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from __future__ import print_function
from six import text_type
from typing import cast, Any, Iterable, Mapping, Optional, Sequence, Tuple
2016-06-03 22:59:19 +02:00
import mandrill
from confirmation.models import Confirmation
from django.conf import settings
from django.core.mail import EmailMultiAlternatives
from django.template import loader
from django.utils import timezone
from zerver.decorator import statsd_increment, uses_mandrill
2016-06-03 22:59:19 +02:00
from zerver.models import (
2016-06-03 22:59:19 +02:00
import datetime
import re
import subprocess
import ujson
from six.moves import urllib
from collections import defaultdict
def unsubscribe_token(user_profile):
# type: (UserProfile) -> text_type
# Leverage the Django confirmations framework to generate and track unique
# unsubscription tokens.
return Confirmation.objects.get_link_for_object(user_profile).split("/")[-1]
def one_click_unsubscribe_link(user_profile, endpoint):
# type: (UserProfile, text_type) -> text_type
Generate a unique link that a logged-out user can visit to unsubscribe from
Zulip e-mails without having to first log in.
token = unsubscribe_token(user_profile)
resource_path = "accounts/unsubscribe/%s/%s" % (endpoint, token)
return "%s/%s" % (user_profile.realm.uri.rstrip("/"), resource_path)
def hashchange_encode(string):
# type: (text_type) -> text_type
# Do the same encoding operation as hashchange.encodeHashComponent on the
# frontend.
# `safe` has a default value of "/", but we want those encoded, too.
return urllib.parse.quote(
string.encode("utf-8"), safe=b"").replace(".", "%2E").replace("%", ".")
def pm_narrow_url(realm, participants):
# type: (Realm, List[text_type]) -> text_type
base_url = u"%s/#narrow/pm-with/" % (realm.uri,)
return base_url + hashchange_encode(",".join(participants))
def stream_narrow_url(realm, stream):
# type: (Realm, text_type) -> text_type
base_url = u"%s/#narrow/stream/" % (realm.uri,)
return base_url + hashchange_encode(stream)
def topic_narrow_url(realm, stream, topic):
# type: (Realm, text_type, text_type) -> text_type
base_url = u"%s/#narrow/stream/" % (realm.uri,)
return u"%s%s/topic/%s" % (base_url, hashchange_encode(stream),
def build_message_list(user_profile, messages):
2016-06-03 22:59:19 +02:00
# type: (UserProfile, List[Message]) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]
Builds the message list object for the missed message email template.
The messages are collapsed into per-recipient and per-sender blocks, like
our web interface
messages_to_render = [] # type: List[Dict[str, Any]]
def sender_string(message):
# type: (Message) -> text_type
if message.recipient.type in (Recipient.STREAM, Recipient.HUDDLE):
return message.sender.full_name
return ''
def relative_to_full_url(content):
# type: (text_type) -> text_type
# URLs for uploaded content are of the form
# "/user_uploads/abc.png". Make them full paths.
# There's a small chance of colliding with non-Zulip URLs containing
# "/user_uploads/", but we don't have much information about the
# structure of the URL to leverage.
content = re.sub(
settings.EXTERNAL_HOST + r"/user_uploads/\1", content)
# Our proxying user-uploaded images seems to break inline images in HTML
# emails, so scrub the image but leave the link.
content = re.sub(
r"<img src=(\S+)/user_uploads/(\S+)>", "", content)
# URLs for emoji are of the form
# "static/third/gemoji/images/emoji/snowflake.png".
content = re.sub(
settings.EXTERNAL_HOST + r"/static/third/gemoji/images/emoji/",
return content
def fix_plaintext_image_urls(content):
