
1034 lines
43 KiB
Raw Normal View History

import re
from collections import OrderedDict
from typing import Any, Optional, Union
from unittest import mock
from urllib.parse import parse_qsl, urlencode, urlsplit, urlunsplit
import responses
from django.test import override_settings
from django.utils.html import escape
from pyoembed.providers import get_provider
from requests.exceptions import ConnectionError
from typing_extensions import override
from zerver.actions.message_delete import do_delete_messages
from zerver.lib.cache import cache_delete, cache_get, preview_url_cache_key
from zerver.lib.camo import get_camo_url
from zerver.lib.queue import queue_json_publish
from zerver.lib.test_classes import ZulipTestCase
from zerver.lib.test_helpers import mock_queue_publish
from zerver.lib.url_preview.oembed import get_oembed_data, strip_cdata
from zerver.lib.url_preview.parsers import GenericParser, OpenGraphParser
from zerver.lib.url_preview.preview import get_link_embed_data
from zerver.lib.url_preview.types import UrlEmbedData, UrlOEmbedData
from zerver.models import Message, Realm, UserProfile
from zerver.worker.embed_links import FetchLinksEmbedData
def reconstruct_url(url: str, maxwidth: int = 640, maxheight: int = 480) -> str:
# The following code is taken from
# https://github.com/rafaelmartins/pyoembed/blob/master/pyoembed/__init__.py.
# This is a helper function which will be indirectly use to mock the HTTP responses.
provider = get_provider(str(url))
oembed_url = provider.oembed_url(url)
scheme, netloc, path, query_string, fragment = urlsplit(oembed_url)
query_params = OrderedDict(parse_qsl(query_string))
query_params["maxwidth"] = str(maxwidth)
query_params["maxheight"] = str(maxheight)
final_url = urlunsplit((scheme, netloc, path, urlencode(query_params, True), fragment))
return final_url
class OembedTestCase(ZulipTestCase):
def test_present_provider(self) -> None:
response_data = {
"type": "rich",
"thumbnail_url": "https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/n.jpg",
"thumbnail_width": 640,
"thumbnail_height": 426,
"title": "NASA",
"html": "<p>test</p>",
"version": "1.0",
"width": 658,
"height": 400,
url = "http://instagram.com/p/BLtI2WdAymy"
reconstructed_url = reconstruct_url(url)
data = get_oembed_data(url)
assert data is not None
self.assertIsInstance(data, UrlEmbedData)
self.assertEqual(data.title, response_data["title"])
def test_photo_provider(self) -> None:
response_data = {
"type": "photo",
"thumbnail_url": "https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/n.jpg",
"url": "https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/n.jpg",
"thumbnail_width": 640,
"thumbnail_height": 426,
"title": "NASA",
"html": "<p>test</p>",
"version": "1.0",
"width": 658,
"height": 400,
# pyoembed.providers.imgur only works with http:// URLs, not https:// (!)
url = "http://imgur.com/photo/158727223"
reconstructed_url = reconstruct_url(url)
data = get_oembed_data(url)
assert data is not None
self.assertIsInstance(data, UrlOEmbedData)
self.assertEqual(data.title, response_data["title"])
def test_video_provider(self) -> None:
response_data = {
"type": "video",
"thumbnail_url": "https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/n.jpg",
"thumbnail_width": 640,
"thumbnail_height": 426,
"title": "NASA",
"html": "<p>test</p>",
"version": "1.0",
"width": 658,
"height": 400,
url = "http://blip.tv/video/158727223"
reconstructed_url = reconstruct_url(url)
data = get_oembed_data(url)
assert data is not None
self.assertIsInstance(data, UrlOEmbedData)
self.assertEqual(data.title, response_data["title"])
def test_connect_error_request(self) -> None:
url = "http://instagram.com/p/BLtI2WdAymy"
reconstructed_url = reconstruct_url(url)
responses.add(responses.GET, reconstructed_url, body=ConnectionError())
data = get_oembed_data(url)
def test_400_error_request(self) -> None:
url = "http://instagram.com/p/BLtI2WdAymy"
reconstructed_url = reconstruct_url(url)
responses.add(responses.GET, reconstructed_url, status=400)
data = get_oembed_data(url)
def test_500_error_request(self) -> None:
url = "http://instagram.com/p/BLtI2WdAymy"
reconstructed_url = reconstruct_url(url)
responses.add(responses.GET, reconstructed_url, status=500)
data = get_oembed_data(url)
def test_invalid_json_in_response(self) -> None:
url = "http://instagram.com/p/BLtI2WdAymy"
reconstructed_url = reconstruct_url(url)
json="{invalid json}",
data = get_oembed_data(url)
def test_oembed_html(self) -> None:
html = '<iframe src="//www.instagram.com/embed.js"></iframe>'
stripped_html = strip_cdata(html)
self.assertEqual(html, stripped_html)
def test_autodiscovered_oembed_xml_format_html(self) -> None:
iframe_content = '<iframe src="https://w.soundcloud.com/player"></iframe>'
html = f"<![CDATA[{iframe_content}]]>"
stripped_html = strip_cdata(html)
self.assertEqual(iframe_content, stripped_html)
class OpenGraphParserTestCase(ZulipTestCase):
def test_page_with_og(self) -> None:
html = b"""<html>
<meta property="og:title" content="The Rock" />
<meta property="og:type" content="video.movie" />
<meta property="og:url" content="http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0117500/" />
<meta property="og:image" content="http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/rock.jpg" />
<meta property="og:description" content="The Rock film" />
parser = OpenGraphParser(html, "text/html; charset=UTF-8")
