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linkifier: Support URL templates for linkifiers. This swaps out url_format_string from all of our APIs and replaces it with url_template. Note that the documentation changes in the following commits will be squashed with this commit. We change the "url_format" key to "url_template" for the realm_linkifiers events in event_schema, along with updating LinkifierDict. "url_template" is the name chosen to normalize mixed usages of "url_format_string" and "url_format" throughout the backend. The markdown processor is updated to stop handling the format string interpolation and delegate the task template expansion to the uri_template library instead. This change affects many test cases. We mostly just replace "%(name)s" with "{name}", "url_format_string" with "url_template" to make sure that they still pass. There are some test cases dedicated for testing "%" escaping, which aren't relevant anymore and are subject to removal. But for now we keep most of them as-is, and make sure that "%" is always escaped since we do not use it for variable substitution any more. Since url_format_string is not populated anymore, a migration is created to remove this field entirely, and make url_template non-nullable since we will always populate it. Note that it is possible to have url_template being null after migration 0422 and before 0424, but in practice, url_template will not be None after backfilling and the backend now is always setting url_template. With the removal of url_format_string, RealmFilter model will now be cleaned with URL template checks, and the old checks for escapes are removed. We also modified RealmFilter.clean to skip the validation when the url_template is invalid. This avoids raising mulitple ValidationError's when calling full_clean on a linkifier. But we might eventually want to have a more centric approach to data validation instead of having the same validation in both the clean method and the validator. Fixes #23124. Signed-off-by: Zixuan James Li <p359101898@gmail.com>
2022-10-05 20:55:31 +02:00
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