# type: (text_type) -> text_type
# Replace image URLs in plaintext content of the form
# [image name](image url)
# with a simple hyperlink.
return re.sub(r"\[(\S*)\]\((\S*)\)", r"\2", content)
def fix_emoji_sizes(html):
# type: (text_type) -> text_type
return html.replace(' class="emoji"', ' height="20px"')
def build_message_payload(message):
# type: (Message) -> Dict[str, text_type]
plain = message.content
plain = fix_plaintext_image_urls(plain)
plain = relative_to_full_url(plain)
html = message.rendered_content
html = relative_to_full_url(html)
html = fix_emoji_sizes(html)
return {'plain': plain, 'html': html}
def build_sender_payload(message):
2016-06-03 22:59:19 +02:00
# type: (Message) -> Dict[str, Any]
sender = sender_string(message)
return {'sender': sender,
'content': [build_message_payload(message)]}
def message_header(user_profile, message):
# type: (UserProfile, Message) -> Dict[str, Any]
disp_recipient = get_display_recipient(message.recipient)
if message.recipient.type == Recipient.PERSONAL:
header = u"You and %s" % (message.sender.full_name)
html_link = pm_narrow_url(user_profile.realm, [message.sender.email])
header_html = u"<a style='color: #ffffff;' href='%s'>%s</a>" % (html_link, header)
elif message.recipient.type == Recipient.HUDDLE:
assert not isinstance(disp_recipient, text_type)
other_recipients = [r['full_name'] for r in disp_recipient
if r['email'] != user_profile.email]
header = u"You and %s" % (", ".join(other_recipients),)
html_link = pm_narrow_url(user_profile.realm, [r["email"] for r in disp_recipient
if r["email"] != user_profile.email])
header_html = u"<a style='color: #ffffff;' href='%s'>%s</a>" % (html_link, header)
assert isinstance(disp_recipient, text_type)
header = u"%s > %s" % (disp_recipient, message.topic_name())
stream_link = stream_narrow_url(user_profile.realm, disp_recipient)
topic_link = topic_narrow_url(user_profile.realm, disp_recipient, message.subject)
header_html = u"<a href='%s'>%s</a> > <a href='%s'>%s</a>" % (
stream_link, disp_recipient, topic_link, message.subject)
return {"plain": header,
"html": header_html,
"stream_message": message.recipient.type_name() == "stream"}
# # Collapse message list to
# [
# {
# "header": {
# "plain":"header",
# "html":"htmlheader"
# }
# "senders":[
# {
# "sender":"sender_name",
# "content":[
# {
# "plain":"content",
# "html":"htmlcontent"
# }
# {
# "plain":"content",
# "html":"htmlcontent"
# }
# ]
# }
# ]
# },
# ]
messages.sort(key=lambda message: message.pub_date)
for message in messages:
header = message_header(user_profile, message)
# If we want to collapse into the previous recipient block
if len(messages_to_render) > 0 and messages_to_render[-1]['header'] == header:
sender = sender_string(message)
sender_block = messages_to_render[-1]['senders']
# Same message sender, collapse again
if sender_block[-1]['sender'] == sender:
# Start a new sender block
# New recipient and sender block
recipient_block = {'header': header,
'senders': [build_sender_payload(message)]}
return messages_to_render
def do_send_missedmessage_events_reply_in_zulip(user_profile, missed_messages, message_count):
2016-06-03 22:59:19 +02:00
# type: (UserProfile, List[Message], int) -> None
Send a reminder email to a user if she's missed some PMs by being offline.
The email will have its reply to address set to a limited used email
address that will send a zulip message to the correct recipient. This
allows the user to respond to missed PMs, huddles, and @-mentions directly
from the email.
`user_profile` is the user to send the reminder to
`missed_messages` is a list of Message objects to remind about they should
all have the same recipient and subject
from zerver.context_processors import common_context
# Disabled missedmessage emails internally
if not user_profile.enable_offline_email_notifications:
recipients = set((msg.recipient_id, msg.subject) for msg in missed_messages)
if len(recipients) != 1:
raise ValueError(
'All missed_messages must have the same recipient and subject %r' %
unsubscribe_link = one_click_unsubscribe_link(user_profile, "missed_messages")
template_payload = common_context(user_profile)
'name': user_profile.full_name,
'messages': build_message_list(user_profile, missed_messages),
'message_count': message_count,
'reply_warning': False,
'mention': missed_messages[0].recipient.type == Recipient.STREAM,
'reply_to_zulip': True,
'unsubscribe_link': unsubscribe_link,
headers = {}
from zerver.lib.email_mirror import create_missed_message_address
address = create_missed_message_address(user_profile, missed_messages[0])
headers['Reply-To'] = address
senders = set(m.sender.full_name for m in missed_messages)
sender_str = ", ".join(senders)
plural_messages = 's' if len(missed_messages) > 1 else ''
subject = "Missed Zulip%s from %s" % (plural_messages, sender_str)
from_email = 'Zulip <%s>' % (settings.NOREPLY_EMAIL_ADDRESS,)
if len(senders) == 1 and settings.SEND_MISSED_MESSAGE_EMAILS_AS_USER:
# If this setting is enabled, you can reply to the Zulip
# missed message emails directly back to the original sender.
# However, one must ensure the Zulip server is in the SPF
# record for the domain, or there will be spam/deliverability
# problems.
headers['Sender'] = from_email
sender = missed_messages[0].sender
from_email = '"%s" <%s>' % (sender_str, sender.email)
text_content = loader.render_to_string('zerver/missed_message_email.txt', template_payload)
html_content = loader.render_to_string('zerver/missed_message_email_html.txt', template_payload)
msg = EmailMultiAlternatives(subject, text_content, from_email, [user_profile.email],
headers = headers)
msg.attach_alternative(html_content, "text/html")
user_profile.last_reminder = timezone.now()
def handle_missedmessage_emails(user_profile_id, missed_email_events):
2016-06-03 22:59:19 +02:00
# type: (int, Iterable[Dict[str, Any]]) -> None
message_ids = [event.get('message_id') for event in missed_email_events]
user_profile = get_user_profile_by_id(user_profile_id)
if not receives_offline_notifications(user_profile):
messages = [um.message for um in UserMessage.objects.filter(user_profile=user_profile,
if not messages:
messages_by_recipient_subject = defaultdict(list) # type: Dict[Tuple[int, text_type], List[Message]]
for msg in messages:
messages_by_recipient_subject[(msg.recipient_id, msg.topic_name())].append(msg)
message_count_by_recipient_subject = {
recipient_subject: len(msgs)
for recipient_subject, msgs in messages_by_recipient_subject.items()
for msg_list in messages_by_recipient_subject.values():
msg = min(msg_list, key=lambda msg: msg.pub_date)
if msg.recipient.type == Recipient.STREAM:
# Send an email per recipient subject pair
for recipient_subject, msg_list in messages_by_recipient_subject.items():
unique_messages = {m.id: m for m in msg_list}
def clear_followup_emails_queue(email, mail_client=None):
# type: (text_type, Optional[mandrill.Mandrill]) -> None
Clear out queued emails (from Mandrill's queue) that would otherwise
be sent to a specific email address. Optionally specify which sender
to filter by (useful when there are more Zulip subsystems using our
mandrill account).
`email` is a string representing the recipient email
`from_email` is a string representing the email account used
to send the email (E.g. support@example.com).
# SMTP mail delivery implementation
if not mail_client:
items = ScheduledJob.objects.filter(type=ScheduledJob.EMAIL, filter_string__iexact = email)
# Mandrill implementation
for email_message in mail_client.messages.list_scheduled(to=email):
result = mail_client.messages.cancel_scheduled(id=email_message["_id"])
if result.get("status") == "error":
print(result.get("name"), result.get("error"))
def log_digest_event(msg):
# type: (text_type) -> None
import logging
logging.basicConfig(filename=settings.DIGEST_LOG_PATH, level=logging.INFO)
def send_future_email(recipients, email_html, email_text, subject,
delay=datetime.timedelta(0), sender=None,
tags=[], mail_client=None):
# type: (List[Dict[str, Any]], text_type, text_type, text_type, datetime.timedelta, Optional[Dict[str, text_type]], Iterable[text_type], Optional[mandrill.Mandrill]) -> None
Sends email via Mandrill, with optional delay
'mail_client' is filled in by the decorator
# When sending real emails while testing locally, don't accidentally send
# emails to non-zulip.com users.
if settings.DEVELOPMENT and \
settings.EMAIL_BACKEND != 'django.core.mail.backends.console.EmailBackend':
for recipient in recipients:
email = recipient.get("email")
if get_user_profile_by_email(email).realm.domain != "zulip.com":
raise ValueError("digest: refusing to send emails to non-zulip.com users.")