result = parser.extract_data()
self.assertEqual(result.title, "The Rock")
self.assertEqual(result.description, "The Rock film")
def test_charset_in_header(self) -> None:
html = """<html>
<meta property="og:title" content="中文" />
parser = OpenGraphParser(html, "text/html; charset=Big5")
result = parser.extract_data()
self.assertEqual(result.title, "中文")
def test_charset_in_meta(self) -> None:
html = """<html>
<meta content-type="text/html; charset=Big5" />
<meta property="og:title" content="中文" />
parser = OpenGraphParser(html, "text/html")
result = parser.extract_data()
self.assertEqual(result.title, "中文")
class GenericParserTestCase(ZulipTestCase):
def test_parser(self) -> None:
html = b"""
<head><title>Test title</title></head>
<h1>Main header</h1>
<p>Description text</p>
parser = GenericParser(html, "text/html; charset=UTF-8")
result = parser.extract_data()
self.assertEqual(result.title, "Test title")
self.assertEqual(result.description, "Description text")
2016-12-13 04:20:33 +01:00
def test_extract_image(self) -> None:
html = b"""
2016-12-13 04:20:33 +01:00
<h1>Main header</h1>
<img data-src="Not an image">
2016-12-13 04:20:33 +01:00
<img src="http://test.com/test.jpg">
<p>Description text</p>
parser = GenericParser(html, "text/html; charset=UTF-8")
2016-12-13 04:20:33 +01:00
result = parser.extract_data()
self.assertEqual(result.title, "Main header")
self.assertEqual(result.description, "Description text")
self.assertEqual(result.image, "http://test.com/test.jpg")
2016-12-13 04:20:33 +01:00
def test_extract_bad_image(self) -> None:
html = b"""
<h1>Main header</h1>
<img data-src="Not an image">
<img src="http://[bad url/test.jpg">
<p>Description text</p>
parser = GenericParser(html, "text/html; charset=UTF-8")
result = parser.extract_data()
self.assertEqual(result.title, "Main header")
self.assertEqual(result.description, "Description text")
def test_extract_description(self) -> None:
html = b"""
2016-12-13 04:20:33 +01:00
<p>Description text</p>
parser = GenericParser(html, "text/html; charset=UTF-8")
2016-12-13 04:20:33 +01:00
result = parser.extract_data()
self.assertEqual(result.description, "Description text")
2016-12-13 04:20:33 +01:00
html = b"""
2016-12-13 04:20:33 +01:00
<head><meta name="description" content="description 123"</head>
parser = GenericParser(html, "text/html; charset=UTF-8")
2016-12-13 04:20:33 +01:00
result = parser.extract_data()
self.assertEqual(result.description, "description 123")
2016-12-13 04:20:33 +01:00
html = b"<html><body></body></html>"
parser = GenericParser(html, "text/html; charset=UTF-8")
2016-12-13 04:20:33 +01:00
result = parser.extract_data()
2016-12-13 04:20:33 +01:00
class PreviewTestCase(ZulipTestCase):
open_graph_html = """
2016-12-13 04:20:33 +01:00
<title>Test title</title>
<meta property="og:title" content="The Rock" />
<meta property="og:type" content="video.movie" />
<meta property="og:url" content="http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0117500/" />
<meta property="og:image" content="http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/rock.jpg" />
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="30" />
<meta property="notog:extra-text" content="Extra!" />
2016-12-13 04:20:33 +01:00
<h1>Main header</h1>
<p>Description text</p>
def setUp(self) -> None:
def create_mock_response(
url: str,
status: int = 200,
relative_url: bool = False,
content_type: str = "text/html",
body: Optional[Union[str, ConnectionError]] = None,
) -> None:
if body is None:
body = cls.open_graph_html
if relative_url is True and isinstance(body, str):
body = body.replace("http://ia.media-imdb.com", "")
responses.add(responses.GET, url, body=body, status=status, content_type=content_type)
def test_edit_message_history(self) -> None:
user = self.example_user("hamlet")
tests: Ensure stream senders get a UserMessage row. We now complain if a test author sends a stream message that does not result in the sender getting a UserMessage row for the message. This is basically 100% equivalent to complaining that the author failed to subscribe the sender to the stream as part of the test setup, as far as I can tell, so the AssertionError instructs the author to subscribe the sender to the stream. We exempt bots from this check, although it is plausible we should only exempt the system bots like the notification bot. I considered auto-subscribing the sender to the stream, but that can be a little more expensive than the current check, and we generally want test setup to be explicit. If there is some legitimate way than a subscribed human sender can't get a UserMessage, then we probably want an explicit test for that, or we may want to change the backend to just write a UserMessage row in that hypothetical situation. For most tests, including almost all the ones fixed here, the author just wants their test setup to realistically reflect normal operation, and often devs may not realize that Cordelia is not subscribed to Denmark or not realize that Hamlet is not subscribed to Scotland. Some of us don't remember our Shakespeare from high school, and our stream subscriptions don't even necessarily reflect which countries the Bard placed his characters in. There may also be some legitimate use case where an author wants to simulate sending a message to an unsubscribed stream, but for those edge cases, they can always set allow_unsubscribed_sender to True.
