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# Webhooks for external integrations.
2017-11-16 00:43:10 +01:00
import re
import string
from typing import Callable, Dict, List, Optional
from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
2017-11-16 00:43:10 +01:00
from django.db.models import Q
2016-06-05 23:09:32 +02:00
from django.http import HttpRequest, HttpResponse
from zerver.decorator import webhook_view
from zerver.lib.exceptions import AnomalousWebhookPayloadError, UnsupportedWebhookEventTypeError
from zerver.lib.request import REQ, has_request_variables
from zerver.lib.response import json_success
from zerver.lib.validator import WildValue, check_none_or, check_string, to_wild_value
from zerver.lib.webhooks.common import check_send_webhook_message
from zerver.models import Realm, UserProfile, get_user_by_delivery_email
2020-08-22 14:39:00 +02:00
2020-08-22 14:37:45 +02:00
2020-08-22 15:15:07 +02:00
2020-08-22 14:39:00 +02:00
def guess_zulip_user_from_jira(jira_username: str, realm: Realm) -> Optional[UserProfile]:
# Try to find a matching user in Zulip
# We search a user's full name, short name,
# and beginning of email address
user = UserProfile.objects.filter(
Q(full_name__iexact=jira_username) | Q(email__istartswith=jira_username),
2017-01-24 07:06:13 +01:00
return user
except IndexError:
return None
def convert_jira_markup(content: str, realm: Realm) -> str:
# Attempt to do some simplistic conversion of Jira
# formatting to Markdown, for consumption in Zulip
# Jira uses *word* for bold, we use **word**
content = re.sub(r"\*([^\*]+)\*", r"**\1**", content)
# Jira uses {{word}} for monospacing, we use `word`
content = re.sub(r"{{([^\*]+?)}}", r"`\1`", content)
# Starting a line with bq. block quotes that line
content = re.sub(r"bq\. (.*)", r"> \1", content)
# Wrapping a block of code in {quote}stuff{quote} also block-quotes it
quote_re = re.compile(r"{quote}(.*?){quote}", re.DOTALL)
content = re.sub(quote_re, r"~~~ quote\n\1\n~~~", content)
# {noformat}stuff{noformat} blocks are just code blocks with no
# syntax highlighting
noformat_re = re.compile(r"{noformat}(.*?){noformat}", re.DOTALL)
content = re.sub(noformat_re, r"~~~\n\1\n~~~", content)
# Code blocks are delineated by {code[: lang]} {code}
code_re = re.compile(r"{code[^\n]*}(.*?){code}", re.DOTALL)
content = re.sub(code_re, r"~~~\n\1\n~~~", content)
# Links are of form: [https://www.google.com] or [Link Title|https://www.google.com]
# In order to support both forms, we don't match a | in bare links
content = re.sub(r"\[([^\|~]+?)\]", r"[\1](\1)", content)
# Full links which have a | are converted into a better Markdown link
full_link_re = re.compile(r"\[(?:(?P<title>[^|~]+)\|)(?P<url>[^\]]*)\]")
content = re.sub(full_link_re, r"[\g<title>](\g<url>)", content)
# Try to convert a Jira user mention of format [~username] into a
# Zulip user mention. We don't know the email, just the Jira username,
# so we naively guess at their Zulip account using this
mention_re = re.compile("\\[~(.*?)\\]")
for username in mention_re.findall(content):
# Try to look up username
user_profile = guess_zulip_user_from_jira(username, realm)
if user_profile:
replacement = f"**{user_profile.full_name}**"
replacement = f"**{username}**"
content = content.replace(f"[~{username}]", replacement)
return content
def get_in(payload: WildValue, keys: List[str], default: str = "") -> WildValue:
for key in keys:
payload = payload[key]
except (AttributeError, KeyError, TypeError, ValidationError):
return WildValue("default", default)
return payload
def get_issue_string(
payload: WildValue, issue_id: Optional[str] = None, with_title: bool = False
) -> str:
# Guess the URL as it is not specified in the payload
# We assume that there is a /browse/BUG-### page
# from the REST URL of the issue itself
if issue_id is None:
issue_id = get_issue_id(payload)
if with_title:
text = f"{issue_id}: {get_issue_title(payload)}"
text = issue_id
base_url = re.match(
r"(.*)\/rest\/api/.*", get_in(payload, ["issue", "self"]).tame(check_string)
if base_url and len(base_url.groups()):
return f"[{text}]({base_url.group(1)}/browse/{issue_id})"
return text
def get_assignee_mention(assignee_email: str, realm: Realm) -> str:
if assignee_email != "":
assignee_name = get_user_by_delivery_email(assignee_email, realm).full_name
except UserProfile.DoesNotExist:
assignee_name = assignee_email
return f"**{assignee_name}**"
return ""
def get_issue_author(payload: WildValue) -> str:
return get_in(payload, ["user", "displayName"]).tame(check_string)
def get_issue_id(payload: WildValue) -> str:
if "issue" not in payload:
# Some ancient version of Jira or one of its extensions posts
# comment_created events without an "issue" element. For
# these, the best we can do is extract the Jira-internal
# issue number and use that in the topic.
# Users who want better formatting can upgrade Jira.
return payload["comment"]["self"].tame(check_string).split("/")[-3]
return get_in(payload, ["issue", "key"]).tame(check_string)
def get_issue_title(payload: WildValue) -> str:
if "issue" not in payload:
# Some ancient version of Jira or one of its extensions posts
# comment_created events without an "issue" element. For
# these, the best we can do is extract the Jira-internal
# issue number and use that in the topic.
# Users who want better formatting can upgrade Jira.
return "Upgrade Jira to get the issue title here."
