
858 lines
34 KiB
Raw Normal View History

from django.conf import settings
from django.contrib.auth import authenticate, login
from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from django.http import HttpResponse, HttpResponseRedirect, HttpResponseBadRequest, HttpResponseForbidden
from django.shortcuts import render_to_response
from django.template import RequestContext
from django.utils.timezone import utc
from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
from django.contrib.auth.views import login as django_login_page
from zephyr.models import Message, UserProfile, Stream, Subscription, \
Recipient, get_display_recipient, get_huddle, Realm, UserMessage, \
do_add_subscription, do_remove_subscription, do_change_password, \
do_change_full_name, \
create_user, do_send_message, create_user_if_needed, \
create_stream_if_needed, PreregistrationUser, get_client
from zephyr.forms import RegistrationForm, HomepageForm, is_unique
from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt
from zephyr.decorator import asynchronous
from zephyr.lib.query import last_n
from zephyr.lib.avatar import gravatar_hash
from confirmation.models import Confirmation
import datetime
import simplejson
import socket
import re
import urllib
import time
import requests
import os
import base64
SERVER_GENERATION = int(time.time())
def require_post(view_func):
def _wrapped_view_func(request, *args, **kwargs):
if request.method != "POST":
return HttpResponseBadRequest('This form can only be submitted by POST.')
return view_func(request, *args, **kwargs)
return _wrapped_view_func
# api_key_required will add the authenticated user's user_profile to
# the view function's arguments list, since we have to look it up
# anyway.
def login_required_api_view(view_func):
def _wrapped_view_func(request, *args, **kwargs):
# Arguably @require_post should protect us from having to do
# this, but I don't want to count on us always getting the
# decorator ordering right.
user_profile = UserProfile.objects.get(user__email=request.POST.get("email"))
except UserProfile.DoesNotExist:
return json_error("Invalid user")
if user_profile is None or request.POST.get("api-key") != user_profile.api_key:
return json_error('Invalid API user/key pair.')
return view_func(request, user_profile, *args, **kwargs)
return _wrapped_view_func
# Checks if the request is a POST request and that the user is logged
# in. If not, return an error (the @login_required behavior of
# redirecting to a login page doesn't make sense for json views)
def login_required_json_view(view_func):
def _wrapped_view_func(request, *args, **kwargs):
# Arguably @require_post should protect us from having to do
# this, but I don't want to count on us always getting the
# decorator ordering right.
if request.method != "POST":
return HttpResponseBadRequest('This form can only be submitted by POST.')
if not request.user.is_authenticated():
return json_error("Not logged in")
return view_func(request, *args, **kwargs)
return _wrapped_view_func
def json_response(res_type="success", msg="", data={}, status=200):
content = {"result":res_type, "msg":msg}
return HttpResponse(content=simplejson.dumps(content),
mimetype='application/json', status=status)
def json_success(data={}):
return json_response(data=data)
def json_error(msg, data={}):
return json_response(res_type="error", msg=msg, data=data, status=400)
def get_stream(stream_name, realm):
stream = Stream.objects.filter(name__iexact=stream_name, realm=realm)
if stream:
return stream[0]
return None
def accounts_register(request):
key = request.POST['key']
email = Confirmation.objects.get(confirmation_key=key).content_object.email
company_name = email.split('@')[-1]
except ValidationError:
return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('django.contrib.auth.views.login') + '?email=' + urllib.quote_plus(email))
if request.POST.get('from_confirmation'):
form = RegistrationForm()
form = RegistrationForm(request.POST)
if form.is_valid():
password = form.cleaned_data['password']
full_name = form.cleaned_data['full_name']
short_name = email.split('@')[0]
domain = email.split('@')[-1]
(realm, _) = Realm.objects.get_or_create(domain=domain)
# FIXME: sanitize email addresses
create_user(email, password, realm, full_name, short_name)
login(request, authenticate(username=email, password=password))
return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('zephyr.views.home'))
return render_to_response('zephyr/register.html',
{ 'form': form, 'company_name': company_name, 'email': email, 'key': key },
def login_page(request, **kwargs):
template_response = django_login_page(request, **kwargs)
template_response.context_data['email'] = request.GET['email']
except KeyError:
return template_response
def accounts_home(request):
if request.method == 'POST':
form = HomepageForm(request.POST)
if form.is_valid():
email = form.cleaned_data['email']
user = PreregistrationUser.objects.get(email=email)
except PreregistrationUser.DoesNotExist:
user = PreregistrationUser()
user.email = email
Confirmation.objects.send_confirmation(user, user.email)
return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('send_confirm', kwargs={'email':user.email}))
email = request.POST['email']
except ValidationError:
return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('django.contrib.auth.views.login') + '?email=' + urllib.quote_plus(email))
return render_to_response('zephyr/accounts_home.html',
def home(request):
if not request.user.is_authenticated():
return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse(settings.NOT_LOGGED_IN_REDIRECT))
user_profile = UserProfile.objects.get(user=request.user)
num_messages = UserMessage.objects.filter(user_profile=user_profile).count()
if user_profile.pointer == -1 and num_messages > 0:
