
134 lines
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Raw Normal View History

import re
import time
from typing import List
from django.test import override_settings
from unittest.mock import Mock, patch
from zerver.lib.test_classes import ZulipTestCase
from zerver.middleware import is_slow_query
from zerver.middleware import write_log_line
class SlowQueryTest(ZulipTestCase):
log_data = {'extra': '[transport=websocket]',
'time_started': 0,
'bugdown_requests_start': 0,
'bugdown_time_start': 0,
'remote_cache_time_start': 0,
'remote_cache_requests_start': 0}
def test_is_slow_query(self) -> None:
self.assertFalse(is_slow_query(1.1, '/some/random/url'))
self.assertTrue(is_slow_query(2, '/some/random/url'))
self.assertTrue(is_slow_query(5.1, '/activity'))
self.assertFalse(is_slow_query(2, '/activity'))
self.assertFalse(is_slow_query(2, '/json/report/error'))
self.assertFalse(is_slow_query(2, '/api/v1/deployments/report_error'))
self.assertFalse(is_slow_query(2, '/realm_activity/whatever'))
self.assertFalse(is_slow_query(2, '/user_activity/whatever'))
self.assertFalse(is_slow_query(9, '/accounts/webathena_kerberos_login/'))
self.assertTrue(is_slow_query(11, '/accounts/webathena_kerberos_login/'))
def test_slow_query_log(self, mock_logging_info: Mock) -> None:
self.log_data['time_started'] = time.time() - self.SLOW_QUERY_TIME
write_log_line(self.log_data, path='/socket/open', method='SOCKET',
remote_ip='123.456.789.012', email='unknown', client_name='?')
last_message = self.get_last_message()
self.assertEqual(last_message.sender.email, "error-bot@zulip.com")
self.assertIn("logs", str(last_message.recipient))
self.assertEqual(last_message.topic_name(), "testserver: slow queries")
r"123\.456\.789\.012 SOCKET 200 10\.\ds .*")
def test_slow_query_log_without_error_bot(self, mock_internal_send_message: Mock,
mock_logging_info: Mock) -> None:
self.log_data['time_started'] = time.time() - self.SLOW_QUERY_TIME
write_log_line(self.log_data, path='/socket/open', method='SOCKET',
remote_ip='123.456.789.012', email='unknown', client_name='?')
class OpenGraphTest(ZulipTestCase):
def check_title_and_description(self, path: str, title: str,
in_description: List[str],
not_in_description: List[str]) -> None:
response = self.client_get(path)
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
decoded = response.content.decode('utf-8')
for title_string in [
'<meta property="og:title" content="{}">'.format(title),
'<meta property="twitter:title" content="{}">'.format(title)]:
self.assertIn(title_string, decoded)
open_graph_description = re.search( # type: ignore
r'<meta property="og:description" content="(?P<description>[^>]*)">',
twitter_description = re.search( # type: ignore
r'<meta name="twitter:description" content="(?P<description>[^>]*)">',
for substring in in_description:
self.assertIn(substring, open_graph_description)
self.assertIn(substring, twitter_description)
for substring in not_in_description:
self.assertNotIn(substring, open_graph_description)
self.assertNotIn(substring, twitter_description)
def test_admonition_and_link(self) -> None:
# disable-message-edit-history starts with an {!admin-only.md!}, and has a link
# in the first paragraph.
"Disable message edit history (Zulip Help Center)",
["By default, Zulip displays messages",
"users can view the edit history of a message. To remove the",
"best to delete the message entirely. "],
["Disable message edit history", "feature is only available", "Related articles",
"Restrict message editing"]
def test_settings_tab(self) -> None:
# deactivate-your-account starts with {settings_tab|your-account}
"Deactivate your account (Zulip Help Center)",
["Any bots that you maintain will be disabled. Deactivating "],
["Confirm by clicking", " ", "\n"])
def test_tabs(self) -> None:
# logging-out starts with {start_tabs}
"Logging out (Zulip Help Center)",
# Ideally we'd do something better here
["We&#39;re here to help! Email us at zulip-admin@example.com with questions, feedback, or " +
"feature requests."],
["Click on the gear"])
def test_index_pages(self) -> None:
"Zulip Help Center",
[("Zulip is a group chat app. Its most distinctive characteristic is that "
"conversation within an organization is divided into “streams” and further ")], [])
"Zulip API Documentation",
[("Zulip&#39;s APIs allow you to integrate other services with Zulip. This "
"guide should help you find the API you need:")], [])
def test_nonexistent_page(self) -> None:
response = self.client_get('/help/not-a-real-page')
# Test that our open graph logic doesn't throw a 500
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 404)
# Probably we should make this "Zulip Help Center"
'<meta property="og:title" content="No such article. (Zulip Help Center)">', response)
self.assert_in_response('<meta property="og:description" content="No such article. '
'We&#39;re here to help! Email us at zulip-admin@example.com with questions, '
'feedback, or feature requests.">', response)