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import logging
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Set, Tuple, Optional
2017-10-24 17:59:39 +02:00
from apiclient.sample_tools import client as googleapiclient
from django_auth_ldap.backend import LDAPBackend, _LDAPUser
import django.contrib.auth
from django.contrib.auth.backends import RemoteUserBackend
from django.conf import settings
from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
from django.core.validators import validate_email
2017-10-24 17:59:39 +02:00
from django.http import HttpResponse
from oauth2client.crypt import AppIdentityError
from requests import HTTPError
from social_core.backends.github import GithubOAuth2, GithubOrganizationOAuth2, \
from social_core.backends.base import BaseAuth
from social_core.utils import handle_http_errors
from social_core.exceptions import AuthFailed, SocialAuthBaseException
from social_django.models import DjangoStorage
from social_django.strategy import DjangoStrategy
2017-10-24 17:59:39 +02:00
from zerver.lib.actions import do_create_user
from zerver.lib.request import JsonableError
from zerver.lib.subdomains import user_matches_subdomain, get_subdomain
2017-10-24 17:59:39 +02:00
from zerver.lib.users import check_full_name
from zerver.models import UserProfile, Realm, get_user_profile_by_id, \
remote_user_to_email, email_to_username, get_realm, get_user
2017-10-24 17:59:39 +02:00
def pad_method_dict(method_dict: Dict[str, bool]) -> Dict[str, bool]:
"""Pads an authentication methods dict to contain all auth backends
supported by the software, regardless of whether they are
configured on this server"""
if key not in method_dict:
method_dict[key] = False
return method_dict
def auth_enabled_helper(backends_to_check: List[str], realm: Optional[Realm]) -> bool:
if realm is not None:
enabled_method_dict = realm.authentication_methods_dict()
enabled_method_dict = dict((method, True) for method in Realm.AUTHENTICATION_FLAGS)
for supported_backend in django.contrib.auth.get_backends():
for backend_name in backends_to_check:
backend = AUTH_BACKEND_NAME_MAP[backend_name]
if enabled_method_dict[backend_name] and isinstance(supported_backend, backend):
return True
return False
def ldap_auth_enabled(realm: Optional[Realm]=None) -> bool:
return auth_enabled_helper(['LDAP'], realm)
def email_auth_enabled(realm: Optional[Realm]=None) -> bool:
return auth_enabled_helper(['Email'], realm)
def password_auth_enabled(realm: Optional[Realm]=None) -> bool:
return ldap_auth_enabled(realm) or email_auth_enabled(realm)
def dev_auth_enabled(realm: Optional[Realm]=None) -> bool:
return auth_enabled_helper(['Dev'], realm)
def google_auth_enabled(realm: Optional[Realm]=None) -> bool:
return auth_enabled_helper(['Google'], realm)
def github_auth_enabled(realm: Optional[Realm]=None) -> bool:
return auth_enabled_helper(['GitHub'], realm)
def remote_auth_enabled(realm: Optional[Realm]=None) -> bool:
return auth_enabled_helper(['RemoteUser'], realm)
def any_oauth_backend_enabled(realm: Optional[Realm]=None) -> bool:
"""Used by the login page process to determine whether to show the
'OR' for login with Google"""
return auth_enabled_helper(['GitHub', 'Google'], realm)
def require_email_format_usernames(realm: Optional[Realm]=None) -> bool:
if ldap_auth_enabled(realm):
if settings.LDAP_EMAIL_ATTR or settings.LDAP_APPEND_DOMAIN:
return False
return True
def common_get_active_user(email: str, realm: Realm,
return_data: Dict[str, Any]=None) -> Optional[UserProfile]:
user_profile = get_user(email, realm)
except UserProfile.DoesNotExist:
# If the user doesn't have an account in the target realm, we
# check whether they might have an account in another realm,
# and if so, provide a helpful error message via
# `invalid_subdomain`.
if not UserProfile.objects.filter(email__iexact=email).exists():
return None
if return_data is not None:
return_data['invalid_subdomain'] = True
return None
if not user_profile.is_active:
if return_data is not None:
if user_profile.is_mirror_dummy:
# Record whether it's a mirror dummy account
return_data['is_mirror_dummy'] = True
return_data['inactive_user'] = True
return None
if user_profile.realm.deactivated:
if return_data is not None:
return_data['inactive_realm'] = True
return None
return user_profile
class ZulipAuthMixin:
def get_user(self, user_profile_id: int) -> Optional[UserProfile]:
""" Get a UserProfile object from the user_profile_id. """
return get_user_profile_by_id(user_profile_id)
except UserProfile.DoesNotExist:
return None
class ZulipDummyBackend(ZulipAuthMixin):
Used when we want to log you in without checking any
authentication (i.e. new user registration or when otherwise
authentication has already been checked earlier in the process).
