
678 lines
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Raw Normal View History

from django.conf import settings
from django.contrib.sessions.models import Session
from zephyr.lib.context_managers import lockfile
from zephyr.models import Realm, Stream, UserProfile, UserActivity, \
Subscription, Recipient, Message, UserMessage, valid_stream_name, \
DefaultStream, StreamColor, UserPresence, MAX_SUBJECT_LENGTH, \
MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH, get_client, get_stream, get_recipient, get_huddle, \
from django.db import transaction, IntegrityError
from django.db.models import F
from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
from zephyr.lib.initial_password import initial_password
from zephyr.lib.timestamp import timestamp_to_datetime, datetime_to_timestamp
from zephyr.lib.cache_helpers import cache_save_message
from zephyr.lib.queue import queue_json_publish
from django.utils import timezone
from zephyr.lib.create_user import create_user
from zephyr.lib import bugdown
from zephyr.lib.cache import cache_with_key, user_profile_by_id_cache_key, \
from zephyr.decorator import get_user_profile_by_email, json_to_list
from zephyr import tornado_callbacks
import subprocess
import simplejson
import time
import traceback
import re
import datetime
import os
import platform
import logging
from os import path
# Store an event in the log for re-importing messages
def log_event(event):
if "timestamp" not in event:
event["timestamp"] = time.time()
if not path.exists(settings.EVENT_LOG_DIR):
template = path.join(settings.EVENT_LOG_DIR,
'%s.' + platform.node()
+ datetime.datetime.now().strftime('.%Y-%m-%d'))
with lockfile(template % ('lock',)):
with open(template % ('events',), 'a') as log:
log.write(simplejson.dumps(event) + '\n')
def do_create_user(email, password, realm, full_name, short_name,
log_event({'type': 'user_created',
'timestamp': time.time(),
'full_name': full_name,
'short_name': short_name,
'user': email,
'domain': realm.domain})
return create_user(email, password, realm, full_name, short_name, active)
def user_sessions(user):
return [s for s in Session.objects.all() if s.get_decoded().get('_auth_user_id') == user.id]
def do_deactivate(user_profile):
user_profile.user.is_active = False
user_profile.user.save(update_fields=["is_active", "password"])
for session in user_sessions(user_profile.user):
log_event({'type': 'user_deactivated',
'timestamp': time.time(),
'user': user_profile.user.email,
'domain': user_profile.realm.domain})
def do_change_user_email(user, new_email):
old_email = user.email
user.email = new_email
log_event({'type': 'user_email_changed',
'old_email': old_email,
'new_email': new_email})
def compute_mit_user_fullname(email):
# Input is either e.g. starnine@mit.edu or user|CROSSREALM.INVALID@mit.edu
match_user = re.match(r'^([a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+)(\|.+)?@mit\.edu$', email.lower())
if match_user and match_user.group(2) is None:
dns_query = "%s.passwd.ns.athena.mit.edu" % (match_user.group(1),)
proc = subprocess.Popen(['host', '-t', 'TXT', dns_query],
out, _err_unused = proc.communicate()
if proc.returncode == 0:
# Parse e.g. 'starnine:*:84233:101:Athena Consulting Exchange User,,,:/mit/starnine:/bin/bash'
# for the 4th passwd entry field, aka the person's name.
hesiod_name = out.split(':')[4].split(',')[0].strip()
if hesiod_name == "":
return email
return hesiod_name
elif match_user:
return match_user.group(1).lower() + "@" + match_user.group(2).upper()[1:]
print ("Error getting fullname for %s:" % (email,))
return email.lower()
@cache_with_key(lambda realm, email: user_profile_by_email_cache_key(email),
def create_mit_user_if_needed(realm, email):
return UserProfile.objects.get(user__email__iexact=email)
except UserProfile.DoesNotExist:
# Forge a user for this person
return create_user(email, initial_password(email), realm,
compute_mit_user_fullname(email), email.split("@")[0],
except IntegrityError:
# Unless we raced with another thread doing the same
# thing, in which case we should get the user they made
return UserProfile.objects.get(user__email__iexact=email)
def log_message(message):
if not message.sending_client.name.startswith("test:"):
def do_send_message(message, rendered_content=None, no_log=False,
# Log the message to our message log for populate_db to refill
if not no_log:
if message.recipient.type == Recipient.PERSONAL:
