files = options.args
from tools.lib.test_script import assert_provisioning_status_ok
os.environ['TZ'] = 'UTC'
def run_tests_via_node_js() -> int:
os.environ['TZ'] = 'UTC'
# Add ".js" to the end of all the file arguments, so index.js
# can actually verify if the file exists or not.
for index, arg in enumerate(options.args):
if not arg.endswith('.js') and not arg.endswith('.ts'):
# If it doesn't end with ".js" or ".ts", assume it is a JS file,
# since most files are currently JS files.
options.args[index] = arg + '.js'
# Add ".js" to the end of all the file arguments, so index.js
# can actually verify if the file exists or not.
for index, arg in enumerate(options.args):
if not arg.endswith('.js') and not arg.endswith('.ts'):
# If it doesn't end with ".js" or ".ts", assume it is a JS file,
# since most files are currently JS files.
options.args[index] = arg + '.js'
individual_files = options.args
# The index.js test runner is the real "driver" here, and we launch
# with either nyc or node, depending on whether we want coverage
# reports. Running under nyc is slower and creates funny
# tracebacks, so you generally want to get coverage reports only
# after making sure tests will pass.
node_tests_cmd = ['node', '--stack-trace-limit=100', INDEX_JS]
node_tests_cmd += individual_files
if options.coverage:
coverage_dir = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, 'var/node-coverage')
coverage_lcov_file = os.path.join(coverage_dir, 'lcov.info')
# The index.js test runner is the real "driver" here, and we launch
# with either nyc or node, depending on whether we want coverage
# reports. Running under nyc is slower and creates funny
# tracebacks, so you generally want to get coverage reports only
# after making sure tests will pass.
node_tests_cmd = ['node', '--stack-trace-limit=100', INDEX_JS]
node_tests_cmd += individual_files
if options.coverage:
coverage_dir = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, 'var/node-coverage')
coverage_lcov_file = os.path.join(coverage_dir, 'lcov.info')
nyc = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, 'node_modules/.bin/nyc')
command = [nyc, '--extension', '.ts']
command += ['--report-dir', coverage_dir]
command += ['--temp-directory', coverage_dir, '-r=text-summary']
command += node_tests_cmd
command += ['&&', 'nyc', 'report', '-r=lcov', '-r=json']
command += ['>', coverage_lcov_file]
# Normal testing, no coverage analysis.
# Run the index.js test runner, which runs all the other tests.
command = node_tests_cmd
nyc = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, 'node_modules/.bin/nyc')
command = [nyc, '--extension', '.ts']
command += ['--report-dir', coverage_dir]
command += ['--temp-directory', coverage_dir, '-r=text-summary']
command += node_tests_cmd
command += ['&&', 'nyc', 'report', '-r=lcov', '-r=json']
command += ['>', coverage_lcov_file]
# Normal testing, no coverage analysis.
# Run the index.js test runner, which runs all the other tests.
command = node_tests_cmd
print('Starting node tests...')
print('Starting node tests...')
# If we got this far, we can run the tests!
ret = subprocess.check_call(command)
except OSError:
print('Bad command: %s' % (command,))
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
print('\n** Tests failed, PLEASE FIX! **\n')
# If we got this far, we can run the tests!
ret = subprocess.check_call(command)
except OSError:
print('Bad command: %s' % (command,))
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
print('\n** Tests failed, PLEASE FIX! **\n')
return ret
def check_line_coverage(fn, line_coverage, line_mapping, log=True):
# type: (str, Dict[Any, Any], Dict[Any, Any], bool) -> bool
@ -225,6 +226,8 @@ def enforce_proper_coverage(coverage_json: Any) -> bool:
problems_encountered = (coverage_lost or coverage_not_enforced)
return problems_encountered
ret = run_tests_via_node_js()
if options.coverage and ret == 0:
if not individual_files:
coverage_json = read_coverage()
Reference in New Issue