def authenticate(self, username: Optional[str]=None, realm: Optional[Realm]=None,
use_dummy_backend: bool=False,
return_data: Dict[str, Any]=None) -> Optional[UserProfile]:
if use_dummy_backend:
# These are kwargs only for readability; they should never be None
assert username is not None
assert realm is not None
return common_get_active_user(username, realm, return_data)
return None
class EmailAuthBackend(ZulipAuthMixin):
Email Authentication Backend
Allows a user to sign in using an email/password pair rather than
a username/password pair.
def authenticate(self, username: Optional[str]=None, password: Optional[str]=None,
realm: Optional[Realm]=None,
return_data: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]=None) -> Optional[UserProfile]:
""" Authenticate a user based on email address as the user name. """
if username is None or password is None:
# Because of how we structure our auth calls to always
# specify which backend to use when not using
# EmailAuthBackend, username and password should always be set.
raise AssertionError("Invalid call to authenticate for EmailAuthBackend")
if realm is None:
return None
if not password_auth_enabled(realm):
if return_data is not None:
return_data['password_auth_disabled'] = True
CVE-2016-4427: Fix access by deactivated realms/users. The security model for deactivated users (and users in deactivated realms) being unable to access the service is intended to work via two mechanisms: * All active user sessions are deleted, and all login code paths (where a user could get a new session) check whether the user (or realm) is inactive before authorizing the request, preventing the user from accessing the website and AJAX endpoints. * All API code paths (which don't require a session) check whether the user (and realm) are active. However, this security model was not implemented correctly. In particular, the check for whether a user has an active account in the login process was done inside the login form's validators, which meant that authentication mechanisms that did not use the login form (e.g. Google and REMOTE_USER auth) could succeed in granting a session even with an inactive account. The Zulip homepage would still fail to load because the code for / includes an API call to Tornado authorized by the user's token that would fail, but this mechanism could allow an inactive user to access realm data or users to access data in a deactivated realm. This fixes the issue by adding explicit checks for inactive users and inactive realms in all authentication backends (even those that were already protected by the login form validator). Mirror dummy users are already inactive, so we can remove the explicit code around mirror dummy users. The following commits add a complete set of tests for Zulip's inactive user and realm security model.
2016-04-21 07:19:08 +02:00
return None
if not email_auth_enabled(realm):
if return_data is not None:
return_data['email_auth_disabled'] = True
return None
user_profile = common_get_active_user(username, realm, return_data=return_data)
if user_profile is None:
return None
CVE-2016-4427: Fix access by deactivated realms/users. The security model for deactivated users (and users in deactivated realms) being unable to access the service is intended to work via two mechanisms: * All active user sessions are deleted, and all login code paths (where a user could get a new session) check whether the user (or realm) is inactive before authorizing the request, preventing the user from accessing the website and AJAX endpoints. * All API code paths (which don't require a session) check whether the user (and realm) are active. However, this security model was not implemented correctly. In particular, the check for whether a user has an active account in the login process was done inside the login form's validators, which meant that authentication mechanisms that did not use the login form (e.g. Google and REMOTE_USER auth) could succeed in granting a session even with an inactive account. The Zulip homepage would still fail to load because the code for / includes an API call to Tornado authorized by the user's token that would fail, but this mechanism could allow an inactive user to access realm data or users to access data in a deactivated realm. This fixes the issue by adding explicit checks for inactive users and inactive realms in all authentication backends (even those that were already protected by the login form validator). Mirror dummy users are already inactive, so we can remove the explicit code around mirror dummy users. The following commits add a complete set of tests for Zulip's inactive user and realm security model.
2016-04-21 07:19:08 +02:00
if user_profile.check_password(password):
return user_profile
return None
class GoogleMobileOauth2Backend(ZulipAuthMixin):
Google Apps authentication for the legacy Android app.
DummyAuthBackend is what's actually used for our modern Google auth,
both for web and mobile (the latter via the mobile_flow_otp feature).