# Put the new user's pointer at the bottom
# This improves performance, because we limit backfilling of messages
# before the pointer. It's also likely that someone joining an
# organization is interested in recent messages more than the very
# first messages on the system.
max_id = (UserMessage.objects.filter(user_profile=user_profile)
user_profile.pointer = max_id
user_profile.last_pointer_updater = request.session.session_key
# Populate personals autocomplete list based on everyone in your
# realm. Later we might want a 2-layer autocomplete, where we
# consider specially some sort of "buddy list" who e.g. you've
# talked to before, but for small organizations, the right list is
# everyone in your realm.
people = [{'email' : profile.user.email,
'full_name' : profile.full_name}
for profile in
UserProfile.objects.select_related().filter(realm=user_profile.realm) if
profile != user_profile]
subscriptions = Subscription.objects.select_related().filter(user_profile_id=user_profile, active=True)
streams = [get_display_recipient(sub.recipient) for sub in subscriptions
if sub.recipient.type == Recipient.STREAM]
return render_to_response('zephyr/index.html',
{'user_profile': user_profile,
'email_hash' : gravatar_hash(user_profile.user.email),
'people' : people,
'streams' : streams,
'true' if num_messages > 0 else 'false',
settings.DEBUG and ('show_debug' in request.GET) },
def api_update_pointer(request, user_profile):
updater = request.POST.get("client_id")
if updater is None:
return json_error("Missing client_id argument")
return update_pointer_backend(request, user_profile, updater)
def json_update_pointer(request):
user_profile = UserProfile.objects.get(user=request.user)
return update_pointer_backend(request, user_profile,
def update_pointer_backend(request, user_profile, updater):
pointer = request.POST.get('pointer')
if not pointer:
return json_error("Missing pointer")
pointer = int(pointer)
except ValueError:
return json_error("Invalid pointer: must be an integer")
if pointer < 0:
return json_error("Invalid pointer value")
user_profile.pointer = pointer
user_profile.last_pointer_updater = updater
requests.post(settings.NOTIFY_POINTER_UPDATE_URL, data=[
('secret', settings.SHARED_SECRET),
('user', user_profile.user.id),
('new_pointer', pointer),
('pointer_updater', updater)])
return json_success()
def json_get_old_messages(request):
user_profile = UserProfile.objects.get(user=request.user)
return get_old_messages_backend(request, user_profile=user_profile,
def api_get_old_messages(request, user_profile):
return get_old_messages_backend(request, user_profile=user_profile,
apply_markdown=(request.POST.get("apply_markdown") is not None))
def get_old_messages_backend(request, user_profile=None,
if not ('start' in request.POST):
return json_error("Missing 'start' parameter")
if not ('which in request.post'):
return json_error("Missing 'which' parameter")
if not ('number in request.post'):
return json_error("Missing 'number' parameter")
start = int(request.POST.get("start"))
which = request.POST.get("which")
number = int(request.POST.get("number"))
query = Message.objects.select_related().filter(usermessage__user_profile = user_profile).order_by('id')
if which == "older":
messages = last_n(number, query.filter(id__lte=start))
elif which == "newer":
messages = query.filter(id__gte=start)[:number]
elif which == "around":
num_older = number / 2
num_newer = number / 2
if number % 2 != 0:
num_older += 1
messages = (last_n(num_older, query.filter(id__lte=start))
+ list(query.filter(id__gt=start)[:num_newer]))
return json_error("Bad value for 'which' argument")
ret = {'messages': [message.to_dict(apply_markdown) for message in messages],
"result": "success",
"msg": "",
'server_generation': SERVER_GENERATION}
return json_success(ret)
def json_get_updates(request, handler):