2021-12-10 13:55:48 +01:00
msg_id = self.send_stream_message(user, "Denmark", topic_name="editing", content="original")
url = "http://test.org/"
with mock_queue_publish("zerver.actions.message_edit.queue_json_publish") as patched:
result = self.client_patch(
"/json/messages/" + str(msg_id),
"content": url,
queue = patched.call_args[0][0]
self.assertEqual(queue, "embed_links")
event = patched.call_args[0][1]
with self.settings(TEST_SUITE=False):
with self.assertLogs(level="INFO") as info_logs:
"INFO:root:Time spent on get_link_embed_data for http://test.org/: "
in info_logs.output[0]
embedded_link = f'<a href="{url}" title="The Rock">The Rock</a>'
msg = Message.objects.select_related("sender").get(id=msg_id)
assert msg.rendered_content is not None
self.assertIn(embedded_link, msg.rendered_content)
def _send_message_with_test_org_url(
self, sender: UserProfile, queue_should_run: bool = True, relative_url: bool = False
) -> Message:
url = "http://test.org/"
# Ensure the cache for this is empty
with mock_queue_publish("zerver.actions.message_send.queue_event_on_commit") as patched:
msg_id = self.send_personal_message(
if queue_should_run:
queue = patched.call_args[0][0]
self.assertEqual(queue, "embed_links")
event = patched.call_args[0][1]
# If we nothing was put in the queue, we don't need to
# run the queue processor or any of the following code
return Message.objects.select_related("sender").get(id=msg_id)
# Verify the initial message doesn't have the embedded links rendered
msg = Message.objects.select_related("sender").get(id=msg_id)
assert msg.rendered_content is not None
self.assertNotIn(f'<a href="{url}" title="The Rock">The Rock</a>', msg.rendered_content)
self.create_mock_response(url, relative_url=relative_url)
# Run the queue processor to potentially rerender things
with self.settings(TEST_SUITE=False):
with self.assertLogs(level="INFO") as info_logs:
2016-12-13 04:20:33 +01:00
"INFO:root:Time spent on get_link_embed_data for http://test.org/: "
in info_logs.output[0]
msg = Message.objects.select_related("sender").get(id=msg_id)
return msg
def test_message_update_race_condition(self) -> None:
user = self.example_user("hamlet")
original_url = "http://test.org/"
edited_url = "http://edited.org/"
with mock_queue_publish("zerver.actions.message_send.queue_event_on_commit") as patched:
msg_id = self.send_stream_message(
tests: Ensure stream senders get a UserMessage row. We now complain if a test author sends a stream message that does not result in the sender getting a UserMessage row for the message. This is basically 100% equivalent to complaining that the author failed to subscribe the sender to the stream as part of the test setup, as far as I can tell, so the AssertionError instructs the author to subscribe the sender to the stream. We exempt bots from this check, although it is plausible we should only exempt the system bots like the notification bot. I considered auto-subscribing the sender to the stream, but that can be a little more expensive than the current check, and we generally want test setup to be explicit. If there is some legitimate way than a subscribed human sender can't get a UserMessage, then we probably want an explicit test for that, or we may want to change the backend to just write a UserMessage row in that hypothetical situation. For most tests, including almost all the ones fixed here, the author just wants their test setup to realistically reflect normal operation, and often devs may not realize that Cordelia is not subscribed to Denmark or not realize that Hamlet is not subscribed to Scotland. Some of us don't remember our Shakespeare from high school, and our stream subscriptions don't even necessarily reflect which countries the Bard placed his characters in. There may also be some legitimate use case where an author wants to simulate sending a message to an unsubscribed stream, but for those edge cases, they can always set allow_unsubscribed_sender to True.