Allows a user to sign in using a Google-issued OAuth2 token.
def authenticate(self, google_oauth2_token: str=None, realm: Optional[Realm]=None,
return_data: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]=None) -> Optional[UserProfile]:
if realm is None:
return None
if return_data is None:
return_data = {}
if not google_auth_enabled(realm=realm):
return_data["google_auth_disabled"] = True
return None
token_payload = googleapiclient.verify_id_token(google_oauth2_token, settings.GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID)
except AppIdentityError:
return None
if token_payload["email_verified"] not in (True, "true"):
return_data["valid_attestation"] = False
return None
return_data["valid_attestation"] = True
return common_get_active_user(token_payload["email"], realm, return_data)
class ZulipRemoteUserBackend(RemoteUserBackend):
create_unknown_user = False
def authenticate(self, remote_user: Optional[str], realm: Optional[Realm]=None,
return_data: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]=None) -> Optional[UserProfile]:
assert remote_user is not None
if realm is None:
return None
if not auth_enabled_helper(["RemoteUser"], realm):
return None
email = remote_user_to_email(remote_user)
return common_get_active_user(email, realm, return_data=return_data)
def email_belongs_to_ldap(realm: Realm, email: str) -> bool:
if not ldap_auth_enabled(realm):
return False
# If we don't have an LDAP domain, it's impossible to tell which
# accounts are LDAP accounts, so treat all of them as LDAP
# accounts
if not settings.LDAP_APPEND_DOMAIN:
return True
# Otherwise, check if the email ends with LDAP_APPEND_DOMAIN
return email.strip().lower().endswith("@" + settings.LDAP_APPEND_DOMAIN)
class ZulipLDAPException(_LDAPUser.AuthenticationFailed):
"""Since this inherits from _LDAPUser.AuthenticationFailed, these will
be caught and logged at debug level inside django-auth-ldap's authenticate()"""
class ZulipLDAPExceptionOutsideDomain(ZulipLDAPException):
class ZulipLDAPConfigurationError(Exception):
class ZulipLDAPAuthBackendBase(ZulipAuthMixin, LDAPBackend):
# Don't use Django LDAP's permissions functions
def has_perm(self, user: Optional[UserProfile], perm: Any, obj: Any=None) -> bool:
2016-08-08 09:38:50 +02:00
# Using Any type is safe because we are not doing anything with
# the arguments.
return False
def has_module_perms(self, user: Optional[UserProfile], app_label: Optional[str]) -> bool:
return False
def get_all_permissions(self, user: Optional[UserProfile], obj: Any=None) -> Set[Any]:
2016-08-08 09:38:50 +02:00
# Using Any type is safe because we are not doing anything with
# the arguments and always return empty set.
return set()
def get_group_permissions(self, user: Optional[UserProfile], obj: Any=None) -> Set[Any]:
2016-08-08 09:38:50 +02:00
# Using Any type is safe because we are not doing anything with
# the arguments and always return empty set.
return set()
def django_to_ldap_username(self, username: str) -> str:
if not username.endswith("@" + settings.LDAP_APPEND_DOMAIN):
raise ZulipLDAPExceptionOutsideDomain("Username does not match LDAP domain.")
return email_to_username(username)
return username
def ldap_to_django_username(self, username: str) -> str:
return "@".join((username, settings.LDAP_APPEND_DOMAIN))
return username
class ZulipLDAPAuthBackend(ZulipLDAPAuthBackendBase):
def authenticate(self, username: str, password: str, realm: Optional[Realm]=None,
return_data: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]=None) -> Optional[UserProfile]:
if realm is None:
return None
self._realm = realm
if not ldap_auth_enabled(realm):
return None
username = self.django_to_ldap_username(username)
except ZulipLDAPExceptionOutsideDomain:
return_data['outside_ldap_domain'] = True
return None
return ZulipLDAPAuthBackendBase.authenticate(self,
def get_or_build_user(self, username: str, ldap_user: _LDAPUser) -> Tuple[UserProfile, bool]:
return_data = {} # type: Dict[str, Any]
if settings.LDAP_EMAIL_ATTR is not None:
# Get email from ldap attributes.
if settings.LDAP_EMAIL_ATTR not in ldap_user.attrs:
return_data["ldap_missing_attribute"] = settings.LDAP_EMAIL_ATTR
raise ZulipLDAPException("LDAP user doesn't have the needed %s attribute" % (
username = ldap_user.attrs[settings.LDAP_EMAIL_ATTR][0]
user_profile = common_get_active_user(username, self._realm, return_data)
if user_profile is not None:
# An existing user, successfully authed; return it.
return user_profile, False
if return_data.get("inactive_realm"):
# This happens if there is a user account in a deactivated realm
raise ZulipLDAPException("Realm has been deactivated")
if return_data.get("inactive_user"):
raise ZulipLDAPException("User has been deactivated")
if return_data.get("invalid_subdomain"):
