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var notifications = (function () {
var exports = {};
var notice_memory = {};
var window_has_focus = true;
var asked_permission_already = false;
var names;
var supports_sound;
function browser_desktop_notifications_on () {
return (window.webkitNotifications &&
// Firefox on Ubuntu claims to do webkitNotifications but its notifications are terrible
$.browser.webkit &&
window.webkitNotifications.checkPermission() === 0) ||
// window.bridge is the desktop client
(window.bridge !== undefined);
exports.initialize = function () {
$(window).focus(function () {
window_has_focus = true;
$.each(notice_memory, function (index, notice_mem_entry) {
Clean up code for unread counts and notifications. The core simplification here is that zephyr.js no longer has: * the global home_unread_messages * the function unread_in_current_view() [which used the global] The logic that used to be in zephyr is now in its proper home of unread.js, which has these changes: * the structure returned from unread.get_counts() includes a new member called unread_in_current_view * there's a helper function unread.num_unread_current_messages() Deprecating zephyr.unread_in_current_view() affected two callers: * notifications.update_title_count() * notifications_bar.update() The above functions used to call back to zephyr to get counts, but there was no nice way to enforce that they were getting counts at the right time in the code flow, because they depended on functions like process_visible_unread_messages() to orchestrate updating internal unread counts before pushing out counts to the DOM. Now both of those function take a parameter with the unread count, and we then had to change all of their callers appropriately. This went hand in hand with another goal, which is that we want all the unread-counts logic to funnel though basically one place, which is zephyr.update_unread_counts(). So now that function always calls notifications_bar.update() [NEW] as well as calling into the modules unread.js, stream_list.js, and notifications.js [OLD]. Adding the call to notifications_bar.update() in update_unread_counts() made it so that some other places in the code no longer needed to call notifications_bar.update(), so you'll see some lines of code removed. There are also cases where notifications.update_title_count() was called redundantly, since the callers were already reaching update_unread_counts() via other calls. Finally, in ui.resizehandler, you'll see a simple case where the call to notifications_bar.update() is preceded by an explicit call to unread.get_counts(). (imported from commit ce84b9c8076c1f9bb20a61209913f0cb0dae098c)
2013-06-05 21:04:06 +02:00
// Update many places on the DOM to reflect unread
// counts.
}).blur(function () {
window_has_focus = false;
if (!window.webkitNotifications) {
$(document).click(function () {
if (!page_params.desktop_notifications_enabled || asked_permission_already) {
if (window.webkitNotifications.checkPermission() !== 0) { // 0 is PERMISSION_ALLOWED
window.webkitNotifications.requestPermission(function () {});
asked_permission_already = true;
var audio = $("<audio>");
if (audio[0].canPlayType === undefined) {
supports_sound = false;
} else {
supports_sound = true;
if (audio[0].canPlayType('audio/ogg; codecs="vorbis"')) {
audio.append($("<source>").attr("type", "audio/ogg")
.attr("loop", "yes")
.attr("src", "/static/audio/humbug.ogg"));
} else {
audio.append($("<source>").attr("type", "audio/mpeg")
.attr("loop", "yes")
.attr("src", "/static/audio/humbug.mp3"));
Clean up code for unread counts and notifications. The core simplification here is that zephyr.js no longer has: * the global home_unread_messages * the function unread_in_current_view() [which used the global] The logic that used to be in zephyr is now in its proper home of unread.js, which has these changes: * the structure returned from unread.get_counts() includes a new member called unread_in_current_view * there's a helper function unread.num_unread_current_messages() Deprecating zephyr.unread_in_current_view() affected two callers: * notifications.update_title_count() * notifications_bar.update() The above functions used to call back to zephyr to get counts, but there was no nice way to enforce that they were getting counts at the right time in the code flow, because they depended on functions like process_visible_unread_messages() to orchestrate updating internal unread counts before pushing out counts to the DOM. Now both of those function take a parameter with the unread count, and we then had to change all of their callers appropriately. This went hand in hand with another goal, which is that we want all the unread-counts logic to funnel though basically one place, which is zephyr.update_unread_counts(). So now that function always calls notifications_bar.update() [NEW] as well as calling into the modules unread.js, stream_list.js, and notifications.js [OLD]. Adding the call to notifications_bar.update() in update_unread_counts() made it so that some other places in the code no longer needed to call notifications_bar.update(), so you'll see some lines of code removed. There are also cases where notifications.update_title_count() was called redundantly, since the callers were already reaching update_unread_counts() via other calls. Finally, in ui.resizehandler, you'll see a simple case where the call to notifications_bar.update() is preceded by an explicit call to unread.get_counts(). (imported from commit ce84b9c8076c1f9bb20a61209913f0cb0dae098c)
2013-06-05 21:04:06 +02:00
exports.update_title_count = function (new_message_count) {
// Update window title and favicon to reflect unread messages in current view
var n;
var new_title = (new_message_count ? ("(" + new_message_count + ") ") : "")
+ page_params.domain + " - Humbug";
if (document.title === new_title) {
document.title = new_title;
// IE doesn't support PNG favicons, *shrug*
if (! $.browser.msie) {
// Indicate the message count in the favicon
if (new_message_count) {
// Make sure we're working with a number, as a defensive programming
// measure. And we don't have images above 99, so display those as
// 'infinite'.
