mirror of https://github.com/zulip/zulip.git
Add new Zulip realm import/export tool.
The previous export tool would only work properly for small realms, and was missing a number of important features: * Export of avatars and uploads from S3 * Export of presence data, activity data, etc. * Faithful export/import of timestamps * Parallel export of messages * Not OOM killing for large realms The new tool runs as a pair of documented management commands, and solves all of those problems. Also we add a new management command for exporting the data of an individual user.
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,707 @@
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
import datetime
from boto.s3.key import Key
from boto.s3.connection import S3Connection
from django.conf import settings
from django.forms.models import model_to_dict
from django.utils import timezone
from collections import defaultdict
import logging
import os
import ujson
import shutil
import subprocess
import tempfile
from zerver.lib.avatar import user_avatar_hash
from zerver.lib.create_user import random_api_key
from zerver.models import UserProfile, Realm, Client, Huddle, Stream, \
UserMessage, Subscription, Message, RealmEmoji, RealmFilter, \
RealmAlias, Recipient, DefaultStream, get_user_profile_by_id, \
UserPresence, UserActivity, UserActivityInterval, get_user_profile_by_email, \
get_display_recipient, Attachment
from zerver.lib.parallel import run_parallel
from zerver.lib.utils import mkdir_p
from six.moves import range
from typing import Any, Dict
realm_tables = [("zerver_defaultstream", DefaultStream),
("zerver_realmemoji", RealmEmoji),
("zerver_realmalias", RealmAlias),
("zerver_realmfilter", RealmFilter)]
def floatify_datetime_fields(data, table, field):
for item in data[table]:
orig_dt = item[field]
if orig_dt is None:
if timezone.is_naive(orig_dt):
logging.warning("Naive datetime:", item)
dt = timezone.make_aware(orig_dt)
dt = orig_dt
utc_naive = dt.replace(tzinfo=None) - dt.utcoffset()
item[field] = (utc_naive - datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1)).total_seconds()
# Export common, public information about the realm that we can share
# with all realm users
def export_realm_data(realm, response):
response['zerver_realm'] = [model_to_dict(x) for x in Realm.objects.filter(id=realm.id)]
floatify_datetime_fields(response, 'zerver_realm', 'date_created')
for (table, model) in realm_tables:
response[table] = [model_to_dict(x) for x in
model.objects.filter(realm_id=realm.id)] # type: ignore # Iterating through types
response["zerver_client"] = [model_to_dict(x) for x in Client.objects.select_related()]
# To export only some users, you can tweak the below UserProfile query
# to give the target users, but then you should create any users not
# being exported in a separate
# response['zerver_userprofile_mirrordummy'] export so that
# conversations with those users can still be exported.
def export_with_admin_auth(realm, response, include_invite_only=True, include_private=True):
response['zerver_userprofile'] = [model_to_dict(x, exclude=["password", "api_key"])
for x in UserProfile.objects.filter(realm=realm)]
if realm.domain == "zulip.com":
response['zerver_userprofile_crossrealm'] = []
response['zerver_userprofile_crossrealm'] = [dict(email=x.email, id=x.id) for x in [
floatify_datetime_fields(response, 'zerver_userprofile', 'date_joined')
floatify_datetime_fields(response, 'zerver_userprofile', 'last_login')
floatify_datetime_fields(response, 'zerver_userprofile', 'last_reminder')
user_profile_ids = set(userprofile["id"] for userprofile in response['zerver_userprofile'])
user_recipients = [model_to_dict(x)
for x in Recipient.objects.filter(type=Recipient.PERSONAL)
if x.type_id in user_profile_ids]
user_recipient_ids = set(x["id"] for x in user_recipients)
user_subscription_query = Subscription.objects.filter(user_profile__in=user_profile_ids,
user_subscription_dicts = [model_to_dict(x) for x in user_subscription_query]
response["zerver_userpresence"] = [model_to_dict(x) for x in
floatify_datetime_fields(response, 'zerver_userpresence', 'timestamp')
response["zerver_useractivity"] = [model_to_dict(x) for x in
floatify_datetime_fields(response, 'zerver_useractivity', 'last_visit')
response["zerver_useractivityinterval"] = [model_to_dict(x) for x in
floatify_datetime_fields(response, 'zerver_useractivityinterval', 'start')
floatify_datetime_fields(response, 'zerver_useractivityinterval', 'end')
stream_query = Stream.objects.filter(realm=realm)
if not include_invite_only:
stream_query = stream_query.filter(invite_only=False)
response['zerver_stream'] = [model_to_dict(x, exclude=["email_token"]) for x in stream_query]
floatify_datetime_fields(response, 'zerver_stream', 'date_created')
stream_ids = set(x["id"] for x in response['zerver_stream'])
stream_recipients = [model_to_dict(x)
for x in Recipient.objects.filter(type=Recipient.STREAM,
stream_recipient_ids = set(x["id"] for x in stream_recipients)
stream_subscription_query = Subscription.objects.filter(user_profile__in=user_profile_ids,
stream_subscription_dicts = [model_to_dict(x) for x in stream_subscription_query]
if include_private:
# First we get all huddles involving someone in the realm.
realm_huddle_subs = Subscription.objects.select_related("recipient").filter(recipient__type=Recipient.HUDDLE,
realm_huddle_recipient_ids = set(sub.recipient_id for sub in realm_huddle_subs)
# Mark all Huddles whose recipient ID contains a cross-realm user.
unsafe_huddle_recipient_ids = set()
for sub in Subscription.objects.select_related().filter(recipient__in=realm_huddle_recipient_ids):
if sub.user_profile.realm != realm:
# In almost every case the other realm will be zulip.com
# Now filter down to just those huddles that are entirely within the realm.
# This is important for ensuring that the User objects needed
# to import it on the other end exist (since we're only
# exporting the users from this realm), at the cost of losing
# some of these cross-realm messages.
huddle_subs = [sub for sub in realm_huddle_subs if sub.recipient_id not in unsafe_huddle_recipient_ids]
huddle_recipient_ids = set(sub.recipient_id for sub in huddle_subs)
huddle_ids = set(sub.recipient.type_id for sub in huddle_subs)
huddle_subscription_dicts = [model_to_dict(x) for x in huddle_subs]
huddle_recipients = [model_to_dict(r) for r in Recipient.objects.filter(id__in=huddle_recipient_ids)]
response['zerver_huddle'] = [model_to_dict(h) for h in Huddle.objects.filter(id__in=huddle_ids)]
huddle_recipients = []
huddle_subscription_dicts = []
response["zerver_recipient"] = user_recipients + stream_recipients + huddle_recipients
response["zerver_subscription"] = user_subscription_dicts + stream_subscription_dicts + huddle_subscription_dicts
response["zerver_attachment"] = [model_to_dict(x) for x in
floatify_datetime_fields(response, 'zerver_attachment', 'create_time')
def fetch_usermessages(realm, message_ids, user_profile_ids, message_filename):
# UserMessage export security rule: You can export UserMessages
# for the messages you exported for the users in your realm.
user_message_query = UserMessage.objects.filter(user_profile__realm=realm,
user_message_chunk = []
for user_message in user_message_query:
if user_message.user_profile_id not in user_profile_ids:
user_message_obj = model_to_dict(user_message)
user_message_obj['flags_mask'] = user_message.flags.mask
del user_message_obj['flags']
logging.info("Fetched UserMessages for %s" % (message_filename,))
return user_message_chunk
def export_usermessages_batch(input_path, output_path):
"""As part of the system for doing parallel exports, this runs on one
batch of Message objects and adds the corresponding UserMessage
with open(input_path, "r") as input_file:
output = ujson.loads(input_file.read())
message_ids = [item['id'] for item in output['zerver_message']]
user_profile_ids = set(output['zerver_userprofile_ids'])
del output['zerver_userprofile_ids']
realm = Realm.objects.get(id=output['realm_id'])
del output['realm_id']
output['zerver_usermessage'] = fetch_usermessages(realm, message_ids, user_profile_ids, output_path)
write_message_export(output_path, output)
def write_message_export(message_filename, output):
with open(message_filename, "w") as f:
f.write(ujson.dumps(output, indent=4))
logging.info("Dumped to %s" % (message_filename,))
def export_messages(realm, user_profile_ids, recipient_ids,
chunk_size=1000, output_dir=None,
if output_dir is None:
output_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="zulip-export")