2021-12-10 13:55:48 +01:00
user, "Denmark", topic_name="foo", content=original_url
queue = patched.call_args[0][0]
self.assertEqual(queue, "embed_links")
event = patched.call_args[0][1]
def wrapped_queue_json_publish(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
with self.settings(TEST_SUITE=False):
with self.assertLogs(level="INFO") as info_logs:
# Run the queue processor. This will simulate the event for original_url being
# processed after the message has been edited.
"INFO:root:Time spent on get_link_embed_data for http://test.org/: "
in info_logs.output[0]
msg = Message.objects.select_related("sender").get(id=msg_id)
assert msg.rendered_content is not None
# The content of the message has changed since the event for original_url has been created,
# it should not be rendered. Another, up-to-date event will have been sent (edited_url).
f'<a href="{original_url}" title="The Rock">The Rock</a>', msg.rendered_content
self.assertTrue(responses.assert_call_count(edited_url, 0))
with self.settings(TEST_SUITE=False):
with self.assertLogs(level="INFO") as info_logs:
# Now proceed with the original queue_json_publish and call the
# up-to-date event for edited_url.
queue_json_publish(*args, **kwargs)
msg = Message.objects.select_related("sender").get(id=msg_id)
assert msg.rendered_content is not None
f'<a href="{edited_url}" title="The Rock">The Rock</a>',
"INFO:root:Time spent on get_link_embed_data for http://edited.org/: "
in info_logs.output[0]
with mock_queue_publish(
"zerver.actions.message_edit.queue_json_publish", wraps=wrapped_queue_json_publish
result = self.client_patch(
"/json/messages/" + str(msg_id),
"content": edited_url,
def test_message_deleted(self) -> None:
user = self.example_user("hamlet")
url = "http://test.org/"
with mock_queue_publish("zerver.actions.message_send.queue_event_on_commit") as patched:
msg_id = self.send_stream_message(user, "Denmark", topic_name="foo", content=url)
queue = patched.call_args[0][0]
self.assertEqual(queue, "embed_links")
event = patched.call_args[0][1]
msg = Message.objects.select_related("sender").get(id=msg_id)
do_delete_messages(msg.realm, [msg])
# We do still fetch the URL, as we don't want to incur the
# cost of locking the row while we do the HTTP fetches.
with self.settings(TEST_SUITE=False):
with self.assertLogs(level="INFO") as info_logs:
# Run the queue processor. This will simulate the event for original_url being
# processed after the message has been deleted.
"INFO:root:Time spent on get_link_embed_data for http://test.org/: "
in info_logs.output[0]
def test_get_link_embed_data(self) -> None:
url = "http://test.org/"
embedded_link = f'<a href="{url}" title="The Rock">The Rock</a>'
# When humans send, we should get embedded content.
msg = self._send_message_with_test_org_url(sender=self.example_user("hamlet"))
self.assertIn(embedded_link, msg.rendered_content)
# We don't want embedded content for bots.
msg = self._send_message_with_test_org_url(
sender=self.example_user("webhook_bot"), queue_should_run=False
self.assertNotIn(embedded_link, msg.rendered_content)
# Try another human to make sure bot failure was due to the
# bot sending the message and not some other reason.
msg = self._send_message_with_test_org_url(sender=self.example_user("prospero"))
self.assertIn(embedded_link, msg.rendered_content)
2016-12-13 04:20:33 +01:00
def test_inline_url_embed_preview(self) -> None:
with_preview = '<p><a href="http://test.org/">http://test.org/</a></p>\n<div class="message_embed"><a class="message_embed_image" href="http://test.org/" style="background-image: url(&quot;http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/rock.jpg&quot;)"></a><div class="data-container"><div class="message_embed_title"><a href="http://test.org/" title="The Rock">The Rock</a></div><div class="message_embed_description">Description text</div></div></div>'
without_preview = '<p><a href="http://test.org/">http://test.org/</a></p>'
msg = self._send_message_with_test_org_url(sender=self.example_user("hamlet"))
self.assertEqual(msg.rendered_content, with_preview)
realm = msg.get_realm()
realm.inline_url_embed_preview = False
msg = self._send_message_with_test_org_url(
sender=self.example_user("prospero"), queue_should_run=False
self.assertEqual(msg.rendered_content, without_preview)
def test_inline_url_embed_preview_with_camo(self) -> None:
camo_url = get_camo_url("http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/rock.jpg")
with_preview = (
'<p><a href="http://test.org/">http://test.org/</a></p>\n<div class="message_embed"><a class="message_embed_image" href="http://test.org/" style="background-image: url(&quot;'
+ camo_url
+ '&quot;)"></a><div class="data-container"><div class="message_embed_title"><a href="http://test.org/" title="The Rock">The Rock</a></div><div class="message_embed_description">Description text</div></div></div>'
msg = self._send_message_with_test_org_url(sender=self.example_user("hamlet"))
self.assertEqual(msg.rendered_content, with_preview)
def test_link_preview_css_escaping_image(self) -> None:
user = self.example_user("hamlet")
url = "http://test.org/"
with mock_queue_publish("zerver.actions.message_send.queue_event_on_commit") as patched:
tests: Ensure stream senders get a UserMessage row. We now complain if a test author sends a stream message that does not result in the sender getting a UserMessage row for the message. This is basically 100% equivalent to complaining that the author failed to subscribe the sender to the stream as part of the test setup, as far as I can tell, so the AssertionError instructs the author to subscribe the sender to the stream. We exempt bots from this check, although it is plausible we should only exempt the system bots like the notification bot. I considered auto-subscribing the sender to the stream, but that can be a little more expensive than the current check, and we generally want test setup to be explicit. If there is some legitimate way than a subscribed human sender can't get a UserMessage, then we probably want an explicit test for that, or we may want to change the backend to just write a UserMessage row in that hypothetical situation. For most tests, including almost all the ones fixed here, the author just wants their test setup to realistically reflect normal operation, and often devs may not realize that Cordelia is not subscribed to Denmark or not realize that Hamlet is not subscribed to Scotland. Some of us don't remember our Shakespeare from high school, and our stream subscriptions don't even necessarily reflect which countries the Bard placed his characters in. There may also be some legitimate use case where an author wants to simulate sending a message to an unsubscribed stream, but for those edge cases, they can always set allow_unsubscribed_sender to True.