n = (+new_message_count);
if (n > 99)
n = 'infinite';
} else {
if (window.bridge !== undefined) {
// We don't use 'n' because we want the exact count. The bridge handles
// which icon to show.
exports.window_has_focus = function () {
return window_has_focus;
function gravatar_url(message) {
return "https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/" + message.gravatar_hash +
"?d=identicon&s=30?stamp=" + ui.get_gravatar_stamp();
function process_desktop_notification(message) {
var i, notification_object, key;
var title = message.sender_full_name;
var content = $('<div/>').html(message.content).text();
var other_recipients;
var msg_count = 1;
if (message.type === "private") {
key = message.display_reply_to;
other_recipients = message.display_reply_to;
// Remove the sender from the list of other recipients
other_recipients = other_recipients.replace(", " + message.sender_full_name, "");
other_recipients = other_recipients.replace(message.sender_full_name + ", ", "");
} else {
key = message.sender_full_name + " to " +
message.stream + " > " + message.subject;
if (content.length > 150) {
// Truncate content at a word boundary
for (i = 150; i > 0; i--) {
if (content[i] === ' ') {
content = content.substring(0, i);
content += " [...]";
if (window.bridge === undefined && notice_memory[key] !== undefined) {
msg_count = notice_memory[key].msg_count + 1;
title = msg_count + " messages from " + title;
notification_object = notice_memory[key].obj;
// We must remove the .onclose so that it does not trigger on .cancel
notification_object.onclose = function () {};
notification_object.onclick = function () {};
if (message.type === "private" && message.display_recipient.length > 2) {
// If the message has too many recipients to list them all...
if (content.length + title.length + other_recipients.length > 230) {
// Then count how many people are in the conversation and summarize
// by saying the conversation is with "you and [number] other people"
other_recipients = other_recipients.replace(/[^,]/g, "").length +
" other people";
title += " (to you and " + other_recipients + ")";
if (message.type === "stream") {
title += " (to " + message.stream + " > " + message.subject + ")";
if (window.bridge === undefined) {
notice_memory[key] = {
obj: window.webkitNotifications.createNotification(
gravatar_url(message), title, content),
msg_count: msg_count
notification_object = notice_memory[key].obj;
notification_object.onclick = function () {
notification_object.onclose = function () {
delete notice_memory[key];
} else {
// Shunt the message along to the desktop client
window.bridge.notify({title: title, content: content});
exports.speaking_at_me = function (message) {
if (message === undefined) {
return false;
return message.mentioned;
function message_is_notifiable(message) {
// based purely on message contents, can we notify the user about the message?
return (message.type === "private" ||
exports.speaking_at_me(message) ||
(message.type === "stream" &&
exports.received_messages = function (messages) {
var i;
$.each(messages, function (index, message) {
if (message.sender_email !== page_params.email &&
narrow.message_in_home(message)) {
// We send notifications for messages which the user has
// configured as notifiable, as long as they haven't been
// marked as read by process_visible_unread_messages
// (which occurs if the message arrived onscreen while the
// window had focus).
if (!(message_is_notifiable(message) && unread.message_unread(message))) {
if (page_params.desktop_notifications_enabled &&
browser_desktop_notifications_on()) {
if (page_params.sounds_enabled && supports_sound) {
return exports;