user_profile = UserProfile.objects.get(user=request.user)
client_id = request.session.session_key
return get_updates_backend(request, user_profile, handler, client_id,
def api_get_messages(request, user_profile, handler):
client_id = request.POST.get("client_id")
return get_updates_backend(request, user_profile, handler, client_id,
apply_markdown=(request.POST.get("apply_markdown") is not None),
def format_updates_response(messages=[], apply_markdown=True,
user_profile=None, new_pointer=None,
mirror=None, update_types=[]):
max_message_id = None
if user_profile is not None:
max_message_id = Message.objects.filter(usermessage__user_profile=user_profile).order_by('-id')[0].id
if mirror is not None:
messages = [m for m in messages if m.sending_client.name != mirror]
ret = {'messages': [message.to_dict(apply_markdown) for message in messages],
"result": "success",
"msg": "",
'server_generation': SERVER_GENERATION,
'update_types': update_types}
if max_message_id is not None:
# TODO: Figure out how to accurately return this always
ret["max_message_id"] = max_message_id
if new_pointer is not None:
ret['new_pointer'] = new_pointer
return ret
def format_delayed_updates_response(request=None, user_profile=None,
new_pointer=None, pointer_updater=None,
client_id=None, update_types=[],
client_pointer = request.POST.get("pointer")
client_wants_ptr_updates = False
if client_pointer is not None:
client_pointer = int(client_pointer)
client_wants_ptr_updates = True
pointer = None
if (client_wants_ptr_updates
and str(pointer_updater) != str(client_id)
and client_pointer != new_pointer):
pointer = new_pointer
return format_updates_response(new_pointer=pointer,
update_types=update_types, **kwargs)
def return_messages_immediately(request, user_profile, client_id, **kwargs):
last = request.POST.get("last")
if last is None:
# When an API user is first querying the server to subscribe,
# there's no reason to reply immediately.
# TODO: Make this work with server_generation/failures
return None
last = int(last)
if last < 0:
return {"msg": "Invalid 'last' argument", "result": "error"}
# Pointer sync is disabled for now
# client_pointer = request.POST.get("pointer")
failures = request.POST.get("failures")
client_server_generation = request.POST.get("server_generation")
client_reload_pending = request.POST.get("reload_pending")
# Pointer sync is disabled for now
# client_wants_ptr_updates = False
# if client_pointer is not None:
# client_pointer = int(client_pointer)
# client_wants_ptr_updates = True
if failures is not None:
failures = int(failures)
if client_reload_pending is not None:
client_reload_pending = int(client_reload_pending)
messages = []
new_pointer = None
query = Message.objects.select_related().filter(usermessage__user_profile = user_profile).order_by('id')
# Pointer sync is disabled for now
# ptr = user_profile.pointer
messages = query.filter(id__gt=last)[:400]
# Filter for mirroring before checking whether there are any
# messages to pass on. If we don't do this, when the only message
# to forward is one that was sent via the mirroring, the API
# client will end up in an endless loop requesting more data from
# us.
if "mirror" in kwargs:
messages = [m for m in messages if
m.sending_client.name != kwargs["mirror"]]
update_types = []
if messages:
if (client_server_generation is not None
and int(client_server_generation) != SERVER_GENERATION
and not client_reload_pending):
# Pointer sync is disabled for now
# if (client_wants_ptr_updates
# and str(user_profile.last_pointer_updater) != str(client_id)
# and ptr != client_pointer):
# new_pointer = ptr
# update_types.append("pointer_update")
if failures >= 1:
if update_types:
return format_updates_response(messages=messages,
return None
def send_with_safety_check(response, handler, apply_markdown=True, **kwargs):