2021-12-10 13:55:48 +01:00
msg_id = self.send_stream_message(user, "Denmark", topic_name="foo", content=url)
queue = patched.call_args[0][0]
self.assertEqual(queue, "embed_links")
event = patched.call_args[0][1]
# Swap the URL out for one with characters that need CSS escaping
html = re.sub(r"rock\.jpg", r"rock.jpg\\", self.open_graph_html)
self.create_mock_response(url, body=html)
with self.settings(TEST_SUITE=False):
with self.assertLogs(level="INFO") as info_logs:
"INFO:root:Time spent on get_link_embed_data for http://test.org/: "
in info_logs.output[0]
msg = Message.objects.select_related("sender").get(id=msg_id)
with_preview = (
'<p><a href="http://test.org/">http://test.org/</a></p>\n'
'<div class="message_embed"><a class="message_embed_image" href="http://test.org/"'
' style="background-image:'
' url(&quot;http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/rock.jpg\\\\&quot;)"></a><div'
' class="data-container"><div class="message_embed_title"><a href="http://test.org/"'
' title="The Rock">The Rock</a></div><div class="message_embed_description">Description'
" text</div></div></div>"
def test_inline_relative_url_embed_preview(self) -> None:
# Relative URLs should not be sent for URL preview.
with mock_queue_publish("zerver.actions.message_send.queue_event_on_commit") as patched:
def test_inline_url_embed_preview_with_relative_image_url(self) -> None:
with_preview_relative = '<p><a href="http://test.org/">http://test.org/</a></p>\n<div class="message_embed"><a class="message_embed_image" href="http://test.org/" style="background-image: url(&quot;http://test.org/images/rock.jpg&quot;)"></a><div class="data-container"><div class="message_embed_title"><a href="http://test.org/" title="The Rock">The Rock</a></div><div class="message_embed_description">Description text</div></div></div>'
# Try case where the Open Graph image is a relative URL.
msg = self._send_message_with_test_org_url(
sender=self.example_user("prospero"), relative_url=True
self.assertEqual(msg.rendered_content, with_preview_relative)
def test_http_error_get_data(self) -> None:
url = "http://test.org/"
msg_id = self.send_personal_message(
msg = Message.objects.select_related("sender").get(id=msg_id)
2016-12-13 04:20:33 +01:00
event = {
"message_id": msg_id,
"urls": [url],
"message_realm_id": msg.sender.realm_id,
"message_content": url,
self.create_mock_response(url, body=ConnectionError())
with self.settings(INLINE_URL_EMBED_PREVIEW=True, TEST_SUITE=False):
with self.assertLogs(level="INFO") as info_logs:
"INFO:root:Time spent on get_link_embed_data for http://test.org/: "
in info_logs.output[0]
2016-12-13 04:20:33 +01:00
msg = Message.objects.get(id=msg_id)
'<p><a href="http://test.org/">http://test.org/</a></p>', msg.rendered_content
2016-12-13 04:20:33 +01:00
def test_invalid_link(self) -> None:
with self.settings(INLINE_URL_EMBED_PREVIEW=True, TEST_SUITE=False):
def test_link_preview_non_html_data(self) -> None:
user = self.example_user("hamlet")
url = "http://test.org/audio.mp3"
with mock_queue_publish("zerver.actions.message_send.queue_event_on_commit") as patched:
tests: Ensure stream senders get a UserMessage row. We now complain if a test author sends a stream message that does not result in the sender getting a UserMessage row for the message. This is basically 100% equivalent to complaining that the author failed to subscribe the sender to the stream as part of the test setup, as far as I can tell, so the AssertionError instructs the author to subscribe the sender to the stream. We exempt bots from this check, although it is plausible we should only exempt the system bots like the notification bot. I considered auto-subscribing the sender to the stream, but that can be a little more expensive than the current check, and we generally want test setup to be explicit. If there is some legitimate way than a subscribed human sender can't get a UserMessage, then we probably want an explicit test for that, or we may want to change the backend to just write a UserMessage row in that hypothetical situation. For most tests, including almost all the ones fixed here, the author just wants their test setup to realistically reflect normal operation, and often devs may not realize that Cordelia is not subscribed to Denmark or not realize that Hamlet is not subscribed to Scotland. Some of us don't remember our Shakespeare from high school, and our stream subscriptions don't even necessarily reflect which countries the Bard placed his characters in. There may also be some legitimate use case where an author wants to simulate sending a message to an unsubscribed stream, but for those edge cases, they can always set allow_unsubscribed_sender to True.