recipients = list(set([get_user_profile_by_id(message.recipient.type_id),
# For personals, you send out either 1 or 2 copies of the message, for
# personals to yourself or to someone else, respectively.
assert((len(recipients) == 1) or (len(recipients) == 2))
elif (message.recipient.type == Recipient.STREAM or
message.recipient.type == Recipient.HUDDLE):
recipients = [s.user_profile for
s in Subscription.objects.select_related(
"user_profile", "user_profile__user").filter(recipient=message.recipient, active=True)]
raise ValueError('Bad recipient type')
# Save the message receipts in the database
with transaction.commit_on_success():
ums_to_create = [UserMessage(user_profile=user_profile, message=message)
for user_profile in recipients
if user_profile.user.is_active]
for um in ums_to_create:
sent_by_human = message.sending_client.name.lower() in \
['website', 'iphone', 'android']
if um.user_profile == message.sender and sent_by_human:
um.flags |= UserMessage.flags.read
# We can only publish messages to longpolling clients if the Tornado server is running.
if settings.TORNADO_SERVER:
# Render Markdown etc. here and store (automatically) in
# memcached, so that the single-threaded Tornado server
# doesn't have to.
message.to_dict(apply_markdown=True, rendered_content=rendered_content)
data = dict(
type = 'new_message',
message = message.id,
users = [user.id for user in recipients])
if message.recipient.type == Recipient.STREAM:
# Note: This is where authorization for single-stream
# get_updates happens! We only attach stream data to the
# notify new_message request if it's a public stream,
# ensuring that in the tornado server, non-public stream
# messages are only associated to their subscribed users.
if stream is None:
stream = Stream.objects.select_related("realm").get(id=message.recipient.type_id)
if stream.is_public():
data['realm_id'] = stream.realm.id
data['stream_name'] = stream.name
def create_stream_if_needed(realm, stream_name, invite_only=False):
(stream, created) = Stream.objects.get_or_create(
realm=realm, name__iexact=stream_name,
defaults={'name': stream_name, 'invite_only': invite_only})
if created:
Recipient.objects.create(type_id=stream.id, type=Recipient.STREAM)
return stream, created
def recipient_for_emails(emails, not_forged_zephyr_mirror, user_profile, sender):
recipient_profile_ids = set()
for email in emails:
except UserProfile.DoesNotExist:
raise ValidationError("Invalid email '%s'" % (email,))
if not_forged_zephyr_mirror and user_profile.id not in recipient_profile_ids:
raise ValidationError("User not authorized for this query")
# If the private message is just between the sender and
# another person, force it to be a personal internally
if (len(recipient_profile_ids) == 2
and sender.id in recipient_profile_ids):
if len(recipient_profile_ids) > 1:
# Make sure the sender is included in huddle messages
huddle = get_huddle(list(recipient_profile_ids))
return get_recipient(Recipient.HUDDLE, huddle.id)
return get_recipient(Recipient.PERSONAL, list(recipient_profile_ids)[0])
def already_sent_mirrored_message(message):
if message.recipient.type == Recipient.HUDDLE:
# For huddle messages, we use a 10-second window because the
# timestamps aren't guaranteed to actually match between two
# copies of the same message.
time_window = datetime.timedelta(seconds=10)
time_window = datetime.timedelta(seconds=0)
# Since our database doesn't store timestamps with
# better-than-second resolution, we should do our comparisons
# using objects at second resolution
pub_date_lowres = message.pub_date.replace(microsecond=0)
return Message.objects.filter(
pub_date__gte=pub_date_lowres - time_window,
pub_date__lte=pub_date_lowres + time_window).exists()
def extract_recipients(raw_recipients):
recipients = json_to_list(raw_recipients)
except (simplejson.decoder.JSONDecodeError, ValueError):
recipients = [raw_recipients]
# Strip recipients, and then remove any duplicates and any that
# are the empty string after being stripped.
recipients = [recipient.strip() for recipient in recipients]
return list(set(recipient for recipient in recipients if recipient))
# check_send_message:
# Returns None on success or the error message on error.
def check_send_message(sender, client, message_type_name, message_to,
subject_name, message_content, realm=None, forged=False,
forged_timestamp=None, forwarder_user_profile=None):
stream = None
if len(message_to) == 0:
return "Message must have recipients."