# Make sure that Markdown rendering really happened, if requested.
# This is a security issue because it's where we escape HTML.
# c.f. ticket #64
# apply_markdown=True is the fail-safe default.
if apply_markdown:
for msg in response['messages']:
if msg['content_type'] != 'text/html':
handler.finish('Internal error: bad message format')
def get_updates_backend(request, user_profile, handler, client_id, **kwargs):
resp = return_messages_immediately(request, user_profile,
client_id, **kwargs)
if resp is not None and resp['result'] == 'success':
send_with_safety_check(resp, handler, **kwargs)
def cb(**cb_kwargs):
if handler.request.connection.stream.closed():
res = format_delayed_updates_response(request=request,
send_with_safety_check(res, handler, **kwargs)
except socket.error:
def generate_client_id():
return base64.b16encode(os.urandom(16)).lower()
def api_get_profile(request, user_profile):
return json_success({"pointer": user_profile.pointer,
"client_id": generate_client_id()})
def api_send_message(request, user_profile):
return send_message_backend(request, user_profile, user_profile,
client_name=request.POST.get("client", "API"))
def json_send_message(request):
user_profile = UserProfile.objects.get(user=request.user)
if 'time' in request.POST:
return json_error("Invalid field 'time'")
return send_message_backend(request, user_profile, user_profile,
# TODO: This should have a real superuser security check
def is_super_user_api(request):
return request.POST.get("api-key") == "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
def already_sent_mirrored_message(request):
utc_from_ts = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp
req_time = float(request.POST['time'])
email = request.POST['sender'].lower()
if Message.objects.filter(sender__user__email=email,
pub_date__gt=utc_from_ts(req_time - 10).replace(tzinfo=utc),
pub_date__lt=utc_from_ts(req_time + 10).replace(tzinfo=utc)):
return True
return False
# Validte that the passed in object is an email address from the user's realm
# TODO: Check that it's a real email address here.
def same_realm_email(user_profile, email):
domain = email.split("@", 1)[1]
return user_profile.realm.domain == domain
return False
# Parse out the sender and huddle/personal recipients
def parse_named_users(request):
sender = {}
recipients = set()
if 'sender' in request.POST:
sender = {'email': request.POST["sender"],
'full_name': request.POST["fullname"],
'short_name': request.POST["shortname"]}
if request.POST['type'] == 'personal':
if ',' in request.POST['recipient']:
# Huddle message
for user_email in [e.strip().lower() for e in
user_email = request.POST["recipient"].strip().lower()
return (False, None, None)
return (True, sender, list(recipients))
def create_mirrored_message_users(request, user_profile):
(valid_input, sender_data, huddle_recipients) = parse_named_users(request)
if not valid_input:
return (False, None)
# First, check that the sender is in our realm:
if 'email' in sender_data and not same_realm_email(user_profile,
return (False, None)
# Then, check that all huddle/personal recipients are in our realm:
for recipient in huddle_recipients:
if not same_realm_email(user_profile, recipient):
return (False, None)
# Create a user for the sender, if needed
if 'email' in sender_data:
sender = create_user_if_needed(user_profile.realm, sender_data['email'],
sender_data['full_name'], sender_data['short_name'])
sender = user_profile
# Create users for huddle/personal recipients, if needed.
for recipient in huddle_recipients:
create_user_if_needed(user_profile.realm, recipient,
return (True, sender)
# We do not @require_login for send_message_backend, since it is used
# both from the API and the web service. Code calling
# send_message_backend should either check the API key or check that
# the user is logged in.
def send_message_backend(request, user_profile, sender, client_name=None):
if "type" not in request.POST:
return json_error("Missing type")
if "content" not in request.POST:
return json_error("Missing message contents")
if client_name is None:
return json_error("Missing client")
message_type_name = request.POST["type"]
forged = "forged" in request.POST
is_super_user = is_super_user_api(request)
if forged and not is_super_user:
return json_error("User not authorized for this query")
if client_name == "zephyr_mirror":