# Basic security rule: You can export everything sent by someone
# in your realm export (members of your realm plus Zulip realm
# bots) to a recipient object you're exporting (that is thus also
# in your realm).
# TODO: In theory, you should be able to export messages in
# cross-realm PM threads; currently, this only exports cross-realm
# messages received by your realm that were sent by Zulip system
# bots (e.g. emailgateway, notification-bot).
message_query = Message.objects.filter(sender__in=user_profile_ids,
min_id = -1
dump_file_id = 1
while True:
actual_query = message_query.filter(id__gt=min_id)[0:chunk_size]
message_chunk = [model_to_dict(m) for m in actual_query]
message_ids = set(m['id'] for m in message_chunk)
if len(message_chunk) == 0:
message_filename = os.path.join(output_dir, "messages-%06d.json" % (dump_file_id,))
logging.info("Fetched Messages for %s" % (message_filename,))
output = {'zerver_message': message_chunk}
floatify_datetime_fields(output, 'zerver_message', 'pub_date')
floatify_datetime_fields(output, 'zerver_message', 'last_edit_time')
if threads > 0:
message_filename += '.partial'
output['zerver_userprofile_ids'] = list(user_profile_ids)
output['realm_id'] = realm.id
user_message_chunk = fetch_usermessages(realm, message_ids, user_profile_ids,
output['zerver_usermessage'] = user_message_chunk
write_message_export(message_filename, output)
min_id = max(message_ids)
dump_file_id += 1
# TODO: Add asserts that every message was sent in the realm and every recipient is available above.
def export_bucket(realm, bucket_name, output_dir, avatar_bucket=False):
conn = S3Connection(settings.S3_KEY, settings.S3_SECRET_KEY)
bucket = conn.get_bucket(bucket_name, validate=True)
records = []
logging.info("Downloading uploaded files from %s" % (bucket_name))
avatar_hash_values = set()
user_ids = set()
if avatar_bucket:
bucket_list = bucket.list()
for user_profile in UserProfile.objects.filter(realm=realm):
avatar_hash = user_avatar_hash(user_profile.email)
avatar_hash_values.add(avatar_hash + ".original")
bucket_list = bucket.list(prefix="%s/" % (realm.id,))
if not os.path.exists(output_dir):
if settings.EMAIL_GATEWAY_BOT is not None:
email_gateway_bot = get_user_profile_by_email(settings.EMAIL_GATEWAY_BOT)
email_gateway_bot = None
count = 0
for bkey in bucket_list:
if avatar_bucket and bkey.name not in avatar_hash_values:
key = bucket.get_key(bkey.name)
# This can happen if an email address has moved realms
if 'realm_id' in key.metadata and key.metadata['realm_id'] != str(realm.id):
if email_gateway_bot is None or key.metadata['user_profile_id'] != str(email_gateway_bot.id):
raise Exception("Key metadata problem: %s %s / %s" % (key.name, key.metadata, realm.id))
# Email gateway bot sends messages, potentially including attachments, cross-realm.
print("File uploaded by email gateway bot: %s / %s" % (key.name, key.metadata))
elif avatar_bucket:
if 'user_profile_id' not in key.metadata:
raise Exception("Missing user_profile_id in key metadata: %s" % (key.metadata,))
if int(key.metadata['user_profile_id']) not in user_ids:
raise Exception("Wrong user_profile_id in key metadata: %s" % (key.metadata,))
elif 'realm_id' not in key.metadata:
raise Exception("Missing realm_id in key metadata: %s" % (key.metadata,))
record = dict(s3_path=key.name, bucket=bucket_name,
size=key.size, last_modified=key.last_modified,
content_type=key.content_type, md5=key.md5)
# A few early avatars don't have 'realm_id' on the object; fix their metadata
user_profile = get_user_profile_by_id(record['user_profile_id'])
if 'realm_id' not in record:
record['realm_id'] = user_profile.realm_id
record['user_profile_email'] = user_profile.email
if avatar_bucket:
dirname = output_dir
filename = os.path.join(dirname, key.name)
record['path'] = key.name
fields = key.name.split('/')
if len(fields) != 3:
raise Exception("Suspicious key %s" % (key.name))
dirname = os.path.join(output_dir, fields[1])
filename = os.path.join(dirname, fields[2])
record['path'] = os.path.join(fields[1], fields[2])
if not os.path.exists(dirname):
count += 1
if (count % 100 == 0):
logging.info("Finished %s" % (count,))
with open(os.path.join(output_dir, "records.json"), "w") as records_file:
ujson.dump(records, records_file, indent=4)
def export_uploads_local(realm, output_dir):
export_uploads_local_helper(realm, os.path.join(output_dir, "uploads"),
os.path.join(settings.LOCAL_UPLOADS_DIR, "files"))
