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# Webhooks for external integrations.
import re
from typing import Optional
from django.http import HttpRequest, HttpResponse
from django.utils.translation import gettext as _
from zerver.decorator import webhook_view
from zerver.lib.exceptions import JsonableError
from zerver.lib.request import REQ, RequestVariableMissingError, has_request_variables
from zerver.lib.response import json_success
from zerver.lib.validator import WildValue, WildValueDict, check_string, check_url, to_wild_value
from zerver.lib.webhooks.common import check_send_webhook_message
from zerver.models import UserProfile
def api_slack_incoming_webhook(
request: HttpRequest,
user_profile: UserProfile,
user_specified_topic: Optional[str] = REQ("topic", default=None),
) -> HttpResponse:
# Slack accepts webhook payloads as payload="encoded json" as
# application/x-www-form-urlencoded, as well as in the body as
# application/json.
if request.content_type == "application/json":
val = request.body.decode(request.encoding or "utf-8")
except UnicodeDecodeError: # nocoverage
raise JsonableError(_("Malformed payload"))
req_var = "payload"
if req_var in request.POST:
val = request.POST[req_var]
elif req_var in request.GET: # nocoverage
val = request.GET[req_var]
raise RequestVariableMissingError(req_var)
payload = to_wild_value("payload", val)
if user_specified_topic is None and "channel" in payload:
channel = payload["channel"].tame(check_string)
user_specified_topic = re.sub("^[@#]", "", channel)
if user_specified_topic is None:
user_specified_topic = "(no topic)"
body = ""
if "blocks" in payload and payload["blocks"]:
for block in payload["blocks"]:
body = add_block(block, body)
if "attachments" in payload and payload["attachments"]:
for attachment in payload["attachments"]:
body = add_attachment(attachment, body)
if body == "" and "text" in payload and payload["text"]:
body += payload["text"].tame(check_string)
if "icon_emoji" in payload and payload["icon_emoji"]:
body = "{} {}".format(payload["icon_emoji"].tame(check_string), body)
if body != "":
body = replace_formatting(replace_links(body).strip())
check_send_webhook_message(request, user_profile, user_specified_topic, body)
return json_success(request)
def add_block(block: WildValue, body: str) -> str:
block_type = block["type"].tame(check_string)
if block_type == "section":
if "text" in block:
text = block["text"]
while isinstance(text, WildValueDict):
text = text["text"]
body += "\n\n" + text.tame(check_string)
if "accessory" in block:
accessory = block["accessory"]
accessory_type = accessory["type"].tame(check_string)
if accessory_type == "image":
# This should become ![text](url) once proper Markdown images are supported
alt_text = accessory["alt_text"].tame(check_string)
image_url = accessory["image_url"].tame(check_url)
body += f"\n[{alt_text}]({image_url})"
return body
def add_attachment(attachment: WildValue, body: str) -> str:
attachment_body = ""
if "title" in attachment and "title_link" in attachment:
title = attachment["title"].tame(check_string)
title_link = attachment["title_link"].tame(check_string)
attachment_body += f"[{title}]({title_link})\n"
if "text" in attachment:
attachment_body += attachment["text"].tame(check_string)
return body + attachment_body
def replace_links(text: str) -> str:
return re.sub(r"<(\w+?:\/\/.*?)\|(.*?)>", r"[\2](\1)", text)
def replace_formatting(text: str) -> str:
# Slack uses *text* for bold, whereas Zulip interprets that as italics
text = re.sub(r"([^\w])\*(?!\s+)([^\*^\n]+)(?<!\s)\*([^\w])", r"\1**\2**\3", text)
# Slack uses _text_ for emphasis, whereas Zulip interprets that as nothing
text = re.sub(r"([^\w])[_](?!\s+)([^\_\^\n]+)(?<!\s)[_]([^\w])", r"\1*\2*\3", text)
return text