# Here's how security works for non-superuser mirroring:
# The message must be (1) a huddle/personal message (2) that
# is both sent and received exclusively by other users in your
# realm which (3) must be the MIT realm and (4) you must have
# received the message.
# If that's the case, we let it through, but we still have the
# security flaw that we're trusting your Hesiod data for users
# you report having sent you a message.
if "sender" not in request.POST:
return json_error("Missing sender")
if message_type_name != "personal" and not is_super_user:
return json_error("User not authorized for this query")
(valid_input, mirror_sender) = create_mirrored_message_users(request, user_profile)
if not valid_input:
return json_error("Invalid mirrored message")
if user_profile.realm.domain != "mit.edu":
return json_error("Invalid mirrored realm")
if already_sent_mirrored_message(request):
return json_success()
sender = mirror_sender
if message_type_name == 'stream':
if "stream" not in request.POST:
return json_error("Missing stream")
if "subject" not in request.POST:
return json_error("Missing subject")
stream_name = request.POST['stream'].strip()
subject_name = request.POST['subject'].strip()
if len(stream_name) > 30:
return json_error("Stream name too long")
if len(subject_name) > 60:
return json_error("Subject too long")
if not valid_stream_name(stream_name):
return json_error("Invalid stream name")
## FIXME: Commented out temporarily while we figure out what we want
# if not valid_stream_name(subject_name):
# return json_error("Invalid subject name")
stream = create_stream_if_needed(user_profile.realm, stream_name)
recipient = Recipient.objects.get(type_id=stream.id, type=Recipient.STREAM)
elif message_type_name == 'personal':
if "recipient" not in request.POST:
return json_error("Missing recipient")
(valid_input, _, huddle_recipients) = parse_named_users(request)
if not valid_input:
return json_error("Unable to parse recipients")
if client_name == "zephyr_mirror":
if user_profile.user.email not in huddle_recipients and not forged:
return json_error("User not authorized for this query")
recipient_profile_ids = set()
for recipient in huddle_recipients:
if recipient == "":
except UserProfile.DoesNotExist:
return json_error("Invalid email '%s'" % (recipient))
if len(recipient_profile_ids) > 1:
# Make sure the sender is included in the huddle
huddle = get_huddle(list(recipient_profile_ids))
recipient = Recipient.objects.get(type_id=huddle.id, type=Recipient.HUDDLE)
recipient = Recipient.objects.get(type_id=list(recipient_profile_ids)[0],
return json_error("Invalid message type")
message = Message()
message.sender = sender
message.content = request.POST['content']
message.recipient = recipient
if message_type_name == 'stream':
message.subject = subject_name
if forged:
# Forged messages come with a timestamp
message.pub_date = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(float(request.POST['time'])).replace(tzinfo=utc)
message.pub_date = datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=utc)
message.sending_client = get_client(client_name)
return json_success()
def validate_notify(request, handler):
# Check the shared secret.
# Also check the originating IP, at least for now.
if ((request.META['REMOTE_ADDR'] not in ('', '::1'))
or (request.POST.get('secret') != settings.SHARED_SECRET)):
handler.finish('Access denied')
return False
return True
def notify_new_message(request, handler):
if not validate_notify(request, handler):
# FIXME: better query
users = [UserProfile.objects.get(id=user)
for user in request.POST['users'].split(',')]
message = Message.objects.get(id=request.POST['message'])
for user in users:
def notify_pointer_update(request, handler):
if not validate_notify(request, handler):
# FIXME: better query
user_profile = UserProfile.objects.get(id=request.POST['user'])
new_pointer = int(request.POST['new_pointer'])
pointer_updater = request.POST['pointer_updater']
user_profile.update_pointer(new_pointer, pointer_updater)
def api_get_public_streams(request, user_profile):
streams = sorted([stream.name for stream in
return json_success({"streams": streams})
def gather_subscriptions(user_profile):
subscriptions = Subscription.objects.filter(user_profile=user_profile, active=True)