if len(message_content) > MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH:
return "Message too long."
if realm is None:
realm = sender.realm
if message_type_name == 'stream':
if len(message_to) > 1:
return "Cannot send to multiple streams"
stream_name = message_to[0].strip()
if stream_name == "":
return "Stream can't be empty"
if len(stream_name) > Stream.MAX_NAME_LENGTH:
return "Stream name too long"
if not valid_stream_name(stream_name):
return "Invalid stream name"
if subject_name is None:
return "Missing subject"
subject = subject_name.strip()
if subject == "":
return "Subject can't be empty"
if len(subject) > MAX_SUBJECT_LENGTH:
return "Subject too long"
## FIXME: Commented out temporarily while we figure out what we want
# if not valid_stream_name(subject):
# return json_error("Invalid subject name")
stream = get_stream(stream_name, realm)
if stream is None:
return "Stream does not exist"
recipient = get_recipient(Recipient.STREAM, stream.id)
elif message_type_name == 'private':
not_forged_zephyr_mirror = client and client.name == "zephyr_mirror" and not forged
recipient = recipient_for_emails(message_to, not_forged_zephyr_mirror,
forwarder_user_profile, sender)
except ValidationError, e:
return e.messages[0]
return "Invalid message type"
rendered_content = bugdown.convert(message_content)
if rendered_content is None:
return "We were unable to render your message"
message = Message()
message.sender = sender
message.content = message_content
message.rendered_content = rendered_content
message.rendered_content_version = bugdown.version
message.recipient = recipient
if message_type_name == 'stream':
message.subject = subject
if forged:
# Forged messages come with a timestamp
message.pub_date = timestamp_to_datetime(forged_timestamp)
message.pub_date = timezone.now()
message.sending_client = client
if client.name == "zephyr_mirror" and already_sent_mirrored_message(message):
return None
do_send_message(message, rendered_content=rendered_content,
return None
def internal_send_message(sender_email, recipient_type_name, recipients,
subject, content, realm=None):
if len(content) > MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH:
content = content[0:3900] + "\n\n[message was too long and has been truncated]"
sender = get_user_profile_by_email(sender_email)
if realm is None:
realm = sender.realm
parsed_recipients = extract_recipients(recipients)
if recipient_type_name == "stream":
stream, _ = create_stream_if_needed(realm, parsed_recipients[0])
ret = check_send_message(sender, get_client("Internal"), recipient_type_name,
parsed_recipients, subject, content, realm)
if ret is not None:
logging.error("Error sending internal message by %s: %s" % (sender_email, ret))
def get_stream_colors(user_profile):
return [(sub["name"], sub["color"]) for sub in gather_subscriptions(user_profile)]
def pick_color(user_profile):
# These colors are shared with the palette in subs.js.
stream_assignment_colors = [
"#76ce90", "#fae589", "#a6c7e5", "#e79ab5",
"#bfd56f", "#f4ae55", "#b0a5fd", "#addfe5",
"#f5ce6e", "#c2726a", "#94c849", "#bd86e5",
"#ee7e4a", "#a6dcbf", "#95a5fd", "#53a063",
"#9987e1", "#e4523d", "#c2c2c2", "#4f8de4",
"#c6a8ad", "#e7cc4d", "#c8bebf", "#a47462"]
used_colors = [elt[1] for elt in get_stream_colors(user_profile) if elt[1]]
available_colors = filter(lambda x: x not in used_colors,
if available_colors:
return available_colors[0]
return stream_assignment_colors[len(used_colors) % len(stream_assignment_colors)]
def get_subscription(stream_name, user_profile):
stream = get_stream(stream_name, user_profile.realm)
recipient = get_recipient(Recipient.STREAM, stream.id)
return Subscription.objects.filter(user_profile=user_profile,
recipient=recipient, active=True)
def set_stream_color(user_profile, stream_name, color=None):
subscription = get_subscription(stream_name, user_profile)
stream_color, _ = StreamColor.objects.get_or_create(subscription=subscription[0])