return get_in(payload, ["issue", "fields", "summary"]).tame(check_string)
def get_issue_subject(payload: WildValue) -> str:
return f"{get_issue_id(payload)}: {get_issue_title(payload)}"
def get_sub_event_for_update_issue(payload: WildValue) -> str:
sub_event = payload.get("issue_event_type_name", "").tame(check_string)
if sub_event == "":
if payload.get("comment"):
return "issue_commented"
elif payload.get("transition"):
return "issue_transited"
return sub_event
def get_event_type(payload: WildValue) -> Optional[str]:
event = payload.get("webhookEvent").tame(check_none_or(check_string))
if event is None and payload.get("transition"):
event = "jira:issue_updated"
return event
def add_change_info(
content: str, field: Optional[str], from_field: Optional[str], to_field: Optional[str]
) -> str:
content += f"* Changed {field}"
if from_field:
content += f" from **{from_field}**"
if to_field:
content += f" to {to_field}\n"
return content
def handle_updated_issue_event(payload: WildValue, user_profile: UserProfile) -> str:
# Reassigned, commented, reopened, and resolved events are all bundled
# into this one 'updated' event type, so we try to extract the meaningful
# event that happened
issue_id = get_in(payload, ["issue", "key"]).tame(check_string)
issue = get_issue_string(payload, issue_id, True)
assignee_email = get_in(payload, ["issue", "fields", "assignee", "emailAddress"], "").tame(
assignee_mention = get_assignee_mention(assignee_email, user_profile.realm)
if assignee_mention != "":
assignee_blurb = f" (assigned to {assignee_mention})"
assignee_blurb = ""
sub_event = get_sub_event_for_update_issue(payload)
if "comment" in sub_event:
if sub_event == "issue_commented":
verb = "commented on"
elif sub_event == "issue_comment_edited":
verb = "edited a comment on"
verb = "deleted a comment from"
if payload.get("webhookEvent") == "comment_created":
author = payload["comment"]["author"]["displayName"].tame(check_string)
author = get_issue_author(payload)
content = f"{author} {verb} {issue}{assignee_blurb}"
comment = get_in(payload, ["comment", "body"]).tame(check_string)
if comment:
comment = convert_jira_markup(comment, user_profile.realm)
content = f"{content}:\n\n``` quote\n{comment}\n```"
content = f"{content}."
content = f"{get_issue_author(payload)} updated {issue}{assignee_blurb}:\n\n"
changelog = payload.get("changelog")
if changelog:
# Use the changelog to display the changes, whitelist types we accept
items = changelog.get("items")
for item in items:
field = item.get("field").tame(check_none_or(check_string))
if field == "assignee" and assignee_mention != "":
target_field_string = assignee_mention
# Convert a user's target to a @-mention if possible
target_field_string = "**{}**".format(
from_field_string = item.get("fromString").tame(check_none_or(check_string))
if target_field_string or from_field_string:
content = add_change_info(
content, field, from_field_string, target_field_string
elif sub_event == "issue_transited":
from_field_string = get_in(payload, ["transition", "from_status"]).tame(check_string)
target_field_string = "**{}**".format(
get_in(payload, ["transition", "to_status"]).tame(check_string)
if target_field_string or from_field_string:
content = add_change_info(content, "status", from_field_string, target_field_string)
return content
def handle_created_issue_event(payload: WildValue, user_profile: UserProfile) -> str:
template = """
{author} created {issue_string}:
* **Priority**: {priority}
* **Assignee**: {assignee}
return template.format(
issue_string=get_issue_string(payload, with_title=True),
priority=get_in(payload, ["issue", "fields", "priority", "name"]).tame(check_string),
assignee=get_in(payload, ["issue", "fields", "assignee", "displayName"], "no one").tame(
def handle_deleted_issue_event(payload: WildValue, user_profile: UserProfile) -> str:
template = "{author} deleted {issue_string}{punctuation}"
title = get_issue_title(payload)
punctuation = "." if title[-1] not in string.punctuation else ""
return template.format(
issue_string=get_issue_string(payload, with_title=True),
def normalize_comment(comment: str) -> str:
# Here's how Jira escapes special characters in their payload:
# ,.?\\!\n\"'\n\\[]\\{}()\n@#$%^&*\n~`|/\\\\
# for some reason, as of writing this, ! has two '\' before it.
normalized_comment = comment.replace("\\!", "!")