2021-12-10 13:55:48 +01:00
msg_id = self.send_stream_message(user, "Denmark", topic_name="foo", content=url)
queue = patched.call_args[0][0]
self.assertEqual(queue, "embed_links")
event = patched.call_args[0][1]
content_type = "application/octet-stream"
self.create_mock_response(url, content_type=content_type)
with self.settings(TEST_SUITE=False):
with self.assertLogs(level="INFO") as info_logs:
cached_data = cache_get(preview_url_cache_key(url))[0]
"INFO:root:Time spent on get_link_embed_data for http://test.org/audio.mp3: "
in info_logs.output[0]
msg = Message.objects.select_related("sender").get(id=msg_id)
'<p><a href="http://test.org/audio.mp3">http://test.org/audio.mp3</a></p>',
def test_link_preview_no_open_graph_image(self) -> None:
user = self.example_user("hamlet")
url = "http://test.org/foo.html"
with mock_queue_publish("zerver.actions.message_send.queue_event_on_commit") as patched:
tests: Ensure stream senders get a UserMessage row. We now complain if a test author sends a stream message that does not result in the sender getting a UserMessage row for the message. This is basically 100% equivalent to complaining that the author failed to subscribe the sender to the stream as part of the test setup, as far as I can tell, so the AssertionError instructs the author to subscribe the sender to the stream. We exempt bots from this check, although it is plausible we should only exempt the system bots like the notification bot. I considered auto-subscribing the sender to the stream, but that can be a little more expensive than the current check, and we generally want test setup to be explicit. If there is some legitimate way than a subscribed human sender can't get a UserMessage, then we probably want an explicit test for that, or we may want to change the backend to just write a UserMessage row in that hypothetical situation. For most tests, including almost all the ones fixed here, the author just wants their test setup to realistically reflect normal operation, and often devs may not realize that Cordelia is not subscribed to Denmark or not realize that Hamlet is not subscribed to Scotland. Some of us don't remember our Shakespeare from high school, and our stream subscriptions don't even necessarily reflect which countries the Bard placed his characters in. There may also be some legitimate use case where an author wants to simulate sending a message to an unsubscribed stream, but for those edge cases, they can always set allow_unsubscribed_sender to True.
2021-12-10 13:55:48 +01:00
msg_id = self.send_stream_message(user, "Denmark", topic_name="foo", content=url)
queue = patched.call_args[0][0]
self.assertEqual(queue, "embed_links")
event = patched.call_args[0][1]
# HTML without the og:image metadata
html = "\n".join(
line for line in self.open_graph_html.splitlines() if "og:image" not in line
self.create_mock_response(url, body=html)
with self.settings(TEST_SUITE=False):
with self.assertLogs(level="INFO") as info_logs:
cached_data = cache_get(preview_url_cache_key(url))[0]
"INFO:root:Time spent on get_link_embed_data for http://test.org/foo.html: "
in info_logs.output[0]
assert cached_data is not None
msg = Message.objects.select_related("sender").get(id=msg_id)
'<p><a href="http://test.org/foo.html">http://test.org/foo.html</a></p>',
def test_link_preview_open_graph_image_bad_url(self) -> None:
user = self.example_user("hamlet")
url = "http://test.org/foo.html"
with mock_queue_publish("zerver.actions.message_send.queue_event_on_commit") as patched:
msg_id = self.send_stream_message(user, "Denmark", topic_name="foo", content=url)
queue = patched.call_args[0][0]
self.assertEqual(queue, "embed_links")
event = patched.call_args[0][1]
# HTML with a bad og:image metadata
html = "\n".join(
if "og:image" not in line
else '<meta property="og:image" content="http://[bad url/" />'
for line in self.open_graph_html.splitlines()
self.create_mock_response(url, body=html)
with self.settings(TEST_SUITE=False):
with self.assertLogs(level="INFO") as info_logs:
cached_data = cache_get(preview_url_cache_key(url))[0]
"INFO:root:Time spent on get_link_embed_data for http://test.org/foo.html: "
in info_logs.output[0]
assert cached_data is not None
msg = Message.objects.select_related("sender").get(id=msg_id)
'<p><a href="http://test.org/foo.html">http://test.org/foo.html</a></p>',
def test_link_preview_open_graph_image_missing_content(self) -> None:
user = self.example_user("hamlet")
url = "http://test.org/foo.html"
with mock_queue_publish("zerver.actions.message_send.queue_event_on_commit") as patched:
tests: Ensure stream senders get a UserMessage row. We now complain if a test author sends a stream message that does not result in the sender getting a UserMessage row for the message. This is basically 100% equivalent to complaining that the author failed to subscribe the sender to the stream as part of the test setup, as far as I can tell, so the AssertionError instructs the author to subscribe the sender to the stream. We exempt bots from this check, although it is plausible we should only exempt the system bots like the notification bot. I considered auto-subscribing the sender to the stream, but that can be a little more expensive than the current check, and we generally want test setup to be explicit. If there is some legitimate way than a subscribed human sender can't get a UserMessage, then we probably want an explicit test for that, or we may want to change the backend to just write a UserMessage row in that hypothetical situation. For most tests, including almost all the ones fixed here, the author just wants their test setup to realistically reflect normal operation, and often devs may not realize that Cordelia is not subscribed to Denmark or not realize that Hamlet is not subscribed to Scotland. Some of us don't remember our Shakespeare from high school, and our stream subscriptions don't even necessarily reflect which countries the Bard placed his characters in. There may also be some legitimate use case where an author wants to simulate sending a message to an unsubscribed stream, but for those edge cases, they can always set allow_unsubscribed_sender to True.