# For now, don't display the subscription for your ability to receive personals.
return sorted([get_display_recipient(sub.recipient) for sub in subscriptions
if sub.recipient.type == Recipient.STREAM])
def api_get_subscriptions(request, user_profile):
return json_success({"streams": gather_subscriptions(user_profile)})
def json_list_subscriptions(request):
subs = gather_subscriptions(UserProfile.objects.get(user=request.user))
return json_success({"subscriptions": subs})
def json_remove_subscription(request):
user_profile = UserProfile.objects.get(user=request.user)
if 'subscription' not in request.POST:
return json_error("Missing subscriptions")
sub_name = request.POST.get('subscription')
stream = get_stream(sub_name, user_profile.realm)
if not stream:
return json_error("Stream does not exist")
did_remove = do_remove_subscription(user_profile, stream)
if not did_remove:
return json_error("Not subscribed, so you can't unsubscribe")
return json_success({"data": sub_name})
def valid_stream_name(name):
# Streams must start with a letter or number or a dot.
return re.match(r'^[\w.][\w. -]*$', name, flags=re.UNICODE)
def api_subscribe(request, user_profile):
if "streams" not in request.POST:
return json_error("Missing streams argument.")
streams = simplejson.loads(request.POST.get("streams"))
for stream_name in streams:
if len(stream_name) > 30:
return json_error("Stream name (%s) too long." % (stream_name,))
if not valid_stream_name(stream_name):
return json_error("Invalid characters in stream name (%s)." % (stream_name,))
res = add_subscriptions_backend(request, user_profile, streams)
return json_success(res)
def json_add_subscription(request):
user_profile = UserProfile.objects.get(user=request.user)
if "new_subscription" not in request.POST:
return json_error("Missing new_subscription argument")
stream_name = request.POST.get('new_subscription').strip()
if not valid_stream_name(stream_name):
return json_error("Invalid characters in stream names")
if len(stream_name) > 30:
return json_error("Stream name %s too long." % (stream_name,))
res = add_subscriptions_backend(request,user_profile,
if len(res["already_subscribed"]) != 0:
return json_error("Subscription already exists")
return json_success({"data": res["subscribed"][0]})
def add_subscriptions_backend(request, user_profile, streams):
subscribed = []
already_subscribed = []
for stream_name in list(set(streams)):
stream = create_stream_if_needed(user_profile.realm, stream_name)
did_subscribe = do_add_subscription(user_profile, stream)
if did_subscribe:
return {"subscribed": subscribed,
"already_subscribed": already_subscribed}
def json_change_settings(request):
user_profile = UserProfile.objects.get(user=request.user)
# First validate all the inputs
if "full_name" not in request.POST:
return json_error("Invalid settings request -- missing full_name.")
if "new_password" not in request.POST:
return json_error("Invalid settings request -- missing new_password.")
if "old_password" not in request.POST:
return json_error("Invalid settings request -- missing old_password.")
if "confirm_password" not in request.POST:
return json_error("Invalid settings request -- missing confirm_password.")
old_password = request.POST['old_password']
new_password = request.POST['new_password']
confirm_password = request.POST['confirm_password']
full_name = request.POST['full_name']
if new_password != "":
if new_password != confirm_password:
return json_error("New password must match confirmation password!")
if not authenticate(username=user_profile.user.email, password=old_password):
return json_error("Wrong password!")
do_change_password(user_profile.user, new_password)
result = {}
if user_profile.full_name != full_name:
do_change_full_name(user_profile, full_name)
result['full_name'] = full_name
return json_success(result)
def json_stream_exists(request):
if "stream" not in request.POST:
return json_error("Missing stream argument.")
stream = request.POST.get("stream")
if not valid_stream_name(stream):
return json_error("Invalid characters in stream name")
exists = bool(get_stream(stream, UserProfile.objects.get(user=request.user).realm))
return json_success({"exists": exists})
def api_fetch_api_key(request):
username = request.POST['username']
password = request.POST['password']
except KeyError:
return HttpResponseBadRequest("You must specify the username and password via POST.")
user = authenticate(username=username, password=password)
if user is None:
return HttpResponseForbidden("Your username or password is incorrect.")
if not user.is_active:
return HttpResponseForbidden("Your account has been disabled.")
return HttpResponse(user.userprofile.api_key)
def json_fetch_api_key(request):
password = request.POST['password']
except KeyError:
return json_error("You must specify your password to get your API key.")
if not request.user.check_password(password):
return json_error("Your username or password is incorrect.")
return json_success({"api_key": request.user.userprofile.api_key})