# TODO: sanitize color.
if not color:
color = pick_color(user_profile)
stream_color.color = color
def do_add_subscription(user_profile, stream, no_log=False):
recipient = get_recipient(Recipient.STREAM, stream.id)
(subscription, created) = Subscription.objects.get_or_create(
user_profile=user_profile, recipient=recipient,
defaults={'active': True})
did_subscribe = created
if not subscription.active:
did_subscribe = True
subscription.active = True
if did_subscribe and not no_log:
log_event({'type': 'subscription_added',
'user': user_profile.user.email,
'name': stream.name,
'domain': stream.realm.domain})
set_stream_color(user_profile, stream.name)
return did_subscribe
def do_remove_subscription(user_profile, stream, no_log=False):
recipient = get_recipient(Recipient.STREAM, stream.id)
maybe_sub = Subscription.objects.filter(user_profile=user_profile,
if len(maybe_sub) == 0:
return False
subscription = maybe_sub[0]
did_remove = subscription.active
subscription.active = False
if did_remove and not no_log:
log_event({'type': 'subscription_removed',
'user': user_profile.user.email,
'name': stream.name,
'domain': stream.realm.domain})
return did_remove
def log_subscription_property_change(user_email, property, property_dict):
event = {'type': 'subscription_property',
'property': property,
'user': user_email}
def do_activate_user(user, log=True, join_date=timezone.now()):
user.is_active = True
user.date_joined = join_date
user.save(update_fields=["is_active", "date_joined", "password"])
if log:
domain = UserProfile.objects.get(user=user).realm.domain
log_event({'type': 'user_activated',
'user': user.email,
'domain': domain})
def do_change_password(user, password, log=True, commit=True):
if commit:
if log:
log_event({'type': 'user_change_password',
'user': user.email,
'pwhash': user.password})
def do_change_full_name(user_profile, full_name, log=True):
user_profile.full_name = full_name
if log:
log_event({'type': 'user_change_full_name',
'user': user_profile.user.email,
'full_name': full_name})
def do_create_realm(domain, replay=False):
realm, created = Realm.objects.get_or_create(domain=domain)
if created and not replay:
# Log the event
log_event({"type": "realm_created",
"domain": domain})
internal_send_message("humbug+signups@humbughq.com", "stream",
"signups", domain, "Signups enabled.")
return (realm, created)
def do_change_enable_desktop_notifications(user_profile, enable_desktop_notifications, log=True):
user_profile.enable_desktop_notifications = enable_desktop_notifications
if log:
log_event({'type': 'enable_desktop_notifications_changed',
'user': user_profile.user.email,
'enable_desktop_notifications': enable_desktop_notifications})
def do_change_enter_sends(user_profile, enter_sends):
user_profile.enter_sends = enter_sends
def set_default_streams(realm, stream_names):
for stream_name in stream_names:
stream, _ = create_stream_if_needed(realm, stream_name)
DefaultStream.objects.create(stream=stream, realm=realm)
def add_default_subs(user_profile):
for default in DefaultStream.objects.filter(realm=user_profile.realm):
do_add_subscription(user_profile, default.stream)
def do_update_user_activity(user_profile, client, query, log_time):
(activity, created) = UserActivity.objects.get_or_create(
user_profile = user_profile,
client = client,
query = query,
defaults={'last_visit': log_time, 'count': 0})
except IntegrityError:
activity = UserActivity.objects.get(user_profile = user_profile,
client = client,
query = query)
activity.count += 1
activity.last_visit = log_time
activity.save(update_fields=["last_visit", "count"])
def process_user_activity_event(event):
user_profile = UserProfile.objects.get(id=event["user_profile_id"])
client = get_client(event["client"])
log_time = timestamp_to_datetime(event["time"])
query = event["query"]
return do_update_user_activity(user_profile, client, query, log_time)
def do_update_user_presence(user_profile, client, log_time, status):
(presence, created) = UserPresence.objects.get_or_create(
user_profile = user_profile,
client = client,
defaults = {'timestamp': log_time})
except IntegrityError:
presence = UserPresence.objects.get(user_profile = user_profile,
client = client)
presence.timestamp = log_time
presence.status = status
presence.save(update_fields=["timestamp", "status"])
def update_user_presence(user_profile, client, log_time, status):
event={'type': 'user_presence',