# TODO: Export local avatars as well.
def export_uploads_local_helper(realm, output_dir, local_dir):
if not os.path.exists(output_dir):
count = 0
records = []
for attachment in Attachment.objects.all():
local_path = os.path.join(local_dir, attachment.path_id)
output_path = os.path.join(output_dir, attachment.path_id)
subprocess.check_call(["cp", "-a", local_path, output_path])
stat = os.stat(local_path)
record = dict(realm_id=attachment.realm.id,
count += 1
if (count % 100 == 0):
logging.info("Finished %s" % (count,))
with open(os.path.join(output_dir, "records.json"), "w") as records_file:
ujson.dump(records, records_file, indent=4)
def export_uploads(realm, output_dir):
os.makedirs(os.path.join(output_dir, "uploads"))
export_bucket(realm, settings.S3_AVATAR_BUCKET, os.path.join(output_dir, "avatars"), True)
export_bucket(realm, settings.S3_AUTH_UPLOADS_BUCKET, os.path.join(output_dir, "uploads"))
def do_export_realm(realm, output_dir, threads=0):
response = {} # type: Dict[str, Any]
logging.info("Exporting realm configuration")
export_realm_data(realm, response)
logging.info("Exporting core realm data")
export_with_admin_auth(realm, response)
export_file = os.path.join(output_dir, "realm.json")
with open(export_file, "w") as f:
f.write(ujson.dumps(response, indent=4))
logging.info("Exporting uploaded files and avatars")
if not settings.LOCAL_UPLOADS_DIR:
export_uploads(realm, output_dir)
export_uploads_local(realm, output_dir)
user_profile_ids = set(x["id"] for x in response['zerver_userprofile'] +
recipient_ids = set(x["id"] for x in response['zerver_recipient'])
logging.info("Exporting messages")
export_messages(realm, user_profile_ids, recipient_ids, output_dir=output_dir,
if threads > 0:
# Start parallel jobs to export the UserMessage objects
def run_job(shard):
subprocess.call(["./manage.py", 'export_usermessage_batch', '--path',
output_dir, '--thread', shard])
return 0
for (status, job) in run_parallel(run_job, [str(x) for x in range(0, threads)], threads=threads):
print("Shard %s finished, status %s" % (job, status))
logging.info("Finished exporting %s" % (realm.domain))
def do_export_user(user_profile, output_dir):
response = {} # type: Dict[str, Any]
export_single_user(user_profile, response)
export_file = os.path.join(output_dir, "user.json")
with open(export_file, "w") as f:
f.write(ujson.dumps(response, indent=4))
logging.info("Exporting messages")
export_messages_single_user(user_profile, output_dir=output_dir)
def export_single_user(user_profile, response):
response['zerver_userprofile'] = [model_to_dict(x, exclude=["password", "api_key"])
for x in [user_profile]]
floatify_datetime_fields(response, 'zerver_userprofile', 'date_joined')
floatify_datetime_fields(response, 'zerver_userprofile', 'last_login')
floatify_datetime_fields(response, 'zerver_userprofile', 'last_reminder')
response["zerver_subscription"] = [model_to_dict(x) for x in
recipient_ids = set(s["recipient"] for s in response["zerver_subscription"])
response["zerver_recipient"] = [model_to_dict(x) for x in
stream_ids = set(x["type_id"] for x in response["zerver_recipient"] if x["type"] == Recipient.STREAM)
stream_query = Stream.objects.filter(id__in=stream_ids)
response['zerver_stream'] = [model_to_dict(x, exclude=["email_token"]) for x in stream_query]
floatify_datetime_fields(response, 'zerver_stream', 'date_created')
def export_messages_single_user(user_profile, chunk_size=1000, output_dir=None):
user_message_query = UserMessage.objects.filter(user_profile=user_profile)
min_id = -1
dump_file_id = 1
while True:
actual_query = user_message_query.select_related("message", "message__sending_client").filter(id__gt=min_id)[0:chunk_size]
user_message_chunk = [um for um in actual_query]
user_message_ids = set(um.id for um in user_message_chunk)
if len(user_message_chunk) == 0:
message_chunk = []
for user_message in user_message_chunk:
item = model_to_dict(user_message.message)
item['flags'] = user_message.flags_list()
item['flags_mask'] = user_message.flags.mask
# Add a few nice, human-readable details
item['sending_client_name'] = user_message.message.sending_client.name
item['display_recipient'] = get_display_recipient(user_message.message.recipient)
message_filename = os.path.join(output_dir, "messages-%06d.json" % (dump_file_id,))
logging.info("Fetched Messages for %s" % (message_filename,))
output = {'zerver_message': message_chunk}
floatify_datetime_fields(output, 'zerver_message', 'pub_date')
floatify_datetime_fields(output, 'zerver_message', 'last_edit_time')
write_message_export(message_filename, output)
min_id = max(user_message_ids)
dump_file_id += 1
# Code from here is the realm import code path
id_maps = defaultdict(dict) # type: defaultdict[str, Dict[int, int]]
def fix_datetime_fields(data, table, field_name):
for item in data[table]:
if item[field_name] is None:
item[field_name] = None
v = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(item[field_name])
item[field_name] = timezone.make_aware(v, timezone=timezone.utc)
def fix_foreign_keys(data, table, field_name, id_map_table = ''):
for item in data[table]:
val = item[field_name]
new_val = id_maps[id_map_table].get(item[field_name], val)
item[field_name + "_id"] = new_val
del item[field_name]
def fix_bitfield_keys(data, table, field_name):
for item in data[table]:
item[field_name] = item[field_name + '_mask']
del item[field_name + '_mask']
def bulk_import_model(data, model, table, dump_file_id=None):
model.objects.bulk_create(model(**item) for item in data[table])
if dump_file_id is None:
logging.info("Successfully imported %s from %s." % (model, table))
logging.info("Successfully imported %s from %s[%s]." % (model, table, dump_file_id))