# TODO: Implement something in the caller for this to
# provide a nice user-facing error message for this
# situation (right now it just acts like any other auth
# failure).
raise ZulipLDAPException("Wrong subdomain")
if self._realm.deactivated:
# This happens if no account exists, but the realm is
# deactivated, so we shouldn't create a new user account
raise ZulipLDAPException("Realm has been deactivated")
# We have valid LDAP credentials; time to create an account.
full_name_attr = settings.AUTH_LDAP_USER_ATTR_MAP["full_name"]
short_name = full_name = ldap_user.attrs[full_name_attr][0]
full_name = check_full_name(full_name)
except JsonableError as e:
raise ZulipLDAPException(e.msg)
if "short_name" in settings.AUTH_LDAP_USER_ATTR_MAP:
short_name_attr = settings.AUTH_LDAP_USER_ATTR_MAP["short_name"]
short_name = ldap_user.attrs[short_name_attr][0]
user_profile = do_create_user(username, None, self._realm, full_name, short_name)
return user_profile, True
# Just like ZulipLDAPAuthBackend, but doesn't let you log in.
class ZulipLDAPUserPopulator(ZulipLDAPAuthBackendBase):
def authenticate(self, username: str, password: str, realm: Optional[Realm]=None,
return_data: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]=None) -> None:
return None
class DevAuthBackend(ZulipAuthMixin):
# Allow logging in as any user without a password.
# This is used for convenience when developing Zulip.
def authenticate(self, dev_auth_username: Optional[str]=None, realm: Optional[Realm]=None,
return_data: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]=None) -> Optional[UserProfile]:
assert dev_auth_username is not None
if realm is None:
return None
if not dev_auth_enabled(realm):
return None
return common_get_active_user(dev_auth_username, realm, return_data=return_data)
def social_associate_user_helper(backend: BaseAuth, return_data: Dict[str, Any],
*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Optional[UserProfile]:
"""Responsible for doing the Zulip-account lookup and validation parts
of the Zulip Social auth pipeline (similar to the authenticate()
methods in most other auth backends in this file).
subdomain = backend.strategy.session_get('subdomain')
realm = get_realm(subdomain)
if realm is None:
return_data["invalid_realm"] = True
return None
return_data["realm"] = realm
if not auth_enabled_helper([backend.auth_backend_name], realm):
return_data["auth_backend_disabled"] = True
return None
if 'auth_failed_reason' in kwargs.get('response', {}):
return_data["social_auth_failed_reason"] = kwargs['response']["auth_failed_reason"]
return None
elif hasattr(backend, 'get_verified_emails'):
# Some social backends, like GitHubAuthBackend, don't guarantee that
# the `details` data is validated.
verified_emails = backend.get_verified_emails(*args, **kwargs)
if len(verified_emails) == 0:
# TODO: Provide a nice error message screen to the user
# for this case, rather than just logging a warning.
logging.warning("Social auth (%s) failed because user has no verified emails" %
return_data["email_not_verified"] = True
return None
# TODO: ideally, we'd prompt the user for which email they
# want to use with another pipeline stage here.
validated_email = verified_emails[0]
else: # nocoverage
# This code path isn't used by GitHubAuthBackend
validated_email = kwargs["details"].get("email")
if not validated_email: # nocoverage
# This code path isn't used with GitHubAuthBackend, but may be relevant for other
# social auth backends.
return_data['invalid_email'] = True
return None
except ValidationError:
return_data['invalid_email'] = True
return None
return_data["valid_attestation"] = True
return_data['validated_email'] = validated_email
user_profile = common_get_active_user(validated_email, realm, return_data)
if 'fullname' in kwargs["details"]:
return_data["full_name"] = kwargs["details"]["fullname"]
# If we add support for any of the social auth backends that
# don't provide this feature, we'll need to add code here.
raise AssertionError("Social auth backend doesn't provide fullname")
return user_profile
2017-03-09 09:45:21 +01:00
def social_auth_associate_user(
backend: BaseAuth,
*args: Any,
**kwargs: Any) -> Dict[str, Any]:
return_data = {} # type: Dict[str, Any]
user_profile = social_associate_user_helper(
backend, return_data, *args, **kwargs)
return {'user_profile': user_profile,
'return_data': return_data}
def social_auth_finish(backend: Any,
details: Dict[str, Any],
response: HttpResponse,
*args: Any,
**kwargs: Any) -> Optional[UserProfile]:
from zerver.views.auth import (login_or_register_remote_user,
user_profile = kwargs['user_profile']
return_data = kwargs['return_data']
no_verified_email = return_data.get("email_not_verified")
auth_backend_disabled = return_data.get('auth_backend_disabled')
inactive_user = return_data.get('inactive_user')
inactive_realm = return_data.get('inactive_realm')
invalid_realm = return_data.get('invalid_realm')
invalid_subdomain = return_data.get('invalid_subdomain')
invalid_email = return_data.get('invalid_email')
auth_failed_reason = return_data.get("social_auth_failed_reason")
if invalid_realm:
from zerver.views.auth import redirect_to_subdomain_login_url
return redirect_to_subdomain_login_url()
if auth_backend_disabled or inactive_user or inactive_realm or no_verified_email:
# Redirect to login page. We can't send to registration
# workflow with these errors. We will redirect to login page.
return None
if invalid_email:
# In case of invalid email, we will end up on registration page.
# This seems better than redirecting to login page.
"{} got invalid email argument.".format(backend.auth_backend_name)
return None
if auth_failed_reason:
return None
# Structurally, all the cases where we don't have an authenticated
# email for the user should be handled above; this assertion helps
# prevent any violations of that contract from resulting in a user
# being incorrectly authenticated.
assert return_data.get('valid_attestation') is True
strategy = backend.strategy # type: ignore # This comes from Python Social Auth.
email_address = return_data['validated_email']
full_name = return_data['full_name']
is_signup = strategy.session_get('is_signup') == '1'
redirect_to = strategy.session_get('next')
realm = return_data["realm"]
mobile_flow_otp = strategy.session_get('mobile_flow_otp')
if mobile_flow_otp is not None:
return login_or_register_remote_user(strategy.request, email_address,
user_profile, full_name,
return redirect_and_log_into_subdomain(realm, full_name, email_address,
class SocialAuthMixin(ZulipAuthMixin):
def auth_complete(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Optional[HttpResponse]:
"""This is a small wrapper around the core `auth_complete` method of
python-social-auth, designed primarily to prevent 500s for
exceptions in the social auth code from situations that are
really user errors. Returning `None` from this function will
redirect the browser to the login page.
# Call the auth_complete method of social_core.backends.oauth.BaseOAuth2
return super().auth_complete(*args, **kwargs) # type: ignore # monkey-patching
except AuthFailed as e:
# When a user's social authentication fails (e.g. because
# they did something funny with reloading in the middle of
# the flow), don't throw a 500, just send them back to the
# login page and record the event at the info log level.
return None
except SocialAuthBaseException as e:
# Other python-social-auth exceptions are likely
# interesting enough that we should log a warning.
return None
class GitHubAuthBackend(SocialAuthMixin, GithubOAuth2):
auth_backend_name = "GitHub"
2017-03-09 09:45:21 +01:00
def get_verified_emails(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> List[str]:
access_token = kwargs["response"]["access_token"]
emails = self._user_data(access_token, '/emails')
except (HTTPError, ValueError, TypeError): # nocoverage
# We don't really need an explicit test for this code
# path, since the outcome will be the same as any other
# case without any verified emails
emails = []
verified_emails = []
for email_obj in emails:
if not email_obj.get("verified"):
# TODO: When we add a screen to let the user select an email, remove this line.
if not email_obj.get("primary"):
return verified_emails
def user_data(self, access_token: str, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Dict[str, str]:
"""This patched user_data function lets us combine together the 3
social auth backends into a single Zulip backend for GitHub Oauth2"""
team_id = settings.SOCIAL_AUTH_GITHUB_TEAM_ID
org_name = settings.SOCIAL_AUTH_GITHUB_ORG_NAME
if team_id is None and org_name is None:
# I believe this can't raise AuthFailed, so we don't try to catch it here.
return super().user_data(
access_token, *args, **kwargs
elif team_id is not None:
backend = GithubTeamOAuth2(self.strategy, self.redirect_uri)
return backend.user_data(access_token, *args, **kwargs)
except AuthFailed:
return dict(auth_failed_reason="GitHub user is not member of required team")
elif org_name is not None:
backend = GithubOrganizationOAuth2(self.strategy, self.redirect_uri)
return backend.user_data(access_token, *args, **kwargs)
except AuthFailed:
return dict(auth_failed_reason="GitHub user is not member of required organization")
raise AssertionError("Invalid configuration")
'Dev': DevAuthBackend,
'Email': EmailAuthBackend,
'GitHub': GitHubAuthBackend,
'Google': GoogleMobileOauth2Backend,
'LDAP': ZulipLDAPAuthBackend,
'RemoteUser': ZulipRemoteUserBackend,
} # type: Dict[str, Any]