'user_profile_id': user_profile.id,
'status': status,
'time': datetime_to_timestamp(log_time),
'client': client.name}
queue_json_publish("user_activity", event, process_user_presence_event)
def update_message_flags(user_profile, operation, flag, messages, all):
rest_until = None
if all:
# Do the first 450 message updates in-process, as this is a
# bankruptcy request and the user is about to reload. We don't
# want them to see a bunch of unread messages while we go about
# doing the work
first_batch = 450
flagattr = getattr(UserMessage.flags, flag)
all_ums = UserMessage.objects.filter(user_profile=user_profile)
if operation == "add":
umessages = all_ums.filter(flags=~flagattr)
elif operation == "remove":
umessages = all_ums.filter(flags=flagattr)
mids = [m.id for m in umessages.order_by('-id')[:first_batch]]
to_update = UserMessage.objects.filter(id__in=mids)
if operation == "add":
elif operation == "remove":
if len(mids) == 0:
return True
rest_until = mids[len(mids) - 1]
event = {'type': 'update_message',
'user_profile_id': user_profile.id,
'operation': operation,
'flag': flag,
'messages': messages,
'until_id': rest_until}
queue_json_publish("user_activity", event, process_update_message_flags)
def process_user_presence_event(event):
user_profile = UserProfile.objects.get(id=event["user_profile_id"])
client = get_client(event["client"])
log_time = timestamp_to_datetime(event["time"])
status = event["status"]
return do_update_user_presence(user_profile, client, log_time, status)
def process_update_message_flags(event):
user_profile = UserProfile.objects.get(id=event["user_profile_id"])
until_id = event["until_id"]
messages = event["messages"]
flag = event["flag"]
op = event["operation"]
except (KeyError, AttributeError):
return False
# Shell out bankruptcy requests as we split them up into many
# pieces to avoid swamping the db
if until_id and not settings.TEST_SUITE:
update_flags_externally(op, flag, user_profile, until_id)
return True
flagattr = getattr(UserMessage.flags, flag)
msgs = UserMessage.objects.filter(user_profile=user_profile,
# If we're running in the test suite, don't shell out to manage.py.
# Updates that the manage.py command makes don't seem to be immediately
# reflected in the next in-process sqlite queries.
# TODO(leo) remove when tests switch to postgres
if settings.TEST_SUITE and until_id:
msgs = UserMessage.objects.filter(user_profile=user_profile,
if op == 'add':
elif op == 'remove':
return True
def update_flags_externally(op, flag, user_profile, until_id):
args = ['python', os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../..', 'manage.py'),
'set_message_flags', '--for-real', '-o', op, '-f', flag, '-m', user_profile.user.email,
'-u', str(until_id)]
subprocess.Popen(args, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=None, stderr=None)
def subscribed_to_stream(user_profile, stream):
if Subscription.objects.get(user_profile=user_profile,
return True
return False
except Subscription.DoesNotExist:
return False
def gather_subscriptions(user_profile):
# This is a little awkward because the StreamColor table has foreign keys
# to Subscription, but not vice versa, and not all Subscriptions have a
# StreamColor.
# We could do this with a single OUTER JOIN query but Django's ORM does
# not provide a simple way to specify one.
# For now, don't display the subscription for your ability to receive personals.
subs = Subscription.objects.filter(
user_profile = user_profile,
active = True,
recipient__type = Recipient.STREAM)
with_color = StreamColor.objects.filter(subscription__in = subs).select_related()
no_color = subs.exclude(id__in = with_color.values('subscription_id')).select_related()
stream_ids = [sc.subscription.recipient.type_id for sc in with_color] + \
[sub.recipient.type_id for sub in no_color]
stream_hash = {}
for stream in Stream.objects.filter(id__in=stream_ids):
stream_hash[stream.id] = (stream.name, stream.invite_only)
result = []
for sc in with_color:
(stream_name, invite_only) = stream_hash[sc.subscription.recipient.type_id]
result.append({'name': stream_name,
'in_home_view': sc.subscription.in_home_view,
'invite_only': invite_only,
'color': sc.color})
for sub in no_color:
(stream_name, invite_only) = stream_hash[sub.recipient.type_id]
result.append({'name': stream_name,
'in_home_view': sub.in_home_view,
'invite_only': invite_only,
'color': StreamColor.DEFAULT_STREAM_COLOR})
return sorted(result)