# Client is a table shared by multiple realms, so in order to
# correctly import multiple realms into the same server, we need to
# check if a Client object already exists, and so we need to support
# remap all Client IDs to the values in the new DB.
def bulk_import_client(data, model, table):
for item in data[table]:
client = Client.objects.get(name=item['name'])
except Client.DoesNotExist:
client = Client.objects.create(name=item['name'])
id_maps['client'][item['id']] = client.id
def import_uploads_local(import_dir, avatar_bucket=False):
records_filename = os.path.join(import_dir, "records.json")
with open(records_filename) as records_file:
records = ujson.loads(records_file.read())
for record in records:
if avatar_bucket:
# For avatars, we need to rehash the user's email with the
# new server's avatar salt
avatar_hash = user_avatar_hash(record['user_profile_email'])
file_path = os.path.join(settings.LOCAL_UPLOADS_DIR, "avatars", avatar_hash)
if record['s3_path'].endswith('.original'):
file_path += '.original'
file_path += '.png'
file_path = os.path.join(settings.LOCAL_UPLOADS_DIR, "files", record['s3_path'])
orig_file_path = os.path.join(import_dir, record['path'])
if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(file_path)):
subprocess.check_call(["mkdir", "-p", os.path.dirname(file_path)])
shutil.copy(orig_file_path, file_path)
def import_uploads_s3(bucket_name, import_dir, avatar_bucket=False):
conn = S3Connection(settings.S3_KEY, settings.S3_SECRET_KEY)
bucket = conn.get_bucket(bucket_name, validate=True)
records_filename = os.path.join(import_dir, "records.json")
with open(records_filename) as records_file:
records = ujson.loads(records_file.read())
for record in records:
key = Key(bucket)
if avatar_bucket:
# For avatars, we need to rehash the user's email with the
# new server's avatar salt
avatar_hash = user_avatar_hash(record['user_profile_email'])
key.key = avatar_hash
if record['s3_path'].endswith('.original'):
key.key += '.original'
key.key = record['s3_path']
user_profile_id = int(record['user_profile_id'])
# Support email gateway bot and other cross-realm messages
if user_profile_id in id_maps["user_profile"]:
logging.info("Uploaded by ID mapped user: %s!" % (user_profile_id,))
user_profile_id = id_maps["user_profile"][user_profile_id]
user_profile = get_user_profile_by_id(user_profile_id)
key.set_metadata("user_profile_id", str(user_profile.id))
key.set_metadata("realm_id", str(user_profile.realm.id))
key.set_metadata("orig_last_modified", record['last_modified'])
headers = {'Content-Type': key['content_type']}
key.set_contents_from_filename(os.path.join(import_dir, record['path']), headers=headers)
def import_uploads(import_dir, avatar_bucket=False):
if avatar_bucket:
logging.info("Importing avatars")
logging.info("Importing uploaded files")
if settings.LOCAL_UPLOADS_DIR:
return import_uploads_local(import_dir, avatar_bucket=avatar_bucket)
if avatar_bucket:
bucket_name = settings.S3_AVATAR_BUCKET
bucket_name = settings.S3_AUTH_UPLOADS_BUCKET
return import_uploads_s3(bucket_name, import_dir, avatar_bucket=avatar_bucket)
# Importing data suffers from a difficult ordering problem because of
# models that reference each other circularly. Here is a correct order.
# * Client [no deps]
# * Realm [-notifications_stream]
# * Stream [only depends on realm]
# * Realm's notifications_stream
# * Now can do all realm_tables
# * UserProfile, in order by ID to avoid bot loop issues
# * Huddle
# * Recipient
# * Subscription
# * Message
# * UserMessage
# Because the Python object => JSON conversion process is not fully
# faithful, we have to use a set of fixers (e.g. on DateTime objects
# and Foreign Keys) to do the import correctly.
def do_import_realm(import_dir):
logging.info("Importing realm dump %s" % (import_dir,))
if not os.path.exists(import_dir):
raise Exception("Missing import directory!")
realm_data_filename = os.path.join(import_dir, "realm.json")
if not os.path.exists(realm_data_filename):
raise Exception("Missing realm.json file!")