2021-12-10 13:55:48 +01:00
msg_id = self.send_stream_message(user, "Denmark", topic_name="foo", content=url)
queue = patched.call_args[0][0]
self.assertEqual(queue, "embed_links")
event = patched.call_args[0][1]
# HTML without the og:image metadata
html = "\n".join(
line if "og:image" not in line else '<meta property="og:image"/>'
for line in self.open_graph_html.splitlines()
self.create_mock_response(url, body=html)
with self.settings(TEST_SUITE=False):
with self.assertLogs(level="INFO") as info_logs:
cached_data = cache_get(preview_url_cache_key(url))[0]
"INFO:root:Time spent on get_link_embed_data for http://test.org/foo.html: "
in info_logs.output[0]
assert cached_data is not None
msg = Message.objects.select_related("sender").get(id=msg_id)
'<p><a href="http://test.org/foo.html">http://test.org/foo.html</a></p>',
def test_link_preview_no_content_type_header(self) -> None:
user = self.example_user("hamlet")
url = "http://test.org/"
with mock_queue_publish("zerver.actions.message_send.queue_event_on_commit") as patched:
tests: Ensure stream senders get a UserMessage row. We now complain if a test author sends a stream message that does not result in the sender getting a UserMessage row for the message. This is basically 100% equivalent to complaining that the author failed to subscribe the sender to the stream as part of the test setup, as far as I can tell, so the AssertionError instructs the author to subscribe the sender to the stream. We exempt bots from this check, although it is plausible we should only exempt the system bots like the notification bot. I considered auto-subscribing the sender to the stream, but that can be a little more expensive than the current check, and we generally want test setup to be explicit. If there is some legitimate way than a subscribed human sender can't get a UserMessage, then we probably want an explicit test for that, or we may want to change the backend to just write a UserMessage row in that hypothetical situation. For most tests, including almost all the ones fixed here, the author just wants their test setup to realistically reflect normal operation, and often devs may not realize that Cordelia is not subscribed to Denmark or not realize that Hamlet is not subscribed to Scotland. Some of us don't remember our Shakespeare from high school, and our stream subscriptions don't even necessarily reflect which countries the Bard placed his characters in. There may also be some legitimate use case where an author wants to simulate sending a message to an unsubscribed stream, but for those edge cases, they can always set allow_unsubscribed_sender to True.
2021-12-10 13:55:48 +01:00
msg_id = self.send_stream_message(user, "Denmark", topic_name="foo", content=url)
queue = patched.call_args[0][0]
self.assertEqual(queue, "embed_links")
event = patched.call_args[0][1]
with self.settings(TEST_SUITE=False):
with self.assertLogs(level="INFO") as info_logs:
cached_data = cache_get(preview_url_cache_key(url))[0]
"INFO:root:Time spent on get_link_embed_data for http://test.org/: "
in info_logs.output[0]
assert cached_data is not None
msg = Message.objects.select_related("sender").get(id=msg_id)
assert msg.rendered_content is not None
self.assertIn(cached_data.title, msg.rendered_content)
assert cached_data.image is not None
self.assertIn(cached_data.image, msg.rendered_content)
def test_valid_content_type_error_get_data(self) -> None:
url = "http://test.org/"
with mock_queue_publish("zerver.actions.message_send.queue_event_on_commit"):
msg_id = self.send_personal_message(
msg = Message.objects.select_related("sender").get(id=msg_id)
event = {
"message_id": msg_id,
"urls": [url],
"message_realm_id": msg.sender.realm_id,
"message_content": url,
self.create_mock_response(url, body=ConnectionError())
with mock.patch(
side_effect=lambda *args, **kwargs: None,
with mock.patch(
"zerver.lib.url_preview.preview.valid_content_type", side_effect=lambda k: True
with self.settings(TEST_SUITE=False):
with self.assertLogs(level="INFO") as info_logs:
"INFO:root:Time spent on get_link_embed_data for http://test.org/: "
in info_logs.output[0]
# This did not get cached -- hence the lack of [0] on the cache_get
cached_data = cache_get(preview_url_cache_key(url))
'<p><a href="http://test.org/">http://test.org/</a></p>', msg.rendered_content
def test_invalid_url(self) -> None:
url = "http://test.org/"
error_url = "http://test.org/x"
with mock_queue_publish("zerver.actions.message_send.queue_event_on_commit"):
msg_id = self.send_personal_message(
msg = Message.objects.select_related("sender").get(id=msg_id)
event = {
"message_id": msg_id,
"urls": [error_url],
"message_realm_id": msg.sender.realm_id,
"message_content": error_url,
self.create_mock_response(error_url, status=404)
with self.settings(TEST_SUITE=False):
with self.assertLogs(level="INFO") as info_logs:
"INFO:root:Time spent on get_link_embed_data for http://test.org/x: "
in info_logs.output[0]
