mirror of https://github.com/zulip/zulip.git
174 lines
5.4 KiB
174 lines
5.4 KiB
import re
import os
import sys
import bisect
import select
import simplejson
import collections
from os import path
from django.conf import settings
from django.core.management.base import BaseCommand, CommandError
## Un-concatenating source files
class LineToFile(object):
'''Map line numbers in the concatencated source files to
individual file/line pairs.'''
def __init__(self):
self._names = []
self._cumulative_counts = []
total = 0
for filename in settings.PIPELINE_JS['app']['source_filenames']:
with open(path.join('zephyr/static', filename), 'r') as fil:
total += sum(1 for ln in fil) + 1
def __call__(self, total):
i = bisect.bisect_right(self._cumulative_counts, total) - 1
return (self._names[i], total - self._cumulative_counts[i])
line_to_file = LineToFile()
## Parsing source maps
# Mapping from Base64 digits to numerical value
digits = dict(zip(
def parse_base64_vlq(input_str):
'''Interpret a sequence of Base64 digits as sequence of integers
in VLQ encoding.'''
accum, shift = 0, 0
for digit in input_str:
value = digits[digit]
# Low 5 bits provide the next 5 more significant
# bits of the output value.
accum |= (value & 0b11111) << shift
shift += 5
# Top bit is cleared if this is the last digit
# for this output value.
if not value & 0b100000:
# Bottom bit of the result is sign.
sign = -1 if accum & 1 else 1
yield sign * (accum >> 1)
accum, shift = 0, 0
Link = collections.namedtuple('Link',
['src_line', 'src_col', 'gen_line', 'gen_col'])
def parse_mapping(mapstr):
'''Parse a source map v3 mapping string into a sequence of
'links' between source and generated code.'''
fields = [0,0,0,0,0]
for genline_no, group in enumerate(mapstr.split(';')):
# The first field (generated code starting column)
# resets for every group.
fields[0] = 0
for segment in group.split(','):
# Each segment contains VLQ-encoded deltas to the fields.
delta = list(parse_base64_vlq(segment))
delta += [0] * (5-len(delta))
fields = [x+y for x,y in zip(fields, delta)]
# fields[1] indicates which source file produced this
# code, but Pipeline concatenates all files together,
# so this field is always 0.
# Lines and columns are numbered from zero.
yield Link(src_line=fields[2], src_col=fields[3],
gen_line=genline_no, gen_col=fields[0])
## Performing the lookup
class GenToSrc(object):
'''Map (line,column) pairs from generated to source file.'''
def __init__(self, sourcemap_file):
with open(sourcemap_file, 'r') as fil:
sourcemap = simplejson.load(fil)
# Pair each link with a sort / search key
self._links = [ ((link.gen_line, link.gen_col), link)
for link in parse_mapping(sourcemap['mappings']) ]
self._links.sort(key = lambda p: p[0])
self._keys = [p[0] for p in self._links]
def __call__(self, gen_line, gen_col):
i = bisect.bisect_right(self._keys, (gen_line, gen_col))
if not i:
# Zero index indicates no match
return None
link = self._links[i-1][1]
filename, src_line = line_to_file(link.src_line)
src_col = link.src_col + (gen_col - link.gen_col)
return (filename, src_line, src_col)
## UI
# Wait for the user to paste text, then time out quickly and
# return it. Disable echo so that we can re-echo the same
# lines with our annotations.
def get_full_paste():
os.system('stty -echo raw isig')
data = ''
while True:
fd = sys.stdin.fileno()
can_read = select.select([fd], [], [], 0.1)[0]
if can_read:
data += os.read(fd, 1)
if data:
return data
os.system('stty cooked echo')
class Command(BaseCommand):
args = '<source map file>'
help = '''Add source locations to a stack backtrace generated by minified code.
The currently checked out code should match the version that generated the error.'''
def handle(self, *args, **options):
if len(args) != 1:
raise CommandError('No source map file specified')
gen_to_src = GenToSrc(args[0])
write = sys.stdout.write
if os.isatty(sys.stdin.fileno()):
write('Paste stacktrace:\n\n')
lines = get_full_paste().splitlines()
lines = sys.stdin.readlines()
for ln in lines:
ln = ln.rstrip()
write(ln + '\n')
match = re.search(r'/static/min/app(\.[0-9a-f]+)?\.js:(\d+):(\d+)', ln)
if match:
gen_line, gen_col = map(int, match.groups()[1:3])
result = gen_to_src(gen_line-1, gen_col-1)
if result:
filename, src_line, src_col = result
write(' = %s line %d column %d\n' %
(filename, src_line+1, src_col+1))
if ln.startswith(' at'):