logging.info("Importing realm data from %s" % (realm_data_filename,))
with open(realm_data_filename) as f:
data = ujson.load(f)
fix_foreign_keys(data, 'zerver_realm', 'notifications_stream')
fix_datetime_fields(data, 'zerver_realm', 'date_created')
realm = Realm(**data['zerver_realm'][0])
if realm.notifications_stream_id is not None:
notifications_stream_id = int(realm.notifications_stream_id)
notifications_stream_id = None
realm.notifications_stream_id = None
bulk_import_client(data, Client, 'zerver_client')
# Email tokens will automatically be randomly generated when the
# Stream objects are created by Django.
fix_datetime_fields(data, 'zerver_stream', 'date_created')
fix_foreign_keys(data, 'zerver_stream', 'realm')
bulk_import_model(data, Stream, 'zerver_stream')
realm.notifications_stream_id = notifications_stream_id
fix_foreign_keys(data, "zerver_defaultstream", 'stream')
for (table, model) in realm_tables:
fix_foreign_keys(data, table, 'realm')
bulk_import_model(data, model, table)
# Remap the user IDs for notification_bot and friends to their
# appropriate IDs on this server
for item in data['zerver_userprofile_crossrealm']:
logging.info("Adding to ID map: %s %s" % (item['id'], get_user_profile_by_email(item['email']).id))
id_maps["user_profile"][item['id']] = get_user_profile_by_email(item['email']).id
fix_datetime_fields(data, 'zerver_userprofile', 'date_joined')
fix_datetime_fields(data, 'zerver_userprofile', 'last_login')
fix_datetime_fields(data, 'zerver_userprofile', 'last_reminder')
fix_foreign_keys(data, 'zerver_userprofile', 'realm')
fix_foreign_keys(data, 'zerver_userprofile', 'bot_owner', id_map_table="user_profile")
fix_foreign_keys(data, 'zerver_userprofile', 'default_sending_stream')
fix_foreign_keys(data, 'zerver_userprofile', 'default_events_register_stream')
for user_profile_dict in data['zerver_userprofile']:
user_profile_dict['password'] = None
user_profile_dict['api_key'] = random_api_key()
# Since Zulip doesn't use these permissions, drop them
del user_profile_dict['user_permissions']
del user_profile_dict['groups']
user_profiles = [UserProfile(**item) for item in data['zerver_userprofile']]
for user_profile in user_profiles:
if 'zerver_huddle' in data:
bulk_import_model(data, Huddle, 'zerver_huddle')
bulk_import_model(data, Recipient, 'zerver_recipient')
fix_foreign_keys(data, 'zerver_subscription', 'user_profile', id_map_table="user_profile")
fix_foreign_keys(data, 'zerver_subscription', 'recipient')
bulk_import_model(data, Subscription, 'zerver_subscription')
fix_datetime_fields(data, 'zerver_userpresence', 'timestamp')
fix_foreign_keys(data, 'zerver_userpresence', 'user_profile', id_map_table="user_profile")
fix_foreign_keys(data, 'zerver_userpresence', 'client', id_map_table='client')
bulk_import_model(data, UserPresence, 'zerver_userpresence')
fix_datetime_fields(data, 'zerver_useractivity', 'last_visit')
fix_foreign_keys(data, 'zerver_useractivity', 'user_profile', id_map_table="user_profile")
fix_foreign_keys(data, 'zerver_useractivity', 'client', id_map_table='client')
bulk_import_model(data, UserActivity, 'zerver_useractivity')
fix_datetime_fields(data, 'zerver_useractivityinterval', 'start')
fix_datetime_fields(data, 'zerver_useractivityinterval', 'end')
fix_foreign_keys(data, 'zerver_useractivityinterval', 'user_profile', id_map_table="user_profile")
bulk_import_model(data, UserActivityInterval, 'zerver_useractivityinterval')
# Import uploaded files and avatars
import_uploads(os.path.join(import_dir, "avatars"), avatar_bucket=True)
import_uploads(os.path.join(import_dir, "uploads"))
dump_file_id = 1
while True:
message_filename = os.path.join(import_dir, "messages-%06d.json" % (dump_file_id,))
if not os.path.exists(message_filename):
with open(message_filename) as f:
data = ujson.load(f)
logging.info("Importing message dump %s" % (message_filename,))
fix_foreign_keys(data, 'zerver_message', 'sender', id_map_table="user_profile")
fix_foreign_keys(data, 'zerver_message', 'recipient')
fix_foreign_keys(data, 'zerver_message', 'sending_client', id_map_table='client')
fix_datetime_fields(data, 'zerver_message', 'pub_date')
fix_datetime_fields(data, 'zerver_message', 'last_edit_time')
bulk_import_model(data, Message, 'zerver_message')
# Due to the structure of these message chunks, we're
# guaranteed to have already imported all the Message objects
# for this batch of UserMessage objects.
fix_foreign_keys(data, 'zerver_usermessage', 'message')
fix_foreign_keys(data, 'zerver_usermessage', 'user_profile', id_map_table="user_profile")
fix_bitfield_keys(data, 'zerver_usermessage', 'flags')
bulk_import_model(data, UserMessage, 'zerver_usermessage')
dump_file_id += 1
fix_datetime_fields(data, 'zerver_attachment', 'create_time')
fix_foreign_keys(data, 'zerver_attachment', 'owner', id_map_table="user_profile")
fix_foreign_keys(data, 'zerver_attachment', 'realm')
# TODO: Handle the `messages` keys.
# fix_foreign_keys(data, 'zerver_attachment', 'messages')
bulk_import_model(data, Attachment, 'zerver_attachment')
@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
from argparse import RawTextHelpFormatter
from django.core.management.base import BaseCommand, CommandError
from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
import os
import shutil
import subprocess
import tempfile
import ujson
from zerver.lib.export import do_export_realm
from zerver.models import get_realm
class Command(BaseCommand):
help = """Exports all data from a Zulip realm
This command exports all significant data from a Zulip realm. The
result can be imported using the `./manage.py import` command.
Things that are exported:
* All user-accessible data in the Zulip database (Messages,
Streams, UserMessages, RealmEmoji, etc.)
* Copies of all uploaded files and avatar images along with
metadata needed to restore them even in the ab
Things that are not exported:
* Confirmation, MitUser, and PreregistrationUser (transient tables)
* Sessions (everyone will need to login again post-export)
* Users' passwords and API keys (users will need to use SSO or reset password)
* Mobile tokens for APNS/GCM (users will need to reconnect their mobile devices)
* ScheduledJob (Not relevant on a new server)
* Referral (Unused)
* Deployment (Unused)
* third_party_api_results cache (this means rerending all old
messages could be expensive)
Things that will break as a result of the export:
* Passwords will not be transferred. They will all need to go
through the password reset flow to obtain a new password (unless
they intend to only use e.g. Google Auth).
* Users will need to logout and re-login to the Zulip desktop and
mobile apps. The apps now all have an option on the login page
where you can specify which Zulip server to use; your users
should enter <domain name>.
* All bots will stop working since they will be pointing to the
wrong server URL, and all users' API keys have been rotated as
part of the migration. So to re-enable your integrations, you
will need to direct your integrations at the new server.
Usually this means updating the URL and the bots' API keys. You
can see a list of all the bots that have been configured for
your realm on the `/#administration` page, and use that list to
make sure you migrate them all.
The proper procedure for using this to export a realm is as follows:
* Use `./manage.py deactivate_realm` to deactivate the realm, so
nothing happens in the realm being exported during the export
* Use `./manage.py export` to export the realm, producing a data
* Transfer the tarball to the new server and unpack it.
* Use `./manage.py import` to import the realm
* Use `./manage.py reactivate_realm` to reactivate the realm, so
users can login again.
* Inform the users about the things broken above.
We recommend testing by exporting without having deactivated the
realm first, to make sure you have the procedure right and
minimize downtime.
Performance: In one test, the tool exported a realm with hundreds
of users and ~1M messages of history with --threads=1 in about 3
hours of serial runtime (goes down to ~50m with --threads=6 on a
machine with 8 CPUs). Importing that same data set took about 30
minutes. But this will vary a lot depending on the average number
of recipients of messages in the realm, hardware, etc."""
# Fix support for multi-line usage
def create_parser(self, *args, **kwargs):
parser = super(Command, self).create_parser(*args, **kwargs)
parser.formatter_class = RawTextHelpFormatter
return parser
def add_arguments(self, parser):
parser.add_argument('realm', metavar='<realm>', type=str,
help="realm to export")
help='Directory to write exported data to.')
help='Threads to use in exporting UserMessage objects in parallel')
def handle(self, *args, **options):
realm = get_realm(options["realm"])
except ValidationError:
raise CommandError("No such realm.")
output_dir = options["output_dir"]
if output_dir is None:
output_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="/tmp/zulip-export-")
if os.path.exists(output_dir):
print("Exporting realm %s" % (realm.domain,))
do_export_realm(realm, output_dir, threads=int(options['threads']))
print("Finished exporting to %s; tarring" % (output_dir,))
tarball_path = output_dir.rstrip('/') + '.tar.gz'
subprocess.check_call(["tar", "-czf", tarball_path, os.path.basename(output_dir)])
print("Tarball written to %s" % (tarball_path,))
@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
from django.core.management.base import BaseCommand, CommandError
from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
import os
import shutil
import subprocess
import tempfile
import ujson
from zerver.lib.export import do_export_user
from zerver.models import UserProfile, get_user_profile_by_email
class Command(BaseCommand):
help = """Exports message data from a Zulip user
This command exports the message history for a single Zulip user
def add_arguments(self, parser):
parser.add_argument('email', metavar='<realm>', type=str,
help="email of user to export")
help='Directory to write exported data to.')
def handle(self, *args, **options):
user_profile = get_user_profile_by_email(options["email"])
except UserProfile.DoesNotExist:
raise CommandError("No such user.")
output_dir = options["output_dir"]
if output_dir is None:
output_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="/tmp/zulip-export-")
if os.path.exists(output_dir):
print("Exporting user %s" % (user_profile.email,))
do_export_user(user_profile, output_dir)
print("Finished exporting to %s; tarring" % (output_dir,))
tarball_path = output_dir.rstrip('/') + '.tar.gz'
subprocess.check_call(["tar", "--strip-components=1", "-czf", tarball_path, output_dir])
print("Tarball written to %s" % (tarball_path,))
@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
from django.core.management.base import BaseCommand, CommandError
from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
import glob
import logging
import os
import shutil
import tempfile
import ujson
from zerver.lib.export import export_usermessages_batch
class Command(BaseCommand):
help = """UserMessage fetching helper for export.py"""
def add_arguments(self, parser):
help='Path to find messages.json archives')
help='Thread ID')
def handle(self, *args, **options):
logging.info("Starting UserMessage batch thread %s" % (options['thread'],))
files = set(glob.glob(os.path.join(options['path'], 'messages-*.json.partial')))
for partial_path in files:
locked_path = partial_path.replace(".json.partial", ".json.locked")
output_path = partial_path.replace(".json.partial", ".json")
shutil.move(partial_path, locked_path)
except Exception:
# Already claimed by another process
logging.info("Thread %s processing %s" % (options['thread'], output_path))
export_usermessages_batch(locked_path, output_path)
except Exception:
# Put the item back in the free pool when we fail
shutil.move(locked_path, partial_path)
@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
from optparse import make_option
from django.core.management import call_command
from django.core.management.base import BaseCommand
from django.db import connection
from django.conf import settings
from zerver.lib.actions import do_create_stream
from zerver.models import Realm, Stream, UserProfile, Recipient, Subscription, \
Message, UserMessage, Huddle, DefaultStream, RealmAlias, RealmFilter, Client
from zerver.lib.export import do_import_realm
import os
import subprocess
import sys
import ujson
class Command(BaseCommand):
help = """Import Zulip database dump files into a fresh Zulip instance.
This command should be used only on a newly created, empty Zulip instance to
import a database dump from one or more JSON files.
Usage: python2.7 manage.py import [--destroy-rebuild-database] [--import-into-nonempty] <export path name> [<export path name>...]"""
option_list = BaseCommand.option_list + (
help='Destroys and rebuilds the databases prior to import.'),
help='Import into an existing nonempty database.'),
def new_instance_check(self, model):
count = model.objects.count()
if count:
print("Zulip instance is not empty, found %d rows in %s table. " \
% (count, model._meta.db_table))
print("You may use --destroy-rebuild-database to destroy and rebuild the database prior to import.")
def do_destroy_and_rebuild_database(self, db_name):
call_command('flush', verbosity=0, interactive=False)
subprocess.check_call([os.path.join(settings.DEPLOY_ROOT, "scripts/setup/flush-memcached")])
def handle(self, *args, **options):
models_to_import = [Realm, Stream, UserProfile, Recipient, Subscription,
Client, Message, UserMessage, Huddle, DefaultStream, RealmAlias,
if len(args) == 0:
print("Please provide at least one realm dump to import.")
if options["destroy_rebuild_database"]:
print("Rebuilding the database!")
db_name = settings.DATABASES['default']['NAME']
elif not options["import_into_nonempty"]:
for model in models_to_import:
for path in args:
if not os.path.exists(path):
print("Directory not found: '%s'" % (path,))
print("Processing dump: %s ..." % (path,))
@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
from django.core import validators
from django.contrib.auth.views import login as django_login_page, \
logout_then_login as django_logout_then_login
from django.forms.models import model_to_dict
from django.core.mail import send_mail
from django.middleware.csrf import get_token
from zerver.models import Message, UserProfile, Stream, Subscription, Huddle, \
Reference in New Issue