# FIXME: Should we really cache this, especially without cache invalidation?
cached_data = cache_get(preview_url_cache_key(error_url))[0]
'<p><a href="http://test.org/x">http://test.org/x</a></p>', msg.rendered_content
self.assertTrue(responses.assert_call_count(url, 0))
def test_safe_oembed_html_url(self) -> None:
url = "http://test.org/"
with mock_queue_publish("zerver.actions.message_send.queue_event_on_commit"):
msg_id = self.send_personal_message(
msg = Message.objects.select_related("sender").get(id=msg_id)
event = {
"message_id": msg_id,
"urls": [url],
"message_realm_id": msg.sender.realm_id,
"message_content": url,
mocked_data = UrlOEmbedData(
html=f'<iframe src="{url}"></iframe>',
with self.settings(TEST_SUITE=False):
with self.assertLogs(level="INFO") as info_logs:
with mock.patch(
lambda *args, **kwargs: mocked_data,
cached_data = cache_get(preview_url_cache_key(url))[0]
"INFO:root:Time spent on get_link_embed_data for http://test.org/: "
in info_logs.output[0]
self.assertEqual(cached_data, mocked_data)
assert msg.rendered_content is not None
self.assertIn(f'a data-id="{escape(mocked_data.html)}"', msg.rendered_content)
def test_youtube_url_title_replaces_url(self) -> None:
url = "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eSJTXC7Ixgg"
with mock_queue_publish("zerver.actions.message_send.queue_event_on_commit"):
msg_id = self.send_personal_message(
msg = Message.objects.select_related("sender").get(id=msg_id)
event = {
"message_id": msg_id,
"urls": [url],
"message_realm_id": msg.sender.realm_id,
"message_content": url,
mocked_data = UrlEmbedData(
title="Clearer Code at Scale - Static Types at Zulip and Dropbox"
with self.settings(TEST_SUITE=False):
with self.assertLogs(level="INFO") as info_logs:
with mock.patch(
lambda *args, **kwargs: mocked_data,
"INFO:root:Time spent on get_link_embed_data for https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eSJTXC7Ixgg:"
in info_logs.output[0]
expected_content = f"""<p><a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eSJTXC7Ixgg">YouTube - Clearer Code at Scale - Static Types at Zulip and Dropbox</a></p>\n<div class="youtube-video message_inline_image"><a data-id="eSJTXC7Ixgg" href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eSJTXC7Ixgg"><img src="{get_camo_url("https://i.ytimg.com/vi/eSJTXC7Ixgg/default.jpg")}"></a></div>"""
self.assertEqual(expected_content, msg.rendered_content)
def test_custom_title_replaces_youtube_url_title(self) -> None:
url = "[YouTube link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eSJTXC7Ixgg)"
with mock_queue_publish("zerver.actions.message_send.queue_event_on_commit"):
msg_id = self.send_personal_message(
msg = Message.objects.select_related("sender").get(id=msg_id)
event = {
"message_id": msg_id,
"urls": [url],
"message_realm_id": msg.sender.realm_id,
"message_content": url,
mocked_data = UrlEmbedData(
title="Clearer Code at Scale - Static Types at Zulip and Dropbox"
with self.settings(TEST_SUITE=False):
with self.assertLogs(level="INFO") as info_logs:
with mock.patch(
lambda *args, **kwargs: mocked_data,
"INFO:root:Time spent on get_link_embed_data for [YouTube link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eSJTXC7Ixgg):"
in info_logs.output[0]
expected_content = f"""<p><a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eSJTXC7Ixgg">YouTube link</a></p>\n<div class="youtube-video message_inline_image"><a data-id="eSJTXC7Ixgg" href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eSJTXC7Ixgg"><img src="{get_camo_url("https://i.ytimg.com/vi/eSJTXC7Ixgg/default.jpg")}"></a></div>"""
self.assertEqual(expected_content, msg.rendered_content)