return normalized_comment
def handle_comment_created_event(payload: WildValue, user_profile: UserProfile) -> str:
title = get_issue_title(payload)
return '{author} commented on issue: *"{title}"\
*\n``` quote\n{comment}\n```\n'.format(
def handle_comment_updated_event(payload: WildValue, user_profile: UserProfile) -> str:
title = get_issue_title(payload)
return '{author} updated their comment on issue: *"{title}"\
*\n``` quote\n{comment}\n```\n'.format(
def handle_comment_deleted_event(payload: WildValue, user_profile: UserProfile) -> str:
title = get_issue_title(payload)
return '{author} deleted their comment on issue: *"{title}"\
*\n``` quote\n~~{comment}~~\n```\n'.format(
JIRA_CONTENT_FUNCTION_MAPPER: Dict[str, Optional[Callable[[WildValue, UserProfile], str]]] = {
"jira:issue_created": handle_created_issue_event,
"jira:issue_deleted": handle_deleted_issue_event,
"jira:issue_updated": handle_updated_issue_event,
"comment_created": handle_comment_created_event,
"comment_updated": handle_comment_updated_event,
"comment_deleted": handle_comment_deleted_event,
@webhook_view("Jira", all_event_types=ALL_EVENT_TYPES)
def api_jira_webhook(
request: HttpRequest,
user_profile: UserProfile,
payload: WildValue = REQ(argument_type="body", converter=to_wild_value),
) -> HttpResponse:
event = get_event_type(payload)
if event in IGNORED_EVENTS:
return json_success(request)
if event is None:
raise AnomalousWebhookPayloadError
if event is not None:
content_func = JIRA_CONTENT_FUNCTION_MAPPER.get(event)
if content_func is None:
raise UnsupportedWebhookEventTypeError(event)
subject = get_issue_subject(payload)
python: Convert assignment type annotations to Python 3.6 style. This commit was split by tabbott; this piece covers the vast majority of files in Zulip, but excludes scripts/, tools/, and puppet/ to help ensure we at least show the right error messages for Xenial systems. We can likely further refine the remaining pieces with some testing. Generated by com2ann, with whitespace fixes and various manual fixes for runtime issues: - invoiced_through: Optional[LicenseLedger] = models.ForeignKey( + invoiced_through: Optional["LicenseLedger"] = models.ForeignKey( -_apns_client: Optional[APNsClient] = None +_apns_client: Optional["APNsClient"] = None - notifications_stream: Optional[Stream] = models.ForeignKey('Stream', related_name='+', null=True, blank=True, on_delete=CASCADE) - signup_notifications_stream: Optional[Stream] = models.ForeignKey('Stream', related_name='+', null=True, blank=True, on_delete=CASCADE) + notifications_stream: Optional["Stream"] = models.ForeignKey('Stream', related_name='+', null=True, blank=True, on_delete=CASCADE) + signup_notifications_stream: Optional["Stream"] = models.ForeignKey('Stream', related_name='+', null=True, blank=True, on_delete=CASCADE) - author: Optional[UserProfile] = models.ForeignKey('UserProfile', blank=True, null=True, on_delete=CASCADE) + author: Optional["UserProfile"] = models.ForeignKey('UserProfile', blank=True, null=True, on_delete=CASCADE) - bot_owner: Optional[UserProfile] = models.ForeignKey('self', null=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL) + bot_owner: Optional["UserProfile"] = models.ForeignKey('self', null=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL) - default_sending_stream: Optional[Stream] = models.ForeignKey('zerver.Stream', null=True, related_name='+', on_delete=CASCADE) - default_events_register_stream: Optional[Stream] = models.ForeignKey('zerver.Stream', null=True, related_name='+', on_delete=CASCADE) + default_sending_stream: Optional["Stream"] = models.ForeignKey('zerver.Stream', null=True, related_name='+', on_delete=CASCADE) + default_events_register_stream: Optional["Stream"] = models.ForeignKey('zerver.Stream', null=True, related_name='+', on_delete=CASCADE) -descriptors_by_handler_id: Dict[int, ClientDescriptor] = {} +descriptors_by_handler_id: Dict[int, "ClientDescriptor"] = {} -worker_classes: Dict[str, Type[QueueProcessingWorker]] = {} -queues: Dict[str, Dict[str, Type[QueueProcessingWorker]]] = {} +worker_classes: Dict[str, Type["QueueProcessingWorker"]] = {} +queues: Dict[str, Dict[str, Type["QueueProcessingWorker"]]] = {} -AUTH_LDAP_REVERSE_EMAIL_SEARCH: Optional[LDAPSearch] = None +AUTH_LDAP_REVERSE_EMAIL_SEARCH: Optional["LDAPSearch"] = None Signed-off-by: Anders Kaseorg <anders@zulipchat.com>
2020-04-22 01:09:50 +02:00
content: str = content_func(payload, user_profile)
request, user_profile, subject, content, event, unquote_url_parameters=True
return json_success(request)