# message = {"from_email": "othello@zulip.com",
# "from_name": "Othello",
# "html": "<p>hello</p> there",
# "tags": ["signup-reminders"],
# "to": [{'email':"acrefoot@zulip.com", 'name': "thingamajig"}]
# }
# SMTP mail delivery implementation
if not mail_client:
if sender is None:
# This may likely overridden by settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL
sender = {'email': settings.NOREPLY_EMAIL_ADDRESS, 'name': 'Zulip'}
for recipient in recipients:
email_fields = {'email_html': email_html,
'email_subject': subject,
'email_text': email_text,
'recipient_email': recipient.get('email'),
'recipient_name': recipient.get('name'),
'sender_email': sender['email'],
'sender_name': sender['name']}
ScheduledJob.objects.create(type=ScheduledJob.EMAIL, filter_string=recipient.get('email'),
scheduled_timestamp=timezone.now() + delay)
# Mandrill implementation
if sender is None:
sender = {'email': settings.NOREPLY_EMAIL_ADDRESS, 'name': 'Zulip'}
message = {'from_email': sender['email'],
'from_name': sender['name'],
'to': recipients,
'subject': subject,
'html': email_html,
'text': email_text,
'tags': tags,
# ignore any delays smaller than 1-minute because it's cheaper just to sent them immediately
if not isinstance(delay, datetime.timedelta):
raise TypeError("specified delay is of the wrong type: %s" % (type(delay),))
if delay < datetime.timedelta(minutes=1):
results = mail_client.messages.send(message=message, async=False, ip_pool="Main Pool")
send_time = (timezone.now() + delay).__format__("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
results = mail_client.messages.send(message=message, async=False, ip_pool="Main Pool", send_at=send_time)
problems = [result for result in results if (result['status'] in ('rejected', 'invalid'))]
if problems:
for problem in problems:
if problem["status"] == "rejected":
if problem["reject_reason"] == "hard-bounce":
# A hard bounce means the address doesn't exist or the
# recipient mail server is completely blocking
# delivery. Don't try to send further emails.
if "digest-emails" in tags:
from zerver.lib.actions import do_change_enable_digest_emails
bounce_email = problem["email"]
user_profile = get_user_profile_by_email(bounce_email)
do_change_enable_digest_emails(user_profile, False)
log_digest_event("%s\nTurned off digest emails for %s" % (
str(problems), bounce_email))
elif problem["reject_reason"] == "soft-bounce":
# A soft bounce is temporary; let it try to resolve itself.
raise Exception(
"While sending email (%s), encountered problems with these recipients: %r"
% (subject, problems))
def send_local_email_template_with_delay(recipients, template_prefix,
template_payload, delay,
tags=[], sender={'email': settings.NOREPLY_EMAIL_ADDRESS, 'name': 'Zulip'}):
# type: (List[Dict[str, Any]], text_type, Dict[str, text_type], datetime.timedelta, Iterable[text_type], Dict[str, text_type]) -> None
html_content = loader.render_to_string(template_prefix + ".html", template_payload)
text_content = loader.render_to_string(template_prefix + ".text", template_payload)
subject = loader.render_to_string(template_prefix + ".subject", template_payload).strip()
def enqueue_welcome_emails(email, name):
# type: (text_type, text_type) -> None
from zerver.context_processors import common_context
if settings.WELCOME_EMAIL_SENDER is not None:
sender = settings.WELCOME_EMAIL_SENDER # type: Dict[str, text_type]
sender = {'email': settings.ZULIP_ADMINISTRATOR, 'name': 'Zulip'}
user_profile = get_user_profile_by_email(email)
unsubscribe_link = one_click_unsubscribe_link(user_profile, "welcome")
template_payload = common_context(user_profile)
'verbose_support_offers': settings.VERBOSE_SUPPORT_OFFERS,
'unsubscribe_link': unsubscribe_link
# Send day 1 email
send_local_email_template_with_delay([{'email': email, 'name': name}],
# Send day 2 email
send_local_email_template_with_delay([{'email': email, 'name': name}],
def convert_html_to_markdown(html):
# type: (text_type) -> text_type
# On Linux, the tool installs as html2markdown, and there's a command called
# html2text that does something totally different. On OSX, the tool installs
# as html2text.
commands = ["html2markdown", "html2text"]
for command in commands:
# A body width of 0 means do not try to wrap the text for us.
p = subprocess.Popen(
[command, "--body-width=0"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
except OSError:
markdown = p.communicate(input=html.encode('utf-8'))[0].decode('utf-8').strip()
# We want images to get linked and inline previewed, but html2text will turn
# them into links of the form `![](http://foo.com/image.png)`, which is
# ugly. Run a regex over the resulting description, turning links of the
# form `![](http://foo.com/image.png?12345)` into
# `[image.png](http://foo.com/image.png)`.
return re.sub(u"!\\[\\]\\((\\S*)/(\\S*)\\?(\\S*)\\)",
u"[\\2](\\1/\\2)", markdown)