mirror of https://github.com/zulip/zulip.git
nagios: add a command to check that the email mirror is running.
(imported from commit 812626c2ed665bdf19e0b52319f0f8fcc37c2359)
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
Check that the email-mirror management command is running regularly.
If old messages are in emailgateway@zulip.com's Inbox, the mirror must
not be running or processing messages correctly.
import email
import time
from twisted.internet import protocol, reactor, ssl
from twisted.mail import imap4
GATEWAY_EMAIL = "emailgateway@zulip.com"
# Application-specific password.
PASSWORD = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
SERVER = "imap.gmail.com"
PORT = 993
exit_code = 0
def done(_):
def check_for_old_messages(result):
if not result:
return 0, "OK: no unprocessed messages."
message_uids = result.keys()
if not message_uids:
return 0, "OK: no unprocessed old messages."
oldest_message = email.message_from_string(result[message_uids[0]]["RFC822"])
receipt_time = time.mktime(email.utils.parsedate(oldest_message.get("Date")))
if time.time() - receipt_time > 60 * 5: # More than 5 minutes old.
return 2, "CRITICAL: email mirror has unprocessed old messages."
return 0, "OK: no unprocessed old messages."
def print_nagios_status(result, proto):
status, message = check_for_old_messages(result)
print message
global exit_code
exit_code = status
return proto.logout()
def examine_mailbox(result, proto, mailbox):
# Fetch messages from a particular mailbox.
return proto.fetchMessage("1:*", uid=True).addCallback(
print_nagios_status, proto)
def select_mailbox(result, proto):
# Select which mailbox we care about.
mbox = filter(lambda x: "INBOX" in x[2], result)[0][2]
return proto.select(mbox).addCallback(examine_mailbox, proto, result)
def list_mailboxes(res, proto):
# List all of the mailboxes for this account.
return proto.list("","*").addCallback(select_mailbox, proto)
def login_failed(failure):
print "UNKNOWN: login to email gateway failed."
global exit_code
exit_code = 3
def connected(proto):
d = proto.login(GATEWAY_EMAIL, PASSWORD)
d.addCallback(list_mailboxes, proto)
return d
def main():
imap_client = protocol.ClientCreator(reactor, imap4.IMAP4Client)
d = imap_client.connectSSL(SERVER, PORT, ssl.ClientContextFactory())
d.addCallbacks(connected, login_failed)
reactor